Chapter 128 I think you are right
Seeing his weak appearance, the goddess of light's eyes flashed with complicated emotions, and she sighed deeply.

"Why put yourself in pain by pursuing the answer. I don't understand what you are thinking."

The goddess of light did not sympathize with the Phoenix God's plight. She could not understand the Phoenix God's thoughts.

Sympathy is the most useless emotion for them. Who cares about the sympathy of other gods when we have come to this point?

They have lived for millions of years and have long since left those emotions behind.

"I do not know either."

The vicissitudes of the Phoenix God's voice sounded, and Lin Yun looked at the Phoenix God in shock.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be difficult for Lin Yun to believe that a god would disregard his own life for the sake of principles.

Similarly, Lin Yun's thoughts are similar to those of the goddess of light. Is it really worth it?
If it were Lin Yun, she would definitely not choose like the Phoenix God. She believed that she was selfish and could not be as upright as the Phoenix God.

It's really not worth sacrificing your life for so-called brotherhood.

Lin Yun was still watching the follow-up, watching the operation of the goddess of light.

The goddess of light divided the power and godhead of the Phoenix God according to the requirements of the Phoenix God.

The blood all over the ground mixed with the divine power of the Phoenix merged into a sea of ​​flowers. A brother and sister were born in the sea of ​​red flowers.

They came into the world as five-year-old children, the brother and sister Huo Jing and Huo Cheng.

Through thousands of years of time, she saw their immature side.

They looked at the Phoenix God with indifferent eyes, and their bodies automatically absorbed the power within the Phoenix Godhead. In other words, from this moment on, the Phoenix Godhead was split into two, completely broken and could no longer be repaired into a complete Phoenix Godhead.

Because half of the power became the power of Huo Jing and Huo Cheng, they are the sons of God.

He is the son of the Phoenix formed by the goddess of light using the bloodline and divine personality of the Phoenix God.

They are born noble.

To Lin Yun's expectation, the goddess of light only needed 30% of her power, and 30% was injected into the bodies of Huo Jing and Huo Cheng to balance the half of the power of the Phoenix godhead for them. The remaining 40% was sealed in the broken Phoenix Godhead by the Goddess of Light.

The broken Phoenix Godhead will slowly lose its divinity without the blessing of divine power. In order to ensure the stability of the godhead, the power of the Phoenix must be injected.

"They are the children you condensed with your blood, the sons of the Phoenix. Give them a name and let their names be known to the world."

The goddess of light said lightly, her golden eyes looking at Huo Jing and Huo Cheng were full of tenderness.

She is a very caring goddess and naturally loves cubs.

It is a pity that she has not been able to have any children of her own for millions of years.

"My sister's name is Huo Jing, and my brother's name is Huo Cheng. In my eyes, Huo Jing's light is more dazzling than jade, and she is a flame in the world. As for Huo Cheng, I hope he can handle things calmly throughout his life, just like his The name is calming. This is my blessing to them."

The Phoenix God stroked their heads with his hands, his red eyes full of love.

This is a father's love for his children.

The goddess of light said: "I don't have any gifts for them, but I can bless them that they will not be harmed under the light, so that they can live in the light."

The blessing of the goddess of light is more valuable than the gift. This blessing will accompany them throughout their lives and is a beautiful blessing imprinted in their souls.

Golden light power poured into their bodies, bringing them protection.

"Thank you, kind and kind goddess of light."

Phoenix God Huofeng said sincerely that it was his own problem to fall into this situation.

The fact that the goddess of light can help him shows that she is pure in heart.

The goddess of light touched the heads of Huo Jing and Huo Cheng, and said softly: "If a lucky person encounters your godhead in ten thousand years, it means that this is the arrangement of fate. Follow the fate to peer into time, and let everything end in time. Let the future dilute our sorrow. I will put a fragment of your soul into the godhead. If there is a chance, I hope to meet you again in millions of years."

"The death of the gods is only temporary. We will appear again in millions of years."

"By then, I hope you'll give me the answer."

"I also have a question with you, can light accommodate the existence of darkness?"

Lin Yun's eyes widened, and there was a look of astonishment in her blue eyes. She didn't expect that someone as powerful as the Goddess of Light would be looking for an answer like the Phoenix God.

Their behavior seemed strange to her.

God and God are different.

The gods before the First War were gentle and viewed the world in a rational way.

