Chapter 105 You are a variable

"You are very brave!"

Master Bai's expression changed instantly, and he looked at Lin Yun as if he were a fool.

What a joke, no one in Yike City is more arrogant than him!
I have never seen anyone so arrogant.

"Cut the nonsense."

Lin Yun ignored his look and said coldly, "You want me to show some sincerity when I check out."

"With your current attitude, I tell you, no way!"

Lin Yun was suppressing his anger. When she's out, she won't cause trouble unless necessary.

If he really wanted to offend her, Lin Yun would not show mercy.

I will not offend others unless they offend me.

Lin Yun's cold gaze made Master Bai's expression change. He originally wanted to ask someone to teach this ungrateful person a lesson.

As a result, Lin Yun was faster than him.

With a gentle palm, the force of the palm wind made them retreat involuntarily.

In just a moment, Master Bai knew that they had hit the iron plate.

Before Lin Yun showed his soul ring, the person opposite him changed his mind.

"Your Mightiness."

"Bai Xuanquan did not intend to offend you, please forgive me."

"As compensation, our Bai family is willing to pay three times the gold soul coins."

Bai Xuanquan realized that this person was very troublesome.

I thought he was a rookie, but I didn't expect him to be a strong one.

Kicked to the iron plate, Bai Xuanquan returned to arrogance, but he was still rational.

This person's soul power level is definitely above that of the Soul King.

He knew the person was female.

The number of female soul masters is lower than that of male soul masters, but it is undeniable that female soul masters are more competitive than male soul masters. Most female soul masters have higher soul power levels than male soul masters.

Female soul masters above level 50 are all prestigious people on the mainland.

Lin Yun didn't answer. Her meaning was obvious, that she was not satisfied with the conditions.

"The Bai family has shown the utmost sincerity."

"Your Excellency, it would be best for everyone to take a step back."

His tone was not as arrogant as before, but it struck Lin Yun's ears the same as before.

"Three times the hotel stay is the most sincere offer from the Bai family."

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he said coldly: "Ten times."


Bai Xuanquan wanted to say no, but considering her strength, he finally agreed to Lin Yun's conditions.

Ten times, just ten times. It will not be good for him if it goes up any further.

It turned out to be the Bai family's mistake, which affected outsiders. If you really want to elaborate, it’s actually a small thing.

If he hadn't hit the iron plate this time, he might not have agreed to this condition.

This is ten times the compensation.

The occupancy standards of Tianbai Hotel are different. Bai Xuanquan noticed that this person's check-in conditions were the highest, which meant that one night's stay was one hundred gold soul coins, and ten times that was one thousand gold soul coins.

Bai Xuanquan felt uncomfortable losing a thousand gold soul coins for no reason. The family business belongs to the family and has nothing to do with him.

His monthly pocket money was only 8,000 gold soul coins. Now that he had lost one-eighth of it, Bai Xuanquan's expression changed.

But there was nothing he could do. Who told him to kick the iron plate? He would still have to bear this loss.

Bai Xuanquan picked up the crystal card and swiped it against Lin Yun's crystal card, then entered the amount. Soon, one thousand gold soul coins arrived.

Lin Yun received the gold soul coin and canceled the check-in procedure before turning around and leaving.

In Lin Yun's view, their plan to spend money to eliminate the disaster meant that the matter was over, and there was no need for her to dwell on it.

Lin Yun left Tianbai Hotel and walked to another hotel opposite.

Hotels are connected with each other because the industry is under great competition pressure. When connected, guests have more choices.

Lin Yun chose to go to Tianbai Hotel because she felt at a glance that the hotel's decoration style suited her aesthetics. What she didn't expect was that someone would make things difficult for her as soon as she checked in.

Although the matter ended with ten times the compensation, Lin Yun also had his temper.

Of course, she won't embarrass herself. After receiving their compensation money, Lin Yun put the matter behind him.

Before Lin Yun could reach the hotel, her eyes were attracted by a golden figure not far away.

The familiar feeling spread throughout his body, and Lin Yun's expression changed instantly. That familiar face made Lin Yun think about it more.

Is God so leisurely?
Didn’t we agree that gods cannot intervene in the world’s changes without reason? Other gods ignore the rules, but the angel god Qian Yuhan is a very rule-abiding god, otherwise she would have used her divine power to help her descendants.

