Chapter 110 God Killing
Angel God Qian Yuhan's eyes dimmed a little, and there was an unknown expression on his heroic face.

She did not refute Lin Yun's words because she had also had this idea.

Angel God Qian Yuhan chuckled, "I am not a god without principles."

"I'm different from them."

Lin Yun originally wanted to persuade the Angel God Qian Yuhan, but before he could say anything, he heard the Angel God Qian Yuhan's last words.

"Although I am a gentle god, but they have all provoked me, I will definitely not show mercy to them. I think your method is very good, just kill them while they are weak."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's words made Lin Yun's mouth twitch.

Angel God Qian Yuhan is very good at finding reasons. Although it doesn't look very good, Lin Yun likes it very much.

That's how she likes it.

As gods, they do not manage their own power well, do not develop the divine world, and insist on seeking trouble in the human world because of their self-righteousness.

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, he does not hesitate to use divine power to change the pattern of the world. From the moment the Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery overused their divine power to save Tang San's soul, Lin Yun knew that he had to kill them.

God Shura and God Poseidon cannot be killed now because their strength is beyond what Lin Yun can fight against. But the Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery are different.

In the one-year period of weakness, they are no different from ordinary humans, except that they have the long life of gods.

To put it bluntly, the price they paid for saving Tang San was to be a waste for a year.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

It is impossible to be kind-hearted and soft-hearted!

Of course, the Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery are now in the God Realm. Lin Yun cannot go to the God Realm and can only rely on the angel god Qian Yuhan.

She used words to induce the angel god Qian Yuhan, just because she wanted the angel god Qian Yuhan to move.

"I'm not here to help you, but to help myself. From the time when the Nine Color Goddess helped Poseidon to delay me, I understood their determination." Angel God Qian Yuhan paused and put his left hand on Lin Yun's shoulder. On the top, the golden divine power once again entered her body, and then said again: "They firmly believe in the trajectory of fate, believe that the judgment of fate is correct, and must follow fate. They agree with the views of God Shura and God of the Sea Poseidon, Follow God Shura decisively and not consider other factors."

"I don't agree with their views because of my own selfishness. Until the end, I don't want the angelic throne to end and be shattered in the hands of my descendants. This has been the hard work of my life."

"But you can't change anything."

"My hope lies in you."

"Lin Yun."

The angel god Qian Yuhan suddenly approached her and whispered to her, "Killing gods comes with a price."

"Let's take it together."

"I can't let my heart break."

"it is good."

Lin Yun responded without hesitation.

Lin Yun did not expect to embark on this path. Of course, the number of enemies continues to increase.

Killing God is something that has already been determined.

It's a matter of time.

"Recuperate well and I will take care of you during this time."

Lin Yun's eyes widened and he looked at the angel god Qian Yuhan with incredible eyes, "Interesting."

"I'm afraid I won't get better."

"Are you looking down on me?"

The angel god raised his eyebrows, "My ability is stronger than you think!"

"Poseidon, the god of the sea, says you are an old woman."


"And said you were a rude woman."

"I'm afraid of death."

Lin Yun said angrily, "I'm still young and don't want to die young."


The angel god Qian Yuhan said with a straight face, "I don't care if other gods ask me to bandage them. I will take the initiative to take care of you..."

"When did you bandage it before?"

"Ten thousand years ago."

"It's been ten thousand years, I think your skills are familiar."

"I'm afraid of death."


Angel God Qian Yuhan twitched the corner of his mouth, "Well done to you."

Lin Yun's words really angered the angel god Qian Yuhan, and his heart, which had been calm for thousands of years, began to beat rapidly.

For the first time, he felt aggrieved by his descendants, and the angel god Qian Yuhan felt depressed.

"I'm going to kill the Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery. You take care of yourself."


As soon as Lin Yun agreed, the figure of the angel god Qian Yuhan disappeared in front of her eyes, leaving only a little golden light.


Lin Yun chuckled, feeling that this matter was becoming more and more interesting.

The angel god is a shy god.

What a pity, she is a god.

We must follow the so-called destiny.

Lin Yun often thinks, how wonderful it would be if reality were not so cruel. It's a pity that reality is cruel, and it is destined that one of you and I must die.

The Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery are just the beginning.


In the God Realm, the Nine-Colored Goddess lying on the soft grass frowned, feeling uneasy in her heart.