The God Realm does not allow soul beasts to become gods, which determines the future tragedy of the Soul Beast clan. Isn't it because of the first war in the God Realm?

It is a pity that the memory in the Phoenix Godhead only reaches before the death of the Phoenix God, and does not introduce the first divine war. Even if Lin Yun wants to peep into it, she has no way.

However, it can be seen from the records of later generations that all conscientious god-kings died in this war, and the surviving god-king was the weakest god-king in that war at that time.

After the powerful god-kings fell, the right to speak fell into the hands of the weaker god-kings.

It is precisely because they have no ability that they continue to rewrite the rules of the divine world.

Both the God Realm and the Douluo Continent were in a mess by them.

Lin Yun's blue eyes showed a cold look. She hated the gods in the divine world and wished to use her strength to defeat them.

However, she is not even a god now.

Even though her current soul power level has reached level ninety-nine, she is only one step away from becoming a god, but she does not have a godhead.

The God of Cookery and the Nine-Colored Goddess were not what she wanted, and the Phoenix Godhead that could really be used by her had long been broken.

Moreover, the remaining half lies with Huo Jing and Huo Cheng. Lin Yun learned from his memory that the goddess of light also used her divine power to place a forbidden spell on Huo Jing and Huo Cheng to protect them.

After the Phoenix Godhead is broken, it cannot be repaired with the other half. Once Huo Jing and Huo Cheng are forcibly killed to obtain the Phoenix Godhead, they will definitely be punished by light.

The Goddess of Light, who was prepared for a rainy day, had set everything up for them hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After the Phoenix Godhead is broken, other methods can only be found to recast it, and it cannot be repaired with another Godhead.

Lin Yun watched the memory in front of her disappear into nothingness. The Phoenix Godhead suddenly moved away from her fingertips, and red divine power emerged.

The phoenix divine power condensed into a sentence and appeared in front of Lin Yun's eyes. “Was my choice right or wrong?”

Lin Yun's expression calmed down, and she thought of what the Phoenix God said before his death.

Obviously, this is the will of the Phoenix God left in the Phoenix Godhead. He waited hundreds of thousands of years for an answer.

Lin Yun closed his eyes and thought.

Judging from the records of Wuhun Palace, the war in the God Realm ended with the defeat of the soul beasts, allowing the soul beast clan to become part of the human cultivation system.

In this way, from a historical perspective, what the Phoenix God did was not wrong. Lin Yun hesitated in his heart, because from the perspective of the time, the Phoenix God's idea was not recognized by the soul beast clan.

The human god at that time was nothing to the Dragon God.

It is precisely because of this that the arrogant Dragon God tore apart the barrier of the God Realm and started the first war in the God Realm. The Wuhun Palace records that the battle between the Dragon God and the Phoenix God was the beginning of the first divine war.

Lin Yun thought for a while and said: "From a historical perspective, what the Phoenix God did was right. From a racial survival perspective, what the Phoenix God did was wrong. He avoided his responsibilities. He believed that his ideas could outweigh everything, and even risked his life for his ideas. Later generations recorded that the sufferings of the Soul Beast clan came from the First World War, which made the Soul Beast clan completely subordinate to the human race. This is the record of the human race. Analyzing it from the perspective of the Soul Beast Clan, they would only think that the Phoenix God is a coward. If the Phoenix God gives up his idea and joins forces with the Dragon God to deal with those gods, then the leader of this world will not be humans, but the Soul Beast Clan. . The suffering of the Soul Beast clan does not come from the Dragon God’s war, but from the Phoenix God’s cowardice.”

Lin Yun analyzed the Phoenix God's actions in a calm way. Everything has pros and cons.

In the eyes of humans, what the Phoenix God did was right. He safeguarded the rights and interests of humans and helped humans. But from the perspective of the soul beast clan, the Phoenix God is a traitor.

He gave up his tribe for his own ideas, and he did not hesitate to fight his brothers and thus perished.

Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "That is the view of the soul beast clan, and I am a human. From the perspective of the human race, I think you are not wrong. The only thing you did wrong was not using strength to conquer the world. I If you, since they can't agree with my idea, then beat them until they are convinced. It's not that you can't beat the Dragon God, but you don't want to kill him. You care about the brotherhood of the Dragon God. , there will be no hesitation. My thinking is different from theirs. It is not my problem, but a matter of personal choice. When I have the power, I will not let myself be at a disadvantage, whether it is a soul beast or a human being. No matter what, we all keep getting stronger for our own ideas. I want to become a god because I don’t want to be reduced to a pawn of the gods. I want to change the fate of Wuhun Palace, so I only believe in my own fists. Wearing myself can bring a sense of security to the people I care about.”

There is nothing wrong, it's just that he didn't use his strength to prove himself. If he had strengthened his heart and used his strength to create a new divine realm, he would not have been shot down by his brothers on the Douluo Continent and perished.

The only thing he did wrong was the method.

There is nothing wrong with emphasizing love and justice, but using the wrong method will lead to the current ending.

In Lin Yun's view, the Phoenix God was not wrong.

If it were her, her approach would be even more extreme than that of the Phoenix God.

She is very selfish.

The moment she learned about Qian Renxue's future encounter from the angel god Qian Yuhan, she couldn't calm down. She wanted to rewrite the fate of Wuhun Palace because she wanted to protect Qian Renxue.

She really treats Qian Renxue as her own relative.

The red phoenix divine power gathered together, and a transparent remnant soul appeared in front of Lin Yun's eyes.

Lin Yun saw his appearance from the Phoenix God's memory. As soon as the remnant soul appeared, she knew it was the remnant soul of the Phoenix God.

A remnant of the soul that the goddess of light had reserved for him.

It's strange that this remnant soul didn't protect her memory, and allowed her, an outsider, to peek into her memory.

Doesn’t it mean that gods are proud?

How can the memories of gods be viewed by others at will?

"I am Fire Phoenix, the God of Phoenix."

The clear voice of Remnant Soul reached Lin Yun's ears, and his red eyes reflected Lin Yun's figure.

"You are the variable that the goddess of light said."

"I've been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years."

Hearing this, Lin Yun frowned. She carefully recalled the fragments of memories, but she still had no impression.

"Thank you for your answer."

"Unfortunately, this answer is too late."

The God of Phoenix, Huo Feng, smiled slightly at Lin Yun, his handsome face full of smiles, "In return, the power within the Phoenix Godhead will become your power."

"The place where the stars fell will have the answer you want. In addition, the goddess of light left a divine inheritance hundreds of thousands of years ago. She once said that if someone can give me a satisfactory answer, she can give her I think you are very suitable for the place where the divine throne is inherited.”

"She is a gentle goddess who illuminates the world with light. Her divine weapon, the Divine Sword of Light, exists in the lightless land of Douluo Continent. Holding the Divine Sword of Light will start the inheritance test for the divine throne."

"Thank you."

Lin Yun was shocked when he suddenly learned such important news, and quickly responded to thank the Phoenix God Huo Feng.

She was grateful for the information provided by Huo Feng, the Phoenix God.

The inheritance of the divine throne at the level of a god king is something that is rare to come by.

It’s not that those god-kings who died in the first war in the God Realm left no inheritance, it’s that no one can find them. It was a huge temptation for Lin Yun to learn from the mouth of the Phoenix God Huo Feng that the place where the Goddess of Light inherited her throne.

That is the goddess of light, a god at the level of a god king!
As the wife of the most powerful person in the divine world, the God of Destiny, the goddess of light's own strength is definitely not too bad.

Moreover, even if she did not support the launch of the first divine war, those god kings did not dare to persuade her, which shows the strength of the goddess of light.

"no need to thank me."

"If we are destined, we will meet. By then, I hope you can say those words to me yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the remnant soul of the Phoenix God dissipated into the world, and the condensed phoenix divine power came fiercely towards Lin Yun.

They broke into Lin Yun's body forcefully and became Lin Yun's power. Forty percent of the divine power of the God King level is a good thing for Lin Yun. Although these magical powers have been depleted a lot over hundreds of thousands of years, you don't want to give up on good things.

Lin Yun quickly absorbed these divine powers, but her soul power level remained at level ninety-nine.

Because she has no godhead, there is no way to become a god. The excess divine power is hovering in her body, nourishing her heart.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Lin Yun immediately separated from the spiritual world.

When she woke up, she found that she was surrounded by a strange place.

She lay on the lake, and the silver power surrounded her body, making her lie flat on it.

"here it is?"

Lin Yun looked around with curious eyes.

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