Chapter 107 My fate is mine
Angel God Qian Yuhan's face suddenly turned pale.

For revealing the future destiny to Lin Yun, even if Qian Yuhan is a god, he will still have to bear the price.

Angel God Qian Yuhan covered his chest with his hands, and the uncomfortable feeling appeared again.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Yun stepped forward to support the trembling Angel God Qian Yuhan and asked worriedly.

There is not much difference between gods and humans.

Angel God Qian Yuhan's face was pale, and his formerly heroic face was like a piece of white paper, looking very fragile.

Just looking at it makes people feel distressed.

Lin Yun saw the fragile appearance of the angel god Qian Yuhan for the first time.

In her impression, angel gods are powerful and cannot be defeated by others. But at this moment, Lin Yun felt that the angel god Qian Yuhan was not as powerful as she imagined.

Angel God Qian Yuhan has weaknesses.

From the fragile side revealed by the angel god Qian Yuhan, Lin Yun realized how difficult this matter was.

If it is true as the angel god Qian Yuhan said, if you want to rewrite the destiny that has already been determined, you must confront the gods of the entire god world.

As a result, she has a huge number of enemies.

If there were only God Shura and Poseidon, Lin Yun's pressure would not be as great as it is now.

Those are the gods of the divine world.

Fighting against the gods of the divine world alone is a big challenge for Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's mood changed instantly.

Taking a bite of the cake will surely affect the gods. By then, even the angel god Qian Yuhan will become her enemy.

so what? Lin Yun's expression became firm.

She will definitely go further and further down this road.

The angel god Qian Yuhan, who was supported by Lin Yun, smiled at her. Regardless of his uncomfortable body, he opened his red lips gently and said slowly: "Whether you want to be the person who changes your destiny or the person who is controlled by your destiny, all of this depends on you."

"Without Tang San, other people will appear. Neither you nor he belong to this world. If you want to leave traces here, you must become a god. It all depends on your thoughts."

"You are a smart man and you know the price you bear, but I hope you understand that you cannot retreat."

"If you retreat, there will be no hope for Wuhun Palace."

"This is what I expect from you as the ancestor of the Qian clan."

Angel God Qian Yuhan held the wine glass in his hand, his expression became serious, his golden eyes reflected Lin Yun's figure, and the melancholy heightened Lin Yun's emotions, making Lin Yun's eyes shrink.

Panic thoughts came to mind.

Lin Yun realized his fear.

Human beings have engraved fear into their instincts, allowing their souls to remember this feeling at all times.

At that moment, Lin Yun felt that he was being targeted, and the cold feeling spread throughout his body.

Of course, she didn't dislike this feeling, she also liked it very much.

"try hard."

Angel God Qian Yuhan patted Lin Yun's shoulder again, with a helpless expression on his pale face, "I look forward to you standing in front of the gods and killing them all."

"All injustice must be overturned by force."

The wind blew gently, and the golden light spots disappeared. The figure of the angel god Qian Yuhan disappeared before her eyes.

Lin Yun looked at the place where she was standing before, with firm emotions in his blue eyes.

There was a determined look on that pretty face.

Lin Yun clutched the Phoenix Sword tightly, letting the sharp blade cut his fingers, and the sword was stained with blood.

Her hair barely covered her eyes and her expression.

Lin Yun's heart was not at peace at this moment.

She thought a lot, but found the reality so ridiculous.

If she really wants to follow the path of fate, then she won't be herself.

Lin Yun smiled sarcastically, this world is really strange.

It's right to think about it, people without strength have no right to speak. Why should others be kind to themselves in a world where the strong are respected?

If you want to survive and not be plotted by others, you must first have strong strength.

Titled Douluo is just the beginning.

After making up his mind, Lin Yun's mind changed.

She is not one to torture herself.

Instead of falling into deep self-blame, it is better to use this time to continuously become stronger and give yourself the right to speak.

The words of the angel god Qian Yuhan dealt a heavy blow to Lin Yun's world.

She felt less calm in her heart because her biggest trump card was seen through by the gods of this world.

In other words, the fact that she does not belong to this world cannot be hidden from God. So her previous appearance in front of Poseidon, the god of the sea, meant that Poseidon, the god of the sea, also realized that something was wrong with her.

Sure enough, tactics are nothing in the face of absolute strength.

When the angel god Qian Yuhan disappeared, the barrier she set up naturally disappeared.

