Chapter 145 The Killing Fields of Hell
From the moment he arrived in the inner city, Lin Yun understood the meaning of the so-called paradise of sin.

This place is disgusting.

A place without order and rationality is naturally a depraved and disgusting place.

The city of killing is indeed a crime hidden under the light.

Along the way, Lin Yun's understanding of the Killing City was constantly refreshed. I thought it was disgusting enough in the outer city, but I didn't expect it to be even more disgusting in the inner city.

They cannot be called humans, only beasts. It is better to say that it is a paradise of depravity and a place where evil breeds, because there is no human nature here.

Lin Yun's outstanding appearance attracted the attention of countless people. They hid in the shadows and looked at her with greedy eyes, giving Lin Yun the feeling that she was a piece of meat waiting to be slaughtered.

They didn't take action because of the woman in black gauze standing next to Lin Yun.

As the woman in black veil said, no one dares to offend her in the inner city, because she represents the face of the King of Slaughter.

Lin Yun glanced at her coldly, "Besides the outer city and the inner city, where else are there more people in the killing city?"

"The killing fields of hell."

"Then take me to the killing fields of hell."

Lin Yun had heard the woman in black gauze mention the killing fields of hell before, but she didn't pay much attention. Because her goal is the lightless land of the Killing City.

Lin Yun would not take the risk without knowing it clearly.

The woman in black gauze did not answer, but looked at Lin Yun with complicated eyes, and finally walked forward.

Lin Yun followed her closely, suppressing his own discomfort. The further he walked toward the inner city, the more Lin Yun felt his own resistance.

Obviously, the phoenix divine power and the angelic divine power are resisting the erosion of the Shura divine power that exists here.

Lin Yun discovered the secret of this place.

From the moment she came here, she couldn't control her murderous intention. Lin Yun felt that he didn't need to suppress it, that violent energy could kill everyone around him, which made Lin Yun realize that something was wrong with this place.

To release one's own violence through murderous intent, no wonder this place is called the City of Killing.

The city of killing is truly worthy of its name.

Lin Yun came to the door of the Hell Killing Fields. The Hell Killing Fields is a circular building with a non-standard cone shape on top. The bottom area is the largest, covering an area of ​​five to six hundred meters, and the height above it is close to a hundred meters.

This black building gave Lin Yun a very depressing feeling, and that indescribable feeling filled his heart.

Her golden eyes emitted a fierce light, which was her pupil technique.

She is exploring the anomalies here.

Under the pupil technique, Lin Yun saw red particles floating in the hell killing field, and the air was filled with red power fluctuations. The red substance made Lin Yun instinctively disgusted.

This thing is not harmful to itself, but it can cause people to have excited thoughts and lose their rationality. The crazy people I saw along the way were definitely influenced by this thing.

Under the influence of the pupil technique, Lin Yun saw floating golden light spots and red light spots on himself, which were the divine power of angels and phoenixes.

The Phoenix Power and the red thing are similar in color, but they are essentially different.

The Phoenix Divine Power gave Lin Yun a warm feeling, without any negative emotions. On the contrary, this layer of red substance gave her a feeling of excitement, and she had an uncontrollable desire to kill in her heart.

If it weren't for the purification of the angel's power, Lin Yun's heart would have become violent.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the tall black building, and finally walked in under the surprised gaze of the woman in black veil.

From the height of this building, you can see its important position in the killing city.

The rules of Killing City mostly revolve around the Killing Fields of Hell.

As soon as he entered the killing field of hell, Lin Yun once again faced the blood.

The shouts and cheers that echoed through the sky, and the red eyes of those people showed that this was not a good place.

Especially the smell of blood in the air is particularly pungent.

Only at this moment did Lin Yun understand Qian Daoliu's resistance to the killing city.

It turns out this place is really not good.

From the moment she arrived in the Killing City, she saw killings again and again. It was truly a killing city.

"What are the rules of Hell's Killing Fields?"

Lin Yun turned his head to look at the woman in black gauze and spoke slowly.

The woman in black veil glanced at her and said, "The rules are very simple. After you enter, you sign up with your identity card and wait for the competition to start."

"Of course, you are not allowed to kill while waiting for the game. Each group of people entering the killing field is ten. During this period, no matter what method you use, as long as you can come out alive in the end. Because every Only one person can come out of the group alive."