Now that Lin Yun was surprised to see Qian Yuhan appear in the world in his own body.

Moreover, Qian Yuhan was still sitting on the chair, with a leisurely look on his face, as if he was waiting for her.

Lin Yun's gaze did not escape the perception of the angel god Qian Yuhan. She smiled slightly at Lin Yun with a smile on her heroic face, "Want to have a drink?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan raised his wine glass high, and purple liquid was flowing in the glass.

The strong aroma of wine spread to her nose. Lin Yun knew that the wine was good, but she didn't drink it.

"Can I say no?"

The moment he saw the angel god Qian Yuhan, Lin Yun couldn't help but have more thoughts on his mind.

Lin Yun's original irritability due to the inheritance of the divine position dissipated in an instant, and his heart became calm.

"of course can."

Angel God Qian Yuhan smiled at her again, and her long golden hair suddenly spread over her waist, outlining her indifference.

Perhaps the best way to integrate into the world is to become ordinary. At this time, the angel god Qian Yuhan was not wearing the iconic golden armor, but was wearing a knee-length blue skirt.

There are not too many patterns on the blue skirt, but petal-shaped corners are used to show the wearer's figure. Of course, the corners sparkled with sparkles and crumbs of gemstones.

Even ordinary clothes, the clothes of gods are very different.

Golden divine power flows in the dress.

Angel God Qian Yuhan held the wine glass in his left hand and gently put it to his mouth to take a sip. A slight blush appeared on his fair face.

"I think it's your right to refuse, and it's my right to invite you to drink with me."

Angel God Qian Yu's cold and clear voice sounded in Lin Yun's ears. The sound at the end was slightly upward, mixed with a bit of hoarseness, and it hit her heart hard.

If Lin Yun hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Lin Yun to believe that a god could be so presumptuous.

This is not drinking. It is completely making others drunk.

Just the sound makes people intoxicated.

If it weren't for the character of the angel god Qian Yuhan who is so difficult to refuse, I'm afraid someone would have been chasing her and calling her goddess.

Lin Yun carefully looked at the face of the angel god Qian Yuhan. To be honest, she thinks the angel god Qian Yuhan is much more beautiful than Bibi Dong. Beauty is in the bones, not the skin. In terms of temperament, Bibi Dong is far inferior to the angel god Qian Yuhan.

It's right to think about it. The angel god Qian Yuhan has been a god for thousands of years, and his cultivation is accompanied by his soul, which is very different from the temperament brought by his body.

"You look at me with surprise. Are you wondering about my appearance?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan said lightly, and the soft voice struck Lin Yun's heart like a feather.


Lin Yun admitted his thoughts openly.

She stood up and walked to the table where Angel God Qian Yuhan was sitting, pushed the chair and sat on it, looking at each other calmly.

"Aren't you curious?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan looked at her with interest, "I came to meet you in my true form, and you really have no idea? After all, I let go of my body."

“Does what I think matter?”

Lin Yun asked again about the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Surprise was nothing but surprise. From the moment he saw the angel god Qian Yuhan, Lin Yun wanted to find out what she was thinking.

After all, there is no need to go to the Three Treasures Palace.

Judging from the busy state of Angel God Qian Yuhan, she will definitely not come to him idle and bored.

And judging from the look on the face of Angel God Qian Yuhan, she had been waiting here for a long time and started drinking.

"It's very important."

Angel God Qian Yuhan chuckled and said slowly: "Why do you think your thoughts are not important? Is it because of that confrontation between him and me, or because you think you can't interfere with our opinions."

"Boss, another bottle of wine, the same as before."

Angel God was talking to Lin Yun while asking the boss to serve wine. It could be said that he was doing two things at once.

Lin Yun thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

To elaborate, Lin Yun felt melancholy in his heart. She couldn't say that it was because of the difference between humans and gods that Lin Yun felt that gods would not take humans seriously.

God's thoughts are completely different from those of humans.

To use human ideas to measure gods is to humiliate yourself.

What is the difference between humans and ants in the eyes of God?

Lin Yun did not choose to speak out because she felt that the angel god Qian Yuhan was her ancestor by blood, so there was no need to speak too harshly.

This god is quite gentle to the world, otherwise he would not have passed down his bloodline.

