Lin Yun had an indifferent attitude, because even if they concealed something, they couldn't shake her determination.

From the moment she started inquiring about this matter, a big web was drawn up towards her.

There is no retreat on this road.

All she can do is move forward, find their weaknesses, and defeat them one by one.

Having weaknesses is a good thing, and having a plan shows that their interests are not conflicting now.

Lin Yun came to the nearby grass and leaned there thinking about the Phoenix God. There was an irritable look on her pretty face.

Logically speaking, the sudden appearance of the Phoenix God's Position was suitable for her martial soul Fire Phoenix, but the timing of its appearance was too coincidental, and it was so coincidental that it made Lin Yun suspicious.

She had just left Wuhun City and went to Douluo Continent for training. She happened to arrive at Yike City. After taking action against the people of the Min clan, she received a request from Isel and heard the secrets of the royal family of the Kingdom of Goodland.

There was no other god's handwriting in this, and Lin Yun didn't believe it.

It was already afternoon, the warm sunlight was refracted, and the leaves were shining with golden light, revealing variegated shadows.

Lin Yun leaned against the big tree, thinking about this matter with a heavy face.

If this divine position is really useful to him, Lin Yun will not let it go. Even if this was a conspiracy, Lin Yun had to step in.

Ever since she came to this world and became the youngest daughter of Qian Daoliu, the great priest of Wuhun Palace, she was destined to become enemies with the gods.

If you want to fight with the gods, you must have supernatural power. The power of the second-level god simply did not meet Lin Yun's requirements.

What she wants is a first-level god, or even above the first-level god. Angel God Qian Yuhan is the best among the first-level gods, but the power of Angel God Qian Yuhan is not enough to compete with the entire God Realm.

The angel god Qian Yuhan can defeat the sea god Poseidon, but he is not a match for the god Shura. This is because the god Shura is one of the five great god kings.

Gods have levels, and the God King is currently the strongest level in the God Realm.

Level 1 God is the minimum requirement, and it is what Lin Yun urgently needs now.

Lin Yun understood what the angel god Qian Yuhan meant. After all, there was a limit to what she could do to help her.

She is determined to compete with the entire God Realm, but her strength is not enough.

These four years are their last chance.

Lin Yun knew clearly that this was a conspiracy, but Lin Yun had no choice.

"What are you thinking?"

A noble and majestic voice sounded in Lin Yun's ears.

Lin Yun took a closer look and saw that the angel god Qian Yuhan, bathed in the sun, looked golden.

The dazzling golden eyes of blond hair were even brighter under the sunlight, and they stared at Lin Yun tenderly.

"Phoenix God's Throne."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's expression changed, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "Where did you get this news?"

"The Phoenix Divine Throne has been lost in the God Realm for hundreds of thousands of years."

"The current Phoenix Godhead in the God Realm is just a body, and there is no godhead at all."

The smile on Angel God Qian Yuhan's face instantly faded, and his expression became serious.

Her scrutinizing gaze made Lin Yun feel strange.

"I learned the news from the person in charge of the Wuhunzi Temple in Yike City. Since there is a Phoenix God in the God Realm, why does the Phoenix God still exist on Douluo Continent? According to them, this God's throne is still passed down. God’s Martial Spirit. From the looks of them, this is true.”

Lin Yun told the angel god Qian Yuhan the whole story.

She trusted the angel god Qian Yuhan very much.

When she couldn't make up her mind, she would choose to believe in the judgment of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

The experience of those who have been there is necessary.

"True or false is not important. What is important is that the long-lost Phoenix God in the God Realm will reappear in the human world. The Phoenix God in the God Realm was lowered after the death of the Phoenix God. It is not the original God. The original phoenix god was a god at the level of a god-king. Even if the godhood is broken and the god is demoted to a second-level god, there is no guarantee that a skinny camel will be bigger than a horse."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's expression became more solemn.

This matter is quite big.

Because after the first war in the God Realm, after the death of the Phoenix God, the godhead was never seen again. The Dragon God and the Phoenix God are the divine leaders among the soul beasts.

The God Realm has been searching for the whereabouts of the Phoenix Godhead in order to absorb the power of the Phoenix God's existence.

To the gods, hundreds of thousands of years are nothing. The last thing they lack is time.

"Have you not found it in the God Realm?"

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, "But the news about it appeared in front of me. This is quite unreasonable."

"This shows that it is destined to you."

Angel God Qian Yuhan suddenly reached out and took Lin Yun's hand, "You can give it a try."