One out of ten people survives, this is the rule of the killing fields of hell.

After understanding the rules, Lin Yun's expression darkened, "What I want to ask is how to leave the killing city."

Lin Yun entered the Killing City through the channels of Wuhun Palace. As soon as she entered the killing city, she saw a woman in black gauze.

This woman in black veil claims to be the messenger of the King of Slaughter and her guide in the City of Slaughter.

During the 24 hours of the novice protection period, she will stay with Lin Yun to protect Lin Yun.

But after twenty-four hours, she will leave Lin Yun. During this time, she will explain the rules of the Killing City to Lin Yun, so that Lin Yun can understand the Killing City.

Of course, if Lin Yun provokes the majesty of the King of Slaughter, even the black veiled woman in the novice protection period will take action against her.

After all, she protected Lin Yun because of the rules of the Killing City.

Lin Yun asked this because she could come to the Killing City through the Wuhun Palace, so there must be other ways to leave the Killing City.

Although the woman in black gauze emphasized many times that the city of killing could only be entered but not out, Lin Yun did not believe what the woman in black gauze said.

It's very simple. If the city of killing can only be entered but not exited, it will not establish relations with the outside world. If people from the outside know about the existence of the Killing City, it must be because someone in the Killing City is promoting it outside.


The woman in black veil said calmly: "As long as you can win a hundred games, win the championship, and participate in the regional road test in the regional killing field, you can leave the killing city. Until now, there have been only eight killing gods in the killing city."

"The way to leave the Killing City is as difficult as climbing to the sky. This is why everyone defaults to the fact that the Killing City can only be entered but not exited."

The woman in black gauze did not place any hope on Lin Yun, because there were only eight killing gods in the city of killing so far.

The last killing god appeared decades ago.

"The current number one in the Hell Killing Fields has only participated in seventy-nine games. Every time you participate in a game, there will be one more victory on your identity card, and you can live one more day in the Killing City. Years, and you can enjoy the bliss at will in the inner city, provided you are still alive after enjoying it."

The woman in black gauze looked at Lin Yun with a cold look in her eyes.

Obviously, she was dissatisfied with Lin Yun's previous behavior.

If Lin Yun hadn't been in the novice protection period, she would have ignored Lin Yun.

"Are there any conditions for watching their games?"

Lin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"The qualification to watch the game is to contribute a glass of Bloody Mary. This Bloody Mary can be your own or someone else's. As long as you don't feel tired, you can keep watching. The game is played regardless of time."

"As long as someone signs up, and we gather ten people, we can start a game."

Hearing the black veil woman's introduction to the killing fields of hell, Lin Yun really felt ridiculous.

No wonder the light of the angel god Qian Yuhan shines in the world, thus gaining the faith of the world and creating a new god. It is because darkness can make people numb.

Of course, Lin Yun doesn't feel sorry for the people in the killing city.

Because people who can come to the Killing City are basically evil people.

Very few people who can survive in Douluo Continent will come to the Killing City.

In other words, everyone who can come here is a vicious person. The red mist in the Killing City will arouse obsessions in people's hearts, making them unable to control their emotions.

Lin Yun was not surprised by this condition.

Starting from the outer city, she realized something was wrong in the Killing City. As she guessed, the currency of the Killing City is Bloody Mary.

The only thing that made Lin Yun curious was the importance the Slaughter City attached to Bloody Mary.

Logically speaking, Bloody Mary should not become the popular currency in the murderous city.

Money is of no use here, so where does the food that sustains them come from?

Lin Yun observed the environment of the Killing City and found that it was not suitable for growing food.

In other words, if you want food in the Killing City, you must find it from the outside world, that is, get in touch with the outside world.

The Wuhun Palace's power spread across the entire continent. Under the restrictions of Wuhun Palace, a place with high food consumption like the Killing City will definitely attract attention. Therefore, the Killing City is not known to the world, and it is definitely the work of Wuhundian.

Combined with the passage between Wuhun Palace and the Killing City. Lin Yun guessed that Wuhun Palace and the City of Killing were cooperating.

It's really hard to judge.

The City of Killing is the territory used by God Shura to pass on his divine status. It has nothing to do with the Spirit Hall, which is passed down by Angel God. The two parties are enemies, but they can cooperate in private.

