Chapter 10 Giving birth
Song Gege is also a tragic figure. It turned out that Song Gege was the prince's trial marriage partner and was one of the first to serve the prince. As early as when Fujin entered the palace, she was pregnant. Even at that time, everyone speculated, Will Song Gege give birth to the eldest son of the concubine first? At that time, the Song family was in the limelight, and her steps were windy.

The good times did not last long, and the Song family had not been proud for a few days before the day of delivery arrived. To everyone's disappointment, Song Gege gave birth to a little Gege, but this did not prevent Yinzhen from loving her, so she also He also had a bit of love for the Song family, which allowed the Song family to gain a firm foothold in the backyard. Unfortunately, little Gege died in March. She didn't even have a name or order, and only had a lonely small grave.

From then on, Song Gege's fate was like bad luck. She gave birth to daughters one after another, but none of them survived. From then on, Song Gege became disheartened and spent all day in the small Buddhist hall, burning incense and worshiping Buddha. Don't care about worldly affairs.

If this were really the case, then the palace's backyard would not be so troubled, and there would not be so many plots against the children in Niu Hulu's and Geng's bellies. Song Gege would have already become perverted in the pain of one after another young girls.

Stimulated by the news that the Niu Hulu family and the Geng family were pregnant in succession, Song Gege's heart had already been twisted. Therefore, he did not hesitate to use the connections he had buried in the house for many years just to abort the Niu Hulu family and the Geng family. children.

Niu Hulu is lucky. After so many days of stimulation, she was able to give birth to her child safely. However, she will not have the chance to have her own child in the future. I just don’t know if Geng has such good luck. I don’t know. Will make the same mistake again.


The end of the year is here in a blink of an eye, and as the end of the year approaches, there are more and more banquets in various governments. Qingyou is about to give birth in the past few days, but there is no sign of the baby in Qingyou's belly coming out.

This made Qingyou Daoyou and Nanny Zhang extremely anxious.

Qingyou said to the child in her belly every day, "Baby, come out quickly. After it comes out, my mother will prepare delicious food for you and many novel toys. Can you come out quickly?" After I finished speaking, the baby in my belly gave me something to kick in the stomach, which was very flattering, but there was no sign of coming out.

On New Year's Eve, the prince will take Fujin, Li and Nian to the palace for a banquet.

Before leaving, the prince also ordered Su Peisheng to leave a little eunuch in Qingyou's yard to run errands in case Qingyou needed it during production.

Here, Qingyou and the princesses from the palace had just sent the prince and others out. As soon as they returned to the courtyard, they found that they had a severe pain in their stomach, as if they were in labor.

"Mommy, go and call the doctor quickly, I'm going to give birth."

"Ruyi, please keep an eye on the yard so that no one takes advantage of the chaos and causes trouble."

After arranging these things, Qingyou asked the kitchen to prepare a bowl of egg noodles for herself in case she didn't have the strength to give birth.

Grandma Zhang came in quickly with the doctor. After taking her pulse, she said, "The fetus is in a good position and we can prepare for delivery soon."

After entering the delivery room that had been reserved in advance, the baby was born in less than a quarter of an hour.

"It's a good sign, the dragon and the phoenix are showing good luck." Grandma Zhang hugged the child and said, "The one who came out first was Brother, and the one who came out later was Princess. Congratulations to Princess, congratulations to Princess."

"Mommy, please keep an eye on the child. Send someone to inform the prince and ask Ruyi to keep an eye on the spy caught in the delivery room. We will make a decision after the prince comes back."

After Qingyou finished speaking, she glanced at the child and then fell asleep.

The eunuch left behind by the prince quickly entered the palace to announce the good news. After Yinzhen heard the news at the banquet, a smile appeared on the ice cube's face.
When the emperor saw it, he quickly asked, "What news did my fourth son get, and why is he so happy?"

After hearing this, Yinzhen quickly stood up and toasted to the emperor.

"I just heard the news from my house that Geng Gege gave birth to twins, a dragon and a phoenix. I was surprised."

"Oh, it's the New Year, and Geng Gege also gave birth to twins, a dragon and a phoenix. This is an auspicious sign,"

After the emperor thought for a moment, he said, "I remember that you have new elder brothers who have not yet been named. I will name them Hongli and Hongzhou. The little princess will be called Tana, which means that we have the great Qing Dynasty." of pearls.”

Everyone at the banquet looked at each other in confusion, exchanging their little thoughts in their eyes. You must know that the emperor only named the prince's elder brother, and the other elder brothers never asked about it at all, let alone picked up the names. Except for Prince Yong, The only one besides the prince.

When Yinzhen returned to his house, the first thing he heard was not the news that Geng Gege had given birth to twins, but that someone was deliberately trying to kill Geng Gege during the birth. Moreover, the man had been caught and was imprisoned in the firewood shed.

Yinzhen immediately called people over and ordered them to be tortured.

Su Peisheng tremblingly handed the confession to the Fourth Master.

After the fourth master read it, he took a deep breath and said, "Someone bring Mrs. Song to me."

When Ms. Song was brought here, although her heart was filled with despair, her face was full of jealousy, which completely ruined her otherwise delicate face.

"Ms. Song, Geng Gege has no enmity with you, why are you doing this?"

"Why should I do this? Master, you are asking a good question. I have lost my daughters one after another and been abandoned by you, but what about them? Why can they get your favor and give birth to children? I did it That’s not all. Why haven’t the Wu family and the Dong family given birth to children for so many years? It’s me. I put sterilization drugs in their daily diet. Why is the Niu Hulu family weak in childbirth and unable to give birth anymore? It was me who did this to this child. Only her, Geng, managed to escape this time. She won’t be so lucky next time.”

These words immediately ignited everyone's anger. Everyone in the backyard became angry and knelt on the ground begging for Song's death.

After careful consideration, the fourth master decided to send Mrs. Song to the temple to atone for her sins in front of the Buddha.


Because both the dragon and the phoenix in the palace were praised as blessed in front of the emperor, the full moon banquet for the twins was extremely rich and grand.

Not to mention, there is the honor of being named by the emperor himself, so Prince Yong's Mansion is crowded with people coming to give gifts. Although Geng gave birth to twins, it did not hinder everyone's curiosity about the two children at all.

Soon the slave came out with the two children in her arms. The children she took out were white and tender. They were not afraid of strangers at all. They smiled when they saw strangers. They were nothing like his Ama's face of ice. .

(End of this chapter)

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