Chapter 1 Crossing
12 o'clock late at night. Haicheng is still brightly lit and traffic flows continuously. Luxury jewelry shops, lively bars, and the endless flow of vehicles that can be seen everywhere seem to show the prosperity and liveliness of this city, but no one knows that in this city, someone died suddenly in the night of this city because of working overtime overnight.

Prince Yong's Mansion in the 48th year of Kangxi's reign
The house was very lively, and the big red silk flowers at the door were in sharp contrast to the deserted Babele House next door. One of them was Prince Yong, who was highly valued nowadays, and the other was a man with "unreasonable ambitions" who was personally criticized by the current emperor. The eighth prince who was dismissed from Baylor is now back with the Great Feng, but he is not as good as before.

In the palace, Uranala Fujin was preparing for a family banquet in the palace. Although it was just a family banquet, it was very lively.

"Fujin, Geng Gege from Jingqiu Courtyard is awake." The maid came up to report on the screen.

"It's quite a blessing. Go and send some good medicinal materials and let Geng Gege stay and recuperate. Don't go out during this period to avoid getting into trouble. It's important to take good care of your body."

"Yes" Huaping turned around and went to Jingqiu Courtyard to deliver the message.

In Jingqiu Courtyard
Geng Qingyou woke up in a daze, saw the antique boudoir, and the turquoise curtains. She wondered that this was not my room. What was going on? She was knocked unconscious by a memory and fainted again.

After a long time, Geng Qingyou slowly woke up, silently digesting the fact that he died suddenly due to overtime work, but accidentally traveled to the famous Fourth Master's harem in history, and became a little-known but well-known pure girl in the Fourth Master's harem. Concubine Yihuang was also one of the few concubines of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty who lived to be 95 years old.

Geng Qingyou thought that if history were to be followed, his body would give birth to his son Hongzhou in two years. After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he would step by step become a concubine and concubine, and finally live until the Qianlong period to become a famous concubine in Qing history. Longevity old lady. It seems to be pretty good, and I can live a long and stable life.

Pooh! Who would be willing to come to this man-eating ancient times if they could choose? Unfortunately, I worked hard for 30 years to pay the down payment for a house in Haicheng. Before I died, I was still working diligently on the mortgage loan. In the end, it all came to nothing. After cursing in his heart for a long time, Geng Qingyou finally accepted that he had traveled to the Qing Dynasty and became the Geng family in history. The current situation is that Yongzheng's favorite concubine Nian has just entered the palace and is in the prime of her favor, and he and the Niu Hulu family Living in the same courtyard, although she has been in the palace for six years, she is still a little transparent in the palace. Fortunately, she is a little gege who is not favored, but because her father is a boss, he loves his daughter very much and gives her gifts from time to time. Some money has come in. Although I am not favored now, I am fortunate to have enough food and clothing.

But the current situation is that when I was walking around the small garden a few days ago, I didn't know who pushed me down. It happened to be at the moment when Yinzhen was awarded the title of Prince Yong. Everyone was busy preparing to celebrate the title. Who would do it? I noticed a little quirk in the palace.

The day in March is not cold, but the water in the garden lake is very biting. If the water falls on this day, in ancient times when medical treatment was so backward, even if you are lucky enough to survive, it will leave the root of the disease and cause the bed to collapse. Who is so serious about harming an inconspicuous princess? "Gege, it's time to take medicine." The person who spoke was Ruyi, the original personal maid. Although she was a slave assigned by the palace, she was extremely capable and managed everything inside and outside in an orderly manner. After Geng Qingyou calmed down, he drank the medicine under the service of his slave.

"Gege, just now the picture screen next to Fujin came to send a message, asking Gege to recover well and not to go out during this period. Fujin is going too far. Not only did he not find out the murderer behind you, he also grounded you in disguise." Ruyi was angry He said, his fair little face turned red with anger, showing his grievance and anger towards his master.

"Okay, let's take this time to recuperate. Your health is the most important thing."

Geng Qingyou thought to himself that he couldn't go back, but how could he continue his life? Although the Geng family in history had a son and lived safely until the Qianlong period, after all, he was not the original one and he didn't know that with his arrival, Will history change accordingly? Moreover, this body has just fallen into the water and has not yet recovered. How dare I get pregnant in this ancient time when technology was underdeveloped?

After thinking for a long time, Geng Qingyou finally made up his mind. Thirty years of hard work in his previous life were all in vain. What could he do in this ancient time when women had a humble status? He might as well just lie down and be this princess well and wait for Prince Yong. After ascending the throne, he can live a stable life. If history changes and Prince Yong misses the great treasure, he will just be imprisoned. At least, he still has the subsidies from his original body, Amma, so that his life will not be too bad.

While digesting his memory, Geng Qingyou discovered something that seemed inconsistent with history. In history, Niu Hulu stayed with his fourth master during the epidemic in late autumn, and finally gave birth to Hongli after the fourth master recovered. , became the well-known Empress Xiaoshengxian in later generations, but in the original memory, Yinzhen was infected with the epidemic a year ago, and Fujin Ulanara praised her good health and it was her great honor to take care of her elder brother. She was sent to He went to another hospital to take care of Yinzhen personally. Fortunately, although he was timid and cowardly, he was kind-hearted. When he was sent to another hospital, he did not complain about others, but took good care of Yinzhen. Therefore, he left a feeling of friendship in his heart. Later, although he was not favored, he still loved himself. I will also often receive some rewards from Yinzhen, which are not valuable but make the servants dare not despise or treat the original body harshly. As long as I don’t seek death and have this friendship, I can live a safe and worry-free life even if I have no heirs. old.

But why was such an ordinary princess pushed into the lake? Although this incident was determined to be that she was too close to the lake and accidentally stepped on the moss on the lake before slipping into the lake, but from memory Li learned that he seemed to have been pushed down, and the original body also gave up after struggling, which led to him wearing this body. The remaining memory said not to be entangled, and living a stable life is the most important thing. If possible, just help me take care of Amma and E Niang,

Geng Qingyou agreed and felt like a piece of herself had been healed. Although she was still a little uncomfortable, she felt that the root cause of the disease left by falling into the water had been cured. Then she calmed down and began to look at her surroundings. Under her body was a green curtain. The canopy bed in the tent and the beauty screen were given by Yinzhen from his private treasury. Although there are not many decorations in the room, and it does not look that luxurious, it looks better than other decorations in the palace. It seems that his "savior" is not taken seriously in Yinzhen's heart. .

 I am a newcomer writing, and I hope everyone will give me more criticism. Although it is the Qing Dynasty, it will change with the arrival of the heroine. I hope everyone will support it.

(End of this chapter)

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