When Liu Gege saw that Qingyou didn't accept it, he understood that Shuzi Fujin probably didn't like the things he gave.

Then he explained his purpose.

"Shu Bei Fujin, aren't you curious? You were seriously ill some time ago. According to Geng Jia Mansion's concern for you, why did it wait until now for you to come to the door after handing me a greeting card?"

When Qingyou heard what Liu Gege said, she felt a little nervous. After all, when she first woke up, she missed her mother very much because she had just learned the truth, so she handed her a greeting card.

I didn't think about it carefully, why didn't Geng Jiafu come to visit me during this period?

Qingyou is very aware of the love Ama and Er Niang have for her.

He will not be instigated by others, but now that Liu Gege is saying this, it seems that there is something hidden.

Could it be that he didn't know what happened in Geng Jia's house during this period, and his mother-in-law didn't want to tell him, but Liu Gege found out.

With a look in his eyes, Liu Gege continued.

When Brother Liu saw something going on, he hurriedly told what he knew.

"Shuzi Fujin, you know that the only people who can make the decisions in this house are you and Uranala Fujin.

When you were seriously ill some time ago, Ulanara Fujin quickly took over all the rights in the house, so the rights of entering and exiting the house were also under the jurisdiction of Ulanara Fujin.

As far as I know, Mrs. Geng Jia handed over a lot, but Uranala Fujin blocked them all one by one. "

After hearing what Liu Gege said, Qingyou now remembered this matter in her heart, and will check it slowly after Liu Gege left.

At this time, Liu Gege was able to tell him the news, and he must have a plan.

After all, when Liu Gege was pregnant, she secretly sought refuge with Uranala Fujin.

Now that he has come to inform me again, I am afraid that not only does he have a conspiracy, but it is also very likely to be related to Uranala Fujin.

When Liu Gege saw Qingyou put what he said into his heart, he understood that the matter was probably settled. Then he expressed his request.

"Shu Bei Fujin, you also know that it has been more than four months since the birth of Er Gege under my knee.

But the prince has not said anything yet, pity my child, who still has no name.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but now Li Fujin has given birth to Sangege, and the servants are all praising him and despising him.

I paid more attention to those three children, but ignored the two children under my knees.

Now that the prince is back, he will definitely name Sangege according to Li Zifujin's favor.

If my two-gege sister and younger sister both have names, only the child will be left, and the middle two-gege will not be named.

I can’t even imagine how much the servants in the house would look down on my child. "

When Qingyou heard what Liu Gege said, she understood what Liu Gege was here for this time.
I feel sorry for Liu Gege's difficulty, for he could do this for his daughter.

This wild ginseng is probably very precious to Liu Gege, but he is still willing to take it out for the sake of his children.

However, Liu Gege still didn't understand Yinzhen, even though Yinzhen didn't like the women in the house very much.

Everyone is basically exposed to rain and dew, but they still attach great importance to their children.

The situation mentioned by Liu Gege will not happen. There is no name. It is probably because of the busy schedule during this period. In addition, he was sick during this period, and Yinzhen's mind was diverted.

I believe that Yinzhen will name the children soon, so what Liu Gege is worried about will not come true.

Qingyou comforted Liu Gege and said: "If you are here because of this matter, I'm afraid Liu Gege you are worrying too much.

The prince attaches great importance to all of his children and does not favor any one.

So you'd better take this thing back. It's no reward for no merit, and it's so precious that I'm embarrassed to accept it. "

When Liu Gege heard what Qingyou said, he understood that Qingyou probably didn't want to accept his surrender.

But Liu Gege still refused to give up and wanted to take advantage of this moment to get another chance.

"Shu Bei Fujin, I know that my status is low and I don't have any great talents, but I am willing to use all my wealth to serve Shu Bei Fujin."

Qingyou refused after hearing what Liu Gege said clearly. Qingyou didn't need it and formed a gang in the backyard to consolidate her position.

Therefore, Liu Gege's surrender was rejected.

Liu Gege was not disappointed after hearing Qingyou's rejection. Originally, he came here just to give it a try.

But being able to hear Qingyou herself say that after Yinzhen named his second princess, it was considered as something he had accomplished.

As for Qingyou, he didn't take the wild ginseng that Ruyi returned to him, so he hurriedly took his servants and left Qingyou's yard.

Seeing that Liu Gege refused to accept the wild ginseng she returned, Qingyou understood Liu Gege's thoughts.

Liu Gege wanted to keep this wild ginseng here, and Qingyou understood Liu Gege's good intentions.

This wild ginseng is indeed not worth mentioning to me, but to Liu Gege, it is a rare and rare thing that can be obtained.

Qingyou didn't want to take advantage of Liu Gege, so she asked Ruyi to find some other precious medicinal materials in her warehouse and deliver them to Liu Gege's yard.

When Liu Gege saw Ruyi next to him, he sent the medicinal materials over not long after he came in, and they looked much more precious than the wild ginseng he sent out.

He also sighed slightly. It seemed that the things he thought were good were not worth mentioning in Shuzi Fujin's place.

In the evening, Yinzhen came to Qingyou's yard again to visit Qingyou.

When Qingyou saw Yinzhen coming over, she remembered Liu Gege's coming over this afternoon and tentatively mentioned it.

"Fourth Master, not only is Fujin pregnant at this time, but she is also pregnant after her visit to Wugegen.

There are two unnamed Ergege and Sangege. I wonder how many good names the Fourth Master has prepared.

In the past two years, there have been a lot of happy events in the house. Fourth Master, are you not ready yet? "

When Yinzhen heard what Qingyou said, he replied calmly: "I have already thought about the name. Now Nian and Wuge don't know whether they are having a boy or a girl, so they are not ready yet.

But I have already thought of the names for Er Ge Ge and San Ge Ge. How about 'Mingyue' and 'Baozhu'?"

When Qingyou heard this, Yinzhen also took note of these two names. Although it's not as good as Yuanyuan's name, it can still be regarded as a piece of Yinzhen's heart.

However, there is also a slight preference between the second and third grids.

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