Chapter 69 Strange

The dim sum shop in Daji is not very big, but there are more than ten kinds of dim sum inside, which you can see at a glance as soon as you enter.

What is different among all the snacks is the animal-shaped flower-shaped transparent fructose in the middle, which is packed in two trays. One tray is light yellow, and the other tray is yellow, red, orange, or different colors.

Next to the two trays, there were stacks of packed oil paper bags.

A waiter introduced the food eloquently in front of the table. After hearing this, the surrounding customers took their oil paper bags and went to the counter to check out.

Pomegranate looked behind for a long time, clearly seeing all the fructose, and knowing it in her mind.

After the previous guests had finished leaving, it was Pomegranate's turn to come forward. Seeing that she was a little girl who must have smelled the candy, the waiter couldn't help but greet her enthusiastically, "Little sister, fructose! Want some? Do you like orange or pear flavor?" ? It’s delicious and not expensive. It’s twenty cents a pack, and there are twenty pills in it!”

When I heard that there were twenty pomegranates for twenty cents, I raised my eyebrows secretly. They sold them cheaper than hers. Is this the way to make small profits but quick turnover?
She nodded without hesitation: "I want to try both flavors. Can you give me ten of the same?"

"Yes!" The clerk responded quickly, and quickly repackaged the package.

Pomegranate took it and paid twenty copper coins at the counter. Just as she was about to leave the shop, she caught a glimpse of the words written on the red paper taped to the counter out of the corner of her eye.

Her eyes flashed, and she pretended to be illiterate and asked the waiter beside her, "Brother, what is written on this red paper?"

The clerk immediately said: "It says harvesting kudzu roots! They are the roots of the kudzu vines on the mountain, you know? We collect them in our shop for one penny or two pounds! If you dig them up, you can bring them to us and sell them for money!"

Pomegranate said a few words and then left the shop.

Turning the corner into the alley, Li Rongzong saw her coming back and hurriedly took two steps forward to meet her, "How are you? Is this the candy sold by the fourth aunt's family?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask." Even if you ask, people won't tell you this kind of thing.

However, her inner premonition told her that it probably wasn't the case. With her fourth aunt's temperament, it would be good if she could memorize the steps she taught and follow them step by step. How could she be so flexible besides making oranges? Did you even think of making pears?
And this shop that sells fructose also accepts kudzu root, which is even more strange.

If the fourth aunt had put the candies here on consignment or sold them to this shop at a low price, why would this shop put away the kudzu?

She was wondering, so she bought the candy and tried it.

As he spoke, he opened the oil paper bag, took an orange candy from it and put it into his mouth. After chewing it, he tasted a pear-flavored candy and gave it to Li Rongzhong so that he could taste it too.

Li Rongzong tasted it and nodded straight away, "Fourth Aunt is amazing! I heard you say it again and the taste of the pomegranate you make here is almost the same! You also know that these pears can also be made into candy, what should we do? Didn’t you expect that?”

Pomegranate: It’s not that she didn’t expect that there are so many fruits that can be used to make this fructose. She just wanted to take her time one by one. After all, this orange fructose has only been sold for a few days.

After savoring the last bit of aftertaste in his mouth, Pomegranate couldn't help but secretly nodded. This fructose was no worse than hers, and most importantly, it was sold cheaper than hers.

She secretly had a premonition that something was not going to happen, and sure enough, when the shouting started on the street, someone came over and asked, saying that there were only twenty pills in a bag of thirty cents, so they just waved their hands and shook their heads.

Some people even choked: "Little girl, you have a sweet mouth. The pastry shops behind you make the same fructose as yours. They are all the same in shape and color! Twenty candies for a person are only twenty cents!" After a long time, unexpectedly, Not even one pack was sold. Finally, someone came to buy it. It was an old customer who had bought it from Pomegranate before. He also said that the price of the dim sum shop was 20 cents and he bought it for 20 cents after giving up the price.

With this start, the price of pomegranates was decisively reduced to twenty cents per pack.

In this way, by noon, all the thirty packets of fructose brought were sold.

Compared with the previous 30 cents per pack, Li Rongzhong's sales were so painful that after selling these 30 packs, he would have to sell them for a lot less money.

With something hidden in her mind, Shiliu didn't want to eat anything. She only bought three meat buns, one for her and two for Li Rongzhong. The brother and sister left the market and hurried home.

Rushing all the way back to the village, Shiliu didn't even bother to enter the house, and went directly to Li Jigui's house ahead.

Their house was delayed at first, and they were not in a hurry, but in the past half month, the Jiang family and the Wu family always had some quarrels. No, this also urged Li Jigui to hurry up and hurry up to make progress. The ones that were picked up are now built, and they will be tidied up to see if the weather gets better.

The Jiang family has been packing up their new house here for the past two days.

Shiliu went all the way in, calling her fourth aunt.

Mr. Jiang inside heard the sound, looked out, and smiled when he saw it was Pomegranate, "Pomegranate, you are back from the collection! I'll be waiting for you to come back!"

As he said that, he took out a beautiful flower-headed rope from the corner basket and held it out to Pomegranate, "Look Pomegranate, fourth aunt bought this for you! Do you like it?"

She couldn't help laughing, "Thank you, Aunt Four, for teaching Aunt Four how to make sweets! I asked my mother-in-law and my younger siblings to make them and sell them, and the sales were pretty good for the first time!"

Jiang held a hairpin in the palm of Pomegranate's hand. She didn't look at it much. She just said "I like it" and then asked: "Fourth Aunt, when did your family make fructose? Where are they sold?"

As soon as Mrs. Jiang heard this, she said: "Hey! My fourth aunt promised you not to sell it in Dafengji and Huangkou Town! I told my natal family that if you do it, let my sibling's natal brother take it with you while walking on the street." While walking around the alleys, I drank this fructose. He always goes to Daqiao Town and Panshi Town when walking around the alleys! Don’t worry!"

Pomegranate listened and asked one more question, "Are you sure it was Brother Hua's brother who sold it to his aunt's brother? Didn't you sell it to someone else?"

Jiang said without thinking: "This is a big deal! How can I sell it to others? I'm not worried yet! My mother and siblings make this candy, and the front and back doors are tightly closed. Let my nephew guard the door! Make sure no one can see it! Don’t worry! How do you make this fructose so it can’t leak out!"

After listening to the pomegranates, he immediately counted them.

The matter of Dafengji going to the snack shop to sell fructose has nothing to do with Mr. Jiang.

But suddenly, why did this snack shop start selling fructose? Not only did it taste exactly the same, but it also accurately knew that the main raw material of fructose was arrowroot starch?

The first is not to mention oranges, but what is being shouted is orange fructose, and even a fool knows that it is oranges.

Arrowroot powder and sugar
She thought of the day when Father Li asked her father to go back to his old house, and she went back with her eldest brother. Those present that day were the patriarch, the eldest uncle, the Wu family and the Jiang family.
Mrs. Wu took kudzu powder back to her parents' home. She stayed there for most of the day, and even stayed there for two days.
Pomegranate's brain was running rapidly, and soon, he roughly touched something.

(End of this chapter)

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