"It is a godhead at the level of a god king. Even after being ravaged for thousands of years, its power is better than most first-level gods. It doesn't matter if the godhead is broken. You can use it to create new ones with your own understanding and strength. godhead."

"There is an upper limit to the godhead, but there is no lower limit. Even if the godhead of the second-level god fails, it will still be the godhead of the second-level god, and the power will hardly reach the level of the first-level godhead. The same is true for the first-level godhead, so even if the godhead of the god king level is created The new godhead must be of the same level."

As he spoke, Angel God Qian Yuhan felt happy.

This is a godhead at the level of a god king.

If the godhead really exists, it will be a happy event for them.

"Actually, the difference between a first-level god and a god-king is just strength. Powerful gods have the right to speak in the divine world. You can give it a try. There is no harm in doing it for you."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's expression became complicated, and she looked a little dazed.

Lin Yun's luck is too good.

The Phoenix Goddess, who has been searching for hundreds of thousands of years in the God Realm, has not been found, and Lin Yun found it without even looking for it.

This shows that Lin Yun is destined to the Phoenix God.

Fate is such a mysterious thing.


Lin Yun responded, she was very excited. Learning about the Phoenix Goddess from the mouth of the Angel God Qian Yuhan undoubtedly made Lin Yun's expectations for that Godship rise.

If this is really the legendary Phoenix Goddess, then she has the ability to compete with the gods in the divine world.

Becoming a god is necessary.

Angel God Qian Yuhan patted Lin Yun's shoulder and said softly: "Go forward boldly, don't be timid."

"You still have a long way to go. If the Phoenix God's Throne is real, you may become a God King. God Shura is one of the five God Kings, but it does not mean that he is invincible."

"The God Realm is not his place. When you have the ability to challenge him, there will be a new war. The Sea God Poseidon is not something to be afraid of. You can find an opportunity to kill him."

Angel God Qian Yuhan's golden eyes flashed with anger, and eventually turned into calm.

Past and present, what she cares about is the present.

"it is good."

Lin Yun responded obediently. She was like a student listening to the teacher's instructions at the moment. She looked obedient.

Lin Yun restrained his anger and his mood became calm.

"If my luck is really that good, then let me become a god quickly."

Lin Yun murmured to herself, swearing secretly in her heart that this was what she was thinking now.

"It will work."

Angel God Qian Yuhan smiled at her, "As long as it is the godhead of the God King, there is no problem even if it is broken."

"it is good."


One day later, the four of them arrived at Phoenix City, the royal city of the Kingdom of Goodland. Lin Yun walked on the street and looked at the phoenix pattern carved on the city wall, and he knew the love for phoenix here.

As expected of Phoenix City, there are phoenixes everywhere, and in the blink of an eye you can see things related to the phoenix pattern.

Not only are the city walls carved with phoenix patterns, but there are also phoenix patterns on the floor, and there are also phoenix shapes on the roof. This is a city that implements "Phoenix" to the end.

At least one-third of the people in the crowd were wearing clothes with phoenix patterns on them, and the remaining two-thirds had patterns related to the phoenix.

This city is full of phoenixes, which really corresponds to the name of this city - Phoenix City.

Of course, Phoenix City cannot live without Phoenix.

The clothes of Lin Yun and the four others were incompatible with the people here, and they stood out at first glance.

It is because they are different that they attract the attention of others.

Facing the surprised looks of others, Lin Yun and others walked forward. The four of them were not surprised when they faced other people's gazes.

They are all people who have seen big scenes, and they have an indifferent attitude towards these.

Except for Iser and Huo Xuan, Huo Nuo and Lin Yun have extremely outstanding looks. Especially Lin Yun, who has those blue eyes that are more beautiful than the stars, and everyone's eyes have stopped on her many times.

The long golden hair draped over her shoulders, coupled with those eyes, made Lin Yun's already outstanding appearance even more perfect.

Huo Nuo was dressed like a scorching sun, and that flash of red caught everyone's eyes.

However, people were coming and going in the Kingdom of Goodland, and the four of them quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Lin Yun led the three of them forward. It was afternoon and the crowd was the largest.

Towards evening, after the sun goes down, the night scene is when people are having fun.

The scars on Huo Xuan's face attracted people's attention, but after years of torture in reality, Huo Xuan no longer cared about this look.

Just watch it without affecting your life.

Lin Yun didn't care what others thought and kept walking forward.

