Douluo: Qian Renxue is my niece, and I am the King of Juan

Chapter 112 Congratulations, you have become a demigod.

Two golden gods lay quietly in her hands, and the warm feeling spread throughout her body.

Lin Yun used his soul power to guide the power of his godhead, and the gorgeous divine power poured into Lin Yun's body, and that steady stream of power merged into his body.

Divine power flowed between his limbs and bones, silently changing Lin Yun's body.

Lin Yun closed his eyes and used his mental power to control the power to flow into his soul power and merge with it.

The internal injuries caused when he temporarily reached level ninety-nine due to burning his life were being repaired at the moment, and a steady stream of divine power was being integrated with the soul power. Lin Yun's soul power level is also soaring.

From level ninety-one to level ninety-five, it only takes a moment.

After crossing the watershed of level ninety-five, Lin Yun's soul power level slowed down, and finally stayed at level ninety-six.

Because the internal injuries in her body have not been repaired.


Lin Yun gritted her teeth, her face turned pale, and fine beads of sweat dripped from her face and stuck to her shoulders.

With blue eyes full of water, Lin Yun forced himself to endure the pain in his body to repair his internal injuries.

Divine power is a tonic for humans, a tonic with no side effects. While repairing Lin Yun's internal injuries, it also increased Lin Yun's lifespan.

Divine power is the source of the gods' power, and contains the gods' thoughts on the laws.

Although the Nine-Colored Goddess and the God of Cookery are second-level gods and their own fighting power is not strong, they are gods after all.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Similarly, the divine power of the second level god is also a good thing.

The angel god Qian Yuhan stood beside the bed, golden divine power emerging from her body.

She silently helped Lin Yun absorb the power of the two gods. Without her divine power to balance it, it would be difficult for Lin Yun to absorb the divine power smoothly.

The biggest difference between humans and gods is that gods are recognized by the world and can control divine power, but humans are different.

Previously, the angel god Qian Yuhan secretly used divine power to nourish the bodies of Qian Renxue and Lin Yun, and transformed their bodies to accommodate the divine power.

As long as they can absorb divine power, it means that they have reached the state of demigods.

Although a person with level ninety-nine cultivation is said to be a demigod, only one step away from being a god, he will never become a god if his body cannot withstand the divine power.

Furthermore, acceptance without the Godhead is unbearable.

There are only a few gods in the divine world, so it is undoubtedly difficult to become a god.

Godhead, divine power, and demigod body cannot be missing.

Seeing the divine power pouring into Lin Yun's body, the angel god Qian Yuhan calmed down.

Looking at Lin Yun's face, the angel god Qian Yuhan was in a trance. His golden eyes hesitated for a while, but he quickly regained his composure.

I have been waiting for thousands of years, not even a moment.

Lin Yun, the future depends on you.

Compared to the calm outside, Lin Yun's consciousness was painful. The pain from his body clearly registered in his mind. Being in his own spiritual world, Lin Yun's mood sank.

Because her spiritual world has not yet healed. Previously, the sea god Poseidon forcibly tore her spiritual world apart in an attempt to kill her, which caused deep wounds in Lin Yun's spiritual world.

Those spiderweb-like cracks were the scars in her consciousness.

Looking at the large tear, Lin Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath. She thought of her previous pain.

What she had thought before was that she would kill Poseidon, the god of the sea, even if she died. Under the control of strong thoughts, she forgot about her own pain, and all she could think about was strength.

Now that she was out of the fighting state, her heart suddenly ached as she recalled every move she made before.

She put her hand on her chest, her blue eyes were confused for a moment, and then became clear.

Lin Yun ignored his own pain and used his mental power to drive divine power to repair his spiritual world.

Divine power is really a good thing.

Looking at the repaired crack, Lin Yun felt comfortable in her body. The numbing feeling spread throughout her body, making her body and mind want to relax, but it was accompanied by a little pain.

Pleasure and pain coexist.

Lin Yun's feelings are really complicated.

Half an hour later, Lin Yun slowly opened his eyes, his blue eyes blurred.

Obviously, Lin Yun was not completely awake.

Angel God Qian Yuhan sat beside the bed with a chuckle on his face and looked at Lin Yun calmly, "Congratulations."

After a while, Lin Yun woke up from his dazed state.


Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, "What are you congratulating me for?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan's words surprised Lin Yun.

How can she be congratulated if she has not become a god?

If you really want to congratulate her, you should at least wait until she becomes a god.

Lin Yun was confused by her words.

Because she hasn't even found a god yet, let alone become a god.