People in other places would be surprised when a person suddenly disappears, but the shop owner is not surprised, and his calm look shows that this kind of thing happens often.

Obviously, most of the soul masters traveling to and from Yike City are high-level soul masters, and most of these soul masters use teleportation techniques. In the case of teleportation, it is normal for a person to suddenly disappear.

Because your soul power is not as good as the opponent's, it is difficult to detect the fluctuations in the opponent's movement.

Teleportation also has a distance limit.

"Boss, check out."

Lin Yun took out the crystal card and spoke to the shop owner calmly.

Lin Yun, who recovered from his thoughts, regained his composure.

Life still had to go on, and she couldn't wallow in this annoyance. After thinking about it, she still had to think about the whole thing calmly.

When Lin Yun learned about his fate from the angel god Qian Yuhan, he thought about it a lot.

She wants to erase this so-called fate and prove her strength.

In terms of talent, she is better than anyone else. In her heart, she is more determined than anyone else. In this case, why should she lose to others?

If you don't do human things on this day, then this day will be destroyed.

The blue eyes flashed with coldness, and this coldness was directed at the gods of the divine world.

For Lin Yun, gods are divided into three categories. The first category is your own mortal enemy, who should be killed quickly. The second category is one's own enemies, the gods of the divine world. The third category is gods who are close to you or who are helpful to you. The angel god Qian Yuhan belongs to the third category, and the remaining gods belong to the first and second categories.

The gods in the first category are undoubtedly Shura and Poseidon.

Based on the words that the sky and the ocean are destined to be in opposition, Lin Yun will not let the ocean cross the sky and pose a threat to the gods in the sky.

What a joke, her delicate niece cannot be bullied by others.

Lin Yun felt sorry for Qian Renxue and hated Bibi Dong even more.

After paying the bill, Lin Yun got up and walked to Tianmu Hotel. This name is related to the Duanmu family in Yike City.

The three major families formed a tripartite opposition and were in charge of most of the economy of Yike City.

It can be said that most of the buildings in Ik City come from these three families.

Buildings related to the character "白" are the property of the Bai family, and buildings with one of the two characters "Duanmu" are the property of the Duanmu family. Tianmu Hotel is obviously the Duanmu family's hotel. Thinking of what happened at the Tianbai Hotel earlier, Lin Yun became less interested.

Originally, she planned to walk around Yike City and observe Yike City. Because the movements in the Alien Beast Academy will definitely alarm the people of the three major families.

Of course, the movements of the three major families must be judged from their actions.

Stepping into the Tianmu Hotel, Lin Yun looked at the antique decoration and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

She walked to the front desk calmly and checked in.

The decoration style of Tianmu Hotel is much better than that of Tianbai Hotel. Being in the hotel feels like walking in the forest. The light smell of trees lingers in the nose, making people relax.

Smelling the floral fragrance, which is neither light nor strong, my whole mood feels much better, and the irritability is swept away.

When it comes to taste, the Duanmu family is better than the Bai family.

Even the price is very beautiful.

Because the price of Tianmu Hotel is twice as expensive as Tianbai Hotel. Sure enough, it’s expensive, and good-looking things also require money to maintain.

Lin Yun walked to the seventeenth floor, opened the door with the key, quickly closed the door, sat on the bed and began to meditate cross-legged.

Her time is running out.

Whether the news about the Alien Beast Academy was true or false, she had to go find it. It is almost impossible to spend four years to find a god and become a god.

So there were only two options before Lin Yun.

Either you can become a god by faith, or you can become a god by your own strength.

Lin Yun is hesitating now because she hasn't found a way that suits her yet.

Becoming a god is inevitable, but the process is full of difficulties.

Lin Yun, who entered meditation, was surrounded by red soul power, and her consciousness entered her own spiritual world.

"You bitch!"

Tang San insulted Lin Yun with dirty words, and his red eyes showed that he had lost his mind.

After losing his body and becoming a soul, Tang San felt a suction force, which was the pulling force of the ocean. He originally wanted to comply with this pulling force to change his situation, but Lin Yun pulled him into his spiritual world, making Tang San's soul feel torn apart.

After two days of torture, Tang San's soul was already very transparent.

Thinking of Xiao Wu's miserable experience, Tang San hated Lin Yun. He wanted to kill Lin Yun and drink her blood to vent his anger.

It's a pity that Tang San, who became a soul, has no chance.