Sure enough, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

The Wuhun Palace must have known the background of the Killing City, but they still chose to cooperate. The deeper meaning behind this was beyond her imagination.

It's right to think about it. If the light is too strong, it will be destroyed. The existence of darkness has a certain restrictive effect.

Lin Yun didn't intend to delve into it further. If her guess is true, it means that Wuhun Palace and the top leaders of the Killing City have reached a cooperation.

Without knowing the content, it was best for her not to get involved.

After all, it would be useless for her to destroy the Killing City now.

The purpose of her coming here is to find the lightless place.

After finding the lightless land, Lin Yun would make other plans.

After the woman in black gauze finished speaking, she kept looking at Lin Yun and found that she was deep in thought.

At this time, a group of people walked into the Hell Killing Fields from outside behind them.

They all had a Bloody Mary in their hands.

The strong smell of blood made Lin Yun, who had keen senses, feel uncomfortable.

She frowned, suppressing her discomfort and strode towards the killing field of hell.

She had previously robbed the group of big men and got twenty Bloody Marys.

Lin Yun waved his hand and took out a glass of Bloody Mary from the soul guide space.

Lin Yun walked forward, and she came to the inside of the hell killing field.

The inside of the Hell Killing Fields is much simpler than the outside, and there are no isolation zones set up here. Below is a huge empty field with a diameter of hundreds of square meters.

Since it was night when Lin Yun came to the killing capital, there were a lot of people watching the battle at this moment, and the crowd was noisy.

In that huge empty field, screams continued to sound. As the woman in black veil said, every game is ten people. Not long after the game started, four people became corpses.

The remaining seven people are still fighting for survival.

I saw that their fighting techniques were extremely ruthless, their strikes were quick and accurate, and they were all aiming to kill with one blow.

Only then did Lin Yun agree with the woman in black gauze.

This is the paradise of sin. Here, kindness does not exist, and where there is life and death, there must be killing.

This place was named the Killing Fields of Hell, perhaps because of the battle of human nature.

In order to survive, the people of the Killing City did their best.

Lin Yun instinctively hated them.

Even though Lin Yun was born in a martial arts family and lived in a world of the jungle, she still hated these guys.

The moment he entered, the Bloody Mary in Lin Yun's hand was poured into a huge container.

"Please help me register for the next competition."

Lin Yun spoke softly to the woman in black gauze.

She used her pupil technique to observe her surroundings, but did not find the whereabouts of the Lightless Land.

Obviously, the Lightless Land is not here.

But the Hell Killing Fields is already the deepest building in the inner city.

Along the way, Lin Yun had been observing the terrain, hoping to find the lightless land mentioned by Silver Dragon King Gu Yue.

Obviously, she didn't find it, otherwise she wouldn't have come to the killing fields of hell.

The woman in black veil nodded without hesitation and took the ID card handed over by Lin Yun to sign up for her.

She didn't like Lin Yun's cold and arrogant attitude, but there was no need for her to offend a strong man for some trivial matter.

Although she wanted to see this strong man with a cold aura degrade, she still cherished her life.

Soon it was Lin Yun's turn to compete.

After hearing his code name in the Killing City, Lin Yun walked down.

Lin Yun walked into the huge venue and saw the remaining nine people.

The nine people included middle-aged men and women.

Of course, more of them are middle-aged men.

The minute the bell rang, they started fighting.

The target of those middle-aged men was Lin Yun.

Because she looks the youngest among the ten people and the least powerful.

Judging people by their appearance made them instinctively think that Lin Yun was the best to deal with.

Pick the persimmons that are soft and pinch them.

Before they could get close, Lin Yun took action the next second.

The long red sword cut through the sky and went straight for his head. In an instant, red blood spurted out.

Her figure was as fast as lightning.

In less than ten seconds, Lin Yun ended the battle.

With a bang, the nine people suddenly fell down, their heads fell to the ground and became corpses.

This extremely fast speed made everyone watching the game cheer.

The Killing City is a place without order.

Strong people will be admired by people.

This is where the idea of ​​the jungle of the jungle comes to fruition.

"so fast."

The woman in black gauze couldn't help but murmur to herself as she looked at Lin Yun's movements.

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