"Don't you feel the changes in yourself?"

Angel God Qian Yuhan said calmly, "Your soul power level has crossed the ninety-fifth level and you have become a ninety-sixth level titled Douluo. At your speed, it will only take a year or two for your cultivation to reach level ninety-nine." thing."

"At level ninety-nine, you can't cross this bottleneck without a divine status. I told you before, you only have two ways to go."

"Either rely on faith to create a god, or rely on one's own strength to create a god. No matter which way it is, it is extremely difficult for you now. The belief in the continent and the ocean was destroyed by me and the sea god Pose ten thousand years ago. Dong Ji used this to condense his godhead to create a new god. Today, thousands of years later, even if the power of faith is condensed, it is difficult to create a powerful god. What is the use of the god of the second level god? Do you want it? To fight against God Shura and God Poseidon, at least a new first-level god must be gathered."

It sounds like there isn't much difference between a second-level god and a first-level god, but in fact it's a world of difference. In the God Realm, the second-level gods can only be subordinate to the first-level gods and must exist dependent on the first-level gods.

Under the strength of the first-level god, the second-level god has no power to resist. This is also the reason why the angel god Qian Yuhan can easily kill the God of Cookery and the Nine-Colored Goddess.

Because the angel god Qian Yuhan is the best among the first-level gods and is at the forefront of the divine world's combat power.

"No, you have another way, and that is deprivation."

The angel god Qian Yuhan suddenly stood up and "robbed others of their divine inheritance."

"The inheritors of the divine position will fall before completing the nine exams. When the time comes, you can snatch the artifact from their hands and use it to conduct the divine assessment. The exam they passed by then will be yours, and you don't need to re-examine it. If they really After passing the eight tests, there is only one last test left, and you can become a god directly. This is the easiest way."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's expression became serious.

This method is theoretically feasible, but it's a bit lossy. After all, robbing someone else's divine inheritance is a vicious act.

However, as long as Lin Yun completes the ninth assessment, even the gods must let her inherit the divine throne according to the divine inheritance rules stipulated by the divine world.

As long as the God's position is obtained, all this is nothing.

Lin Yun did not agree immediately, but asked softly, "I want to know who is the inheritor of the divine throne?"

The angel god Qian Yuhan suddenly said this method, which means that she knows that there are inheritors of the divine throne on the mainland.

It wasn't that Lin Yun wasn't moved, but he was hesitating.

Can obtaining the divine status without relying on one's own strength really allow one to defeat the gods of the divine world?

When Lin Yun learned from the mouth of the angel god Qian Yuhan that his enemies were the gods of the divine world, Lin Yun was ready.

Sooner or later, she would have to confront the gods of the divine world.

For the glory of the Angel Clan, and for Wuhun Palace not to be destroyed by the plans of the Gods, she must fight against the Gods of the Gods.

"The person closest to you is Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace. She has already started the Rakshasa Nine Examinations, and wants to use the Rakshasa God's throne to devour the Angel God's throne. It's a pity that her resentment is of no use to me. If Qian Qian As for Ren Xue, she might be able to achieve it, it just depends on whether she dares to do it."

Lin Yun's expression suddenly became solemn. Hearing Bibi Dong's name again, Lin Yun had mixed feelings in his heart.

No wonder she felt something was wrong when she saw Bibi Dong last time.

Bibi Dong's behavior made Lin Yun feel very strange. Bibi Dong could take her sword last time, but when Tang Hao appeared, Bibi Dong's power became weaker.

Lin Yun didn't think that Bibi Dong was weak, so she subconsciously thought that Bibi Dong was hiding his clumsiness.

Now it seems that her hunch was right.

Bibi Dong is hiding something.

Bibi Dong started the Rakshasa Nine Exams.

Lin Yun knew that Bibi Dong was a poisonous snake lurking inside the Wuhun Hall. Sooner or later, they will meet again.

With Bibi Dong's vengeful character, she had long been on Bibi Dong's must-kill list.

For no other reason, she killed Yu Xiaogang with her own hands in front of Bibi Dong.

Yu Xiaogang is Bibi Dong's first love, and she is the lover that Bibi Dong will never forget.

Although Yu Xiaogang is a scumbag, Bibi Dong still loves him deeply.

Lin Yun frowned and his face turned ugly.

She thought of Qian Renxue, the inheritor of the angelic throne.

"Your expression is very subtle."

Angel God Qian Yuhan chuckled, looking at her serious expression and found it quite amusing.

"I just suddenly felt that Xiaoxue was miserable."