"You are still alive despite my mental torture."

Lin Yun was also very surprised when he saw Tang San's soul.

She originally thought that Tang San was already dead and could not die anymore, but she did not expect that Tang San was very evil.

Kill him, use secret methods to destroy his soul, and still be alive...

It is simply an existence that cannot be killed!

"Give me back my body!"

Tang San roared angrily, his soul body biting towards Lin Yun like crazy. Even if he was reduced to ashes, he would kill Lin Yun and let Lin Yun be buried with him!
The red light turned into a barrier and blocked Tang San's movements, causing Tang San to let out a violent scream. The blazing temperature seemed to burn out his soul.

He suddenly took a few steps back, and the fire still spread to him.

Tang San's screams did not arouse Lin Yun's pity, but instead made her murderous intention appear again.

Lin Yun, holding the Phoenix Sword in his hand, pressed forward step by step, his voice getting colder and colder, "Since you are so lucky, I don't mind killing you a few more times. If you can live a hundred times, I can kill you a hundred times." , I will kill you until you are reduced to ashes and will never be reincarnated!"

Lin Yun expressed her thoughts in a medium voice.

If Tang San is so evil, then she will kill him to the end!

She wanted to see whether Tang San's character was stronger or her own.

She didn't believe it, he could still think of surviving after killing Tang San hundreds or thousands of times!

Blazing fire surrounded the entire world, and the hot magma burst out of the ground. This is Lin Yun's spiritual world, and it is naturally controlled by Lin Yun. Within her spiritual world, she is invincible.

The flames could not harm Lin Yun, because she had long been accustomed to the heat and was immune to the high temperature.

But Tang San was different. He shouted, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling kept sounding.


Lin Yun once again used his long sword to cut off Tang San's head, crippled his meridians, and once again made him suffer the pain from before.

Once resurrected, she would be killed once.

She wanted to see which one was Tang San's stronger ability to resist blows, or her killing speed!
Half an hour later, Tang San's soul disappeared transparently. In this half hour, Tang San was beheaded by Lin Yun thousands of times.

Every time he was resurrected, before his body could recover, Lin Yun shattered his whole body and split his head into two halves. The ferocity undoubtedly made Tang San shudder.

Tang San was also desperate despite being beaten again and again, but he still couldn't refuse his own resurrection, because this was Lin Yun's spiritual world.

Gravity slapped him, making stars appear in Tang San's eyes. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun kicked him away, and the entire ground became pitted, all traces of Tang San's fall on the ground.

Seeing Tang San's ferocious look, Lin Yun thought of the words of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Even if the body is destroyed but the soul is immortal, the gods in the divine world can still save Tang San.

The best way is to destroy Tang San's soul.

Lin Yun confidently believed that Tang San's soul had disappeared, but he did not expect that Tang San's soul existed in his own spiritual world.

Twist off Tang San's head again.

This time Tang San was not resurrected, and Lin Yun saw golden threads under his transparent head.

Her eyes turned red, and the golden thread connected the whole world.

Lin Yun saw that the end of the thread was an invisible abyss...

A stinging sensation came from his eyes, and blood appeared on the back of Lin Yun's hands, and the blood dripped from his eyes.

Obviously, she saw something she shouldn't have seen. Things that are beyond the understanding of the world will naturally have to pay a price.

Lin Yun's left hand clenched into a fist. This golden thread was what made Tang San's soul immortal.

It turns out that the gods of the divine world took action.

Originally, after she used a secret method to destroy Tang San's soul, Lin Yun relaxed after confirming that Tang San was dead and had no chance of resurrection.

Lin Yun did not expect that the gods in the divine world were so shameless.

No wonder the black ones are also called white.

Are they so optimistic about Tang San?
It's shameless to resurrect Tang San.

So, the light that the angel family insists on will eventually become their own prison?

Oh, this damn fate.

Lin Yun was furious, took out the Phoenix Sword, and slashed at the golden thread.

If she couldn't kill Tang San's soul, there was no need for her to live. If she can't even overturn the plans of the gods, what qualifications does she have to fight against them!

My life is controlled by myself!

The blazing flames swallowed up everything silently, and the golden threads broke with a crash.

The fire phoenix stretches its wings in the flames and receives the baptism from the flames.

"Be bold!"

There was a roar high in the sky, and the sound that could even shatter the soul fell clearly on Lin Yun's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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