Lin Yun took a group of them to the Phoenix Hotel in Phoenix City. The Phoenix Hotel is the largest hotel in Phoenix City, and its decoration level is comparable to that of a palace. This is also a major feature of Phoenix.

Apart from the palace, only the Phoenix Hotel attracts the most attention.

The minimum charge for staying at the Phoenix Hotel is one thousand gold soul coins. This amount can be spent in big hotels elsewhere for two to three days or a week.

Because it is the imperial city of the Kingdom of Goodland, prices here are very expensive.

Lin Yun checked in in his own name and opened three suites. She is a person who is not short of money, so naturally she will not wrong herself in small things.

After checking in, Lin Yun came to the room, sat on the sofa and talked with them.

"Go ahead."

"Where is the inheritance of the Phoenix God's throne?"

Lin Yun had asked them before, and Huo Xuan said that the inheritance place of the Phoenix God's throne was in Phoenix City.

Her brother knew that the place of inheritance was in Phoenix City, but he didn't know the specific location. So this is also the reason why he is looking for Huo Xuan.

The temptation to people is very great with things like gods.

"At the palace."

Huo Xuan said with a calm face, "In the central palace of the imperial palace, we need to use blood to initiate the inheritance of the divine throne. Only I know this method now."

"He doesn't know the place of inheritance, nor does he know how to open it."

This is also the reason why Huo Xuan is not afraid of the leakage of the place where the divine throne is inherited.

Because he doesn't know anything.

Listening to her words, Lin Yun's expression remained unchanged and he said, "Then when are you going to sneak into the palace?"

Lin Yun was testing Huo Xuan's bottom and wanted to find out what she was thinking.

This matter has something to do with luck, but Lin Yun still wants to take matters into his own hands.

Lin Yun disliked this unreliable feeling and instinctively resisted.

She has a very calm personality and doesn't like things to lose stability.


Huo Xuan paused and said, "When the time comes, I will lead you to use a specific method to open the place where the divine throne is inherited. After opening it, I hope you can fulfill our agreement."

Huo Xuan had no confidence in her heart, otherwise she would not have used her granddaughter Huo Nuo as a condition to persuade Wuhundian.

Compared with trust between people, the relationship brought by interests is more stable.

The family ties brought by blood are not reliable.

After the hurt caused by family affection, Huo Xuan now only believes in benefits.

If the benefits can change, it is definitely because the benefits they provide are not enough.

"of course."

Lin Yun responded without hesitation. She is a person who cares about promises.

Huo Xuan and Huo Nuo have already given generous terms.

Lin Yun agreed to their conditions on behalf of Wuhun Palace, so he would not make any temporary regrets.

Moreover, I am lucky to meet them.

Just like what the angel god Qian Yuhan said, the God Realm has been searching for the Phoenix Goddess for hundreds of thousands of years but has yet to find it. The fact that she can find it means that she is destined to this Goddess.

Not only did he help Huoxuan's family, Huoxuan's family also helped him.

Lin Yun was lucky to meet them, and it was also their fate.

It seems that he and the Phoenix God are destined to be together.

Lin Yun thought slowly.

Without Huo Xuan and Isel, she really didn't know the existence of the Phoenix God.

Without the Phoenix Goddess, there would be no way to realize her ambitions.

This is also the reason why Lin Yun suspects that he has been plotted and tries to find out.

The Phoenix position was too important, and she could not refuse this temptation.

"I believe in you, respected young master of Wuhun Palace."

Huo Xuan said tremblingly, her eyes looking at Lin Yun were full of emotion.

It was their family's luck to meet the young master of Wuhun Palace.

"Don't thank me too much. You paid the price to achieve this cooperation."

Lin Yun said lightly, she didn't care too much about these details.

But she could feel Huo Xuan's excitement.

It was right to think about it. The hatred accumulated in her heart for decades could finally be released, which was a relief for Huo Xuan.

Putting himself in Lin Yun's shoes, he could feel Huo Xuan's mood.

"You guys have a good rest, you've been on the road all day. Come back for action in the early morning."

Lin Yun told them that this action was related to her status.

Like Huo Xuan and the others, Lin Yun was also very excited.

As long as it was confirmed that this was the Phoenix Godhead that the God Realm had been searching for for hundreds of thousands of years, Lin Yun was confident that he would use that broken godhead to create a new Godhead.

The God Realm is waiting for me, Lin Yun, to arrive.

A dark light flashed in the blue eyes.

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