"God Shura, God Poseidon, Rakshasa... are all related to Xiaoxue. Are you trying to catch Xiaoxue doing it all by yourself?"

The more Lin Yun thought about it, the more something was wrong.

The God of the Sea and the God of Angels are gods destined to be in opposition, so why does the God of Rakshasa also appear to intervene?
Isn't this just catching Qian Renxue being bullied by herself?

Angel God Qian Yuhan laughed like a silver bell, with a smile flowing from his golden eyes, "You are right."

"Who told her to be so unfortunate..."

"Become a pawn in this game."

"She was not born according to her will, but her fate has long been involved with the angel family. This game of chess has been played since thousands of years ago, and no one can escape it. I know your unwillingness, but you can only be the one to break the game. .”

Angel God Qian Yuhan said while holding Lin Yun's hand.

"Who else besides Bibi Dong?"

"Tang Chen of the Haotian Sect. He inherited the Shura Jiukao, was plotted by the Rakshasa God's spiritual thoughts, and became the killing king of the killing city. If you want to deprive him of his artifact, you must go to the killing city. "


Lin Yun was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "I want to kill God Shura, how can I accept his status? I don't care about Bibi Dong's things."

This method is useless in Lin Yun's opinion.

She doesn't want the throne of God Shura.

She values ​​her face very much!
She said that she would never take the enemy's throne. Isn't she disgusting herself by becoming the heir of God Shura?
Lin Yun didn't intend to take Bibi Dong's Rakshasa position.

In Lin Yun's view, they are all his enemies.

"Then you can only take the last option."

Angel God Qian Yuhan sighed helplessly, "Create a new god by your own strength."

"The God Realm has long been saturated with gods, and the laws are almost perfected. According to my opinion, it is almost impossible for you to create a new god. However, you yourself are a variable, and I look forward to your answer. .”

Helpless, Angel God Qian Yuhan respected Lin Yun's decision.

Judging from the strength Lin Yun has shown, becoming a god is just one step short of a godhead.

It's a pity that the godhead is the hardest thing to find.

Lin Yun lowered his voice and said to the angel god Qian Yuhan: "I understand."

"I don't believe that there is no godhead I want on Douluo Continent!"

The history of Douluo Continent is longer than that of the God Realm. She didn't believe that she couldn't find the godhead that could make her a god on the mainland.

This godhead refers to the godhead of a first-level god, not the godhead of a second-level god or a third-level god.

Only first-level gods have the right to speak in the divine world, while second-level gods and third-level gods can only be subordinate to first-level gods.

In a world where the jungle prevails, the strong are destined to prevail.

"By the way, you used the divine power of two godheads to transform your body and become a demigod. When your soul power level reaches level ninety-nine, you only need to find a first-level god's godhead, and then use your power You can create a brand new god, it just depends on your luck."

Only then did Angel God Qian Yuhan remember Lin Yun's physique.

Lin Yun's ability to become a demigod was due to her.

"Thank you."

Lin Yun immediately thanked the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Although the angel god Qian Yuhan's purpose is not simple, she has helped him a lot.

At least when Lin Yun was still unable to confront the divine world, the angel god Qian Yuhan was willing to protect her.

For this alone, Lin Yun was very grateful to the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Not helping is a duty, but helping is a matter of affection. For the sake of the angel family.

"Take good care of yourself."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's face blushed slightly, and disappeared in the next moment.

She doesn't like the way others thank her.

Seeing the angel god Qian Yuhan disappear in front of his eyes, Lin Yun looked surprised and quickly calmed down.

Angel God Qian Yuhan is even shyer than her.

Just a word of thanks is too much for me.

This couldn't help but make Lin Yun doubt the authenticity of her divine status.

After all, the angel god is the god who single-handedly suppressed the darkness of the continent thousands of years ago and saved mankind from water and fire.

Human beings thousands of years ago would definitely have thanked the angel god, otherwise she would not have achieved the status of god by relying on the power of faith.

In Lin Yun's opinion, the angel god Qian Yuhan should be used to others thanking her.

This is too strange.

Lin Yun suppressed the thoughts in her heart. She sat cross-legged on the bed and channeled her soul power.

Surprised, Lin Yun didn't think much about it.

The top priority is to improve your soul power level.

The enemy will not give him too much time. In Lin Yun's opinion, these four years are enough.

"By the way, I only paid you one day's stay, and you spent one day absorbing the divine power."

The voice of the angel god Qian Yuhan suddenly appeared in his mind.

The next moment, Lin Yun's door was knocked, interrupting Lin Yun's trance.

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