"what happened to you?"

The God of Cookery had a worried look on his handsome face.

Seeing the Jiucai Goddess frowning, the God of Cookery felt uncomfortable.

They are a model couple in the divine world. Become a god for ten thousand years, love each other for ten thousand years. Ever since they set foot in the God Realm, good stories about their love have spread in the God Realm.

Although they have not been in love as long as the goddess of life and the god of destruction, they are unique among a group of single gods.

That damn love smell makes other gods instinctively resist them.

"Qian Yuhan and I have a pretty good relationship."

The eyes of the Nine-Colored Goddess became dazed, and she spoke in a low voice, "We have helped God Shura and God of Poseidon resurrect that human being, and we have also paid the price of not being able to use divine power for a year. Do we really want to continue to help them? Angel God really Won't you express your anger at us? After all, our strength is not as good as the first-level gods."

"The combat power of the angel god Qian Yuhan is at the forefront among the first-level gods, and there are only a few first-level gods who can tie with her. I have doubts about our previous decision."

The instinct from the gods made her realize that this matter could not continue.

They now have no divine blessing and are no different from mortals. If Qian Yuhan, the angel god, is angered again, Qian Yuhan might have a knife on them.

Isn't it because of God Shura's force that they agreed to the conditions of God Shura and Poseidon?
They are only second-level gods and cannot resist the decision of the first-level gods.

"Angel God Qian Yuhan is famous throughout the God Realm for his gentleness. Even if we helped God Shura, it was because of helplessness. I think Angel God Qian Yuhan will understand our difficulties and forgive our behavior. You don't have to worry too much, We are second-level gods, and even if she is unwilling, she cannot risk killing the gods to kill us."

"What if?"

The Nine-Colored Goddess said instinctively, "If she is really angry with us, she will kill us while we have no divine power."

"Impossible!" "Unless she is crazy, she cannot risk being wanted by the whole God Realm to kill us. Killing a god is a serious crime."

As soon as the God of Cookery finished speaking, a golden figure appeared in front of them.

As expected, a surprise is coming.

"A major sin? Killing gods is not a sin. After all, many gods died in the first war between the gods. This gave you a chance to get involved."

The heroic face of the angel god Qian Yu came into their eyes, and the cold voice made them shiver.

"We are gods!"

Only then did the Jiucai Goddess feel scared. She hurriedly took her husband's hand and loudly said to the Angel God Qian Yuhan, "If you kill us, the God Realm will not let you go."

"And we didn't do it on purpose, it was because God Shura put the sword on my husband's neck. We have no ability. We are second-level gods who cannot resist the orders of first-level gods. We can only follow God Shura's ideas. You If you really want to take revenge, you have to go to God Shura, it has nothing to do with us."

The moment she saw the angel god Qian Yuhan, the Jiucai Goddess felt heavy.

Her instinct is reminding herself to avoid danger.

Qian Yuhan is indeed a madman!
He wants to kill them just for a trivial matter, and he wants to start a war in the divine world even if he bears the sin of killing gods. He is simply crazy!

"Am I not good to you?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan ignored her red eyes and asked in a cold voice, "I treat you as a friend. I have never exercised the power of a first-level god in front of you, and I suppressed my own divine power and refused to let the authority Suppression hurts your heart. Because I know your fighting ability is weak."

"You are pretending to hold me back to help God Shura and Poseidon complete their plans. I am nothing in your heart, so why do you think I won't retaliate against you?"

Regarding her relationship with the Jiucai Goddess, Angel God Qian Yuhan did not mention it in front of Lin Yun because she did not want Lin Yun to have negative thoughts about her.

Because he missed this ridiculous friendship, he was almost plotted by God Shura and Poseidon, God of the Sea. This was a slap in the face to the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Her kindness to the Nine-Colored Goddess was all calculated by other gods.

Thinking about it carefully, the angel god Qian Yuhan really felt that he was not worth it.

From the moment the Jiucai Goddess helped God Shura delay herself, the angel god Qian Yuhan had to get rid of the God of Cookery and the Jiucai Goddess.

They can use magical skills - resurrecting the divine light.

With this skill, as long as the god is not dead, he will be resurrected. It's nothing to pay for a year without divine power.


The Nine-Colored Goddess pursed her lips, her eyes filled with water, "But I can't help it."