Of course, this is a one-sided understanding. If you really want to understand a god, you have to start from his character.


Angel God Qian Yuhan sighed at Lin Yun and shook his head helplessly, "You look a lot like my husband."

"I know everything, but I still choose to keep it in my heart. This look of seeing everything but having no way to tell makes me feel helpless."

"He knows everything and knows that this road has no end, but he still accepts the reality."

"Why I value you so much is not only because you carry the hope of the Qian clan, but also because I see my husband in you. He is the first human being who dares to tell me, and he is also a man with a deep heart. He is a member of the common people."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's golden eyes flashed with helplessness, and her gentle voice was mixed with her confusion.

In fact, to a certain extent, there is no difference between gods and humans. Gods will also fall into pain because of their emotions. Having a long life does not mean that they can change everything in the world. On the contrary, they are restricted by heaven and earth.

Hearing this, Lin Yun's face showed surprise. He looked at the angel god Qian Yuhan with astonished eyes and said in shock: "The ancestor's husband has never been recorded in the family classics."

"I originally thought that the ancestors simply left their bloodline and let it be passed down for eternity."

Lin Yun deliberately lowered his voice to prevent their conversation from being heard.

What Lin Yun didn't expect was that the angel god Qian Yuhan had already set up a soundproof barrier.

Lin Yun believes that the angel god Qian Yuhan adopted the method of leaving his father and leaving his son after becoming a god.

Because the angel god Qian Yuhan only needs to ensure that his bloodline remains in the world.

As for love, it doesn't matter at all.

Becoming a god is the same whether you have a man or not. Moreover, the angel god Qian Yuhan is also a powerful god.

"It is normal that there is no record. He is a wife. As my husband, he is honored. Similarly, he is also unfortunate. I am a god and he is a human being. We are destined not to be together forever. Even if he practices hard, he can't become a god and can only stay in this world and grow old."

Angel God Qian Yuhan spoke slowly, recalling her husband's figure in her mind.

He and Lin Yun are people who will never give up until the end, with the same bad temper and stubbornness.

Being able to see his figure in future generations is also an unexpected joy for the angel god Qian Yuhan.

"Can't God take humans to the divine realm?"

Lin Yun asked out the doubts in his heart.

Lin Yun was surprised because God can take people deep into the divine world. This is written in the family classics.

Judging from the character of the angel god Qian Yuhan, if you really love him, you will definitely take him to the divine realm.

"Sure, but I don't."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's face became calm, "Human desires are endless. He and I met as humans. In his heart, I am a talented female soul master."

"I could reveal my identity and choose to take him to the God Realm for this relationship, and enjoy eternal life from then on. But I chose to hide it, because this love did not make me lose the principles of God. Humans are human beings, and Gods He is a god. Once desire is opened, the world can no longer suppress it. I take it as my duty to suppress the darkness in the world. Love is a desire for me. As a god, I should bring light to the world. This is my principle and my The meaning of God’s existence.”

"Until his death, he did not know that his wife was a god. For him, that was enough."

"After thousands of years, it's enough for me to remember every bit of him."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's expression became serious, "Everyone has desires, so what are your desires?"

"Become a god or defeat Poseidon and God Shura?"

"I can't see through you."

Angel God Qian Yuhan expressed her sense of responsibility by telling this matter in a calm tone.

She had her own selfish motives, but she still did not violate the rules of the divine world.

It's not that she doesn't love her husband, but she chooses to abide by her own rules.

"how do I say this?"

At this time, the wine shop owner brought the wine. His face was calm and he could not hear the conversation between Lin Yun and the angel god Qian Yuhan.

"Divine positions are desires for human beings. The difference between gods and humans is that gods obey their own divinity and give up their desires. When you knew that you were the most suitable successor to the angelic throne, you chose to give up your desires. I won’t be able to see through you when you fulfill my niece Qian Renxue.”

"No one can keep their true heart under the temptation of God's position."

"Throughout the ages, which genius doesn't want to live forever?"

Lin Yun's behavior was beyond the expectations of the angel god Qian Yuhan, and it also caused confusion in her heart that had never changed for thousands of years.

People who cannot see through can often bring about miracles.

"So you're here to explore my thoughts?"

Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he said slowly: "I care more about my relatives than my status as a god."

(End of this chapter)

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