"I treat you as a friend, and I also want to cherish our relationship, but God Shura put the Shura Demon Sword on my husband's neck. If I don't agree to his request, my husband will die! "

"We have been in love for ten thousand years and have known each other since we became soul masters. I cannot live without my husband. As long as a human being dies, Poseidon, the God of the Sea, will not hurt you, so I helped you. I am not I did it on purpose, you don’t have to think I’m sorry for you.”

These words of the Nine-Colored Goddess showed her innermost feelings.

She and the God of Cookery have been in love for thousands of years, and they have long regarded each other as the other half of their lives. If the other party leaves, the surviving party will be miserable.

The Nine-Colored Goddess helps Poseidon, the God of the Sea, and the God of Shura, just because she doesn’t want the God of Cookery to die.

Although she knew that Lin Yun was very important to the Angel God Qian Yuhan, she would do anything for the God of Cookery.


Hearing these words from the Nine-Colored Goddess, the angel god Qian Yuhan's face turned as gloomy as soy sauce.

She never thought that her former friend was such a shameless god.

Thinking about it, after Jiucai Goddess agreed to Shura God's request, they could never go back to the past.

Man-made wealth is destroyed. This sentence well reflects the greed among gods.

"Angel God, this is the territory of me and the Jiucai Goddess. If you have nothing else to do, please leave!"

The God of Cookery was afraid of the pressure from the Angel God Qian Yuhan, but he still spoke bravely.

He stood in front of the Nine-Colored Goddess, providing her with a sense of security like a mountain.

He won't let anyone hurt his wife.

"Of course I have something to do."

Angel God Qianyu smiled coldly, his golden eyes filled with murderous intent, "Since you have all chosen to take sides."

"I will make it happen for you."

"After all, you are husband and wife, and even if you die, you will die together."

"you dare!"

The Nine-Colored Goddess realized something was wrong and was about to loudly accuse the Angel God Qian Yuhan when she saw the golden angel sword slashing through her husband's body, and the golden blood spurted out.

The eyes of the Nine-Colored Goddess turned completely red, and the golden blood slowly flowed down her beautiful face.

"I am going to kill you!"

The Nine-Colored Goddess shouted in pain.

Normally, if they had divine power, they would definitely be able to use their magical skills to block the attack of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

But after they rescued Tang San, their own divine power was sealed for one year. Not to mention magical skills, even soul skills cannot be used.

Their status is no different from that of mortals.

Facing the attack of the angel god Qian Yuhan, they could only hide.

Thousands of years of pampering have long since made them forget to dodge, and their movements have also slowed down.

A sword penetrated the God of Cookery's body. Qianyu snorted coldly and crushed the God of Cookery's heart with his hands.

As long as the heart is not broken, the god will not die.

"What are you capable of?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan looked at the Nine-Colored Goddess with disdain, "You want to save your husband, and I want to save my descendants."

"So you just go together."

The miserable wailing sounded, and the rich smell of blood lingered in his nose. The originally soft grass was stained with golden blood.

Gods and humans are the same, they will die if their heart is gone.

The difference is that God has divine power and can save himself from danger.

"Kill me? Are you worthy?"

Angel God Qianyu laughed coldly, "You don't even have the ability to get close to me. Not to mention you now, even at your peak, you are no match for me."

Angel God Qian Yuhan expressed his disdain clearly, just to let them know that he regretted it!
What Angel God Qian Yuhan hates most is betrayal.

The Nine-Colored Goddess didn’t want her husband to die, so she might as well die with him!

The feeling of her heart being crushed left no color on the face of the Nine Colored Goddess. Now she is still conscious, which is supported by the original divine power of her body.

"You kill gods, you won't end well!"

"Qian Yuhan!"

"Oh, you're already dead and you still expect my fate."

Angel God Qianyu snorted coldly, "Stupid."

"I will let God Shura and the others accompany you."

Golden light flashed, and the six-pointed star array quietly appeared at the feet of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

If she dares to take action against the Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery, she is not afraid of revenge from the divine world.

Angel God Qian Yuhan couldn't do it if he wanted to destroy his hard work just for a moment's satisfaction.

The golden light sealed this time, covering up the strong smell of blood.

The angel god Qian Yuhan used this formation as a guide to absorb the power of the Nine Color Goddess and the God of Cookery.

(End of this chapter)

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