When Qingyou saw her elder brother, she looked towards her and greeted Yuanyuan warmly.

Qingyou's eldest brother, after meeting Qingyou, saw Qingyou and Yuanyuan, their similar faces, one big and one small, also laughed sincerely.

This smile captivated the hearts of many girls in the restaurant.

Especially, next door to Qingyou's, there seemed to be several young girls chirping.

They were discussing who Tanhua was smiling at.

Qingyou couldn't help but smile knowingly when she heard the enthusiastic girl talking.

It seems that E Niang doesn’t have to worry about her eldest brother’s marriage this time.

Today's episode has fascinated thousands of girls.

Suddenly, someone spoke loudly next door.

"Yu Niang, this young man must be looking for you. Mr. Geng Jia will be the most beautiful girl in high school as soon as he comes back. His future will definitely be limitless.

The most important thing is that I am devoted to you, Yu Niang.

I must have seen you here just now and smiled at you.

Not only is our beautiful lady good-looking, but the husband she has found is also the envy of us. "

Qingyou listened for a while and roughly understood that next door was Miss Gu Yu, whom E Niang had been praising during this period.

only. It seemed that I only heard E Niang praising this girl Gu Yu.

But he didn't mention that he had already made an appointment with his eldest brother.

As for E Niang not telling herself, this possibility is also very low.

After all, during this period, I was busy with Shantang affairs.

However, the communication with Er Niang has not diminished, and is even more intimate than before.

Moreover, Qingyou knows his mother-in-law.

He is a person who respects children very much.

My own two brothers have already said that they should start a career first and then start a family.

No matter how anxious my mother-in-law was, she would not go behind her brother's back and just make a reservation with this girl Gu Yu.

Moreover, the steps for this engagement were complicated and complicated, and it was impossible for Qingyou not to hear any news about it.

Therefore, it can be inferred that this matter is still in a state of uncertainty.

Just being told this by others, Miss Gu Yu's reputation is not very good.

Moreover, the person who listened to the conversation was Miss Gu Yu, who was also next door.

Although this restaurant is the most upscale restaurant in the capital, it is also very private and soundproofed.

However, everyone left their windows open today in order to watch the No. 1 pick parade through the streets.

Therefore, as long as a thoughtful person next door wants to hear some louder sounds, they can hear them roughly.

Qingyou listened carefully to the voice next door, but after listening for a long time, she didn't hear the rebuttal from Miss Gu Yu.

Qingyou listened and seemed to acquiesce to that matter.

At this moment, I felt a little defeated.

The matter has not yet been settled, and it is being publicized outside like this.

Not only is this bad for the woman's reputation, but if word spreads, her eldest brother may also end up with a reputation of always being in trouble and always giving up.

If your eldest brother wants to pursue an official career, this reputation is very important to a scholar.

Thinking of this, Qingyou was no longer in the mood to look at the parade below.

Qingyou closed the window in front of him and sat in front of the table.

Yinzhen looked at Qingyou's mood and felt very depressed.

So he sat back with the child in his arms.

The servants around him quickly understood.

Not only did they quickly close the surrounding windows, but they also took Tuan Yuanyuan to another private room.

Qingyou and Yinzhen were left behind.

"What's wrong? Is it because of the people next door?"

It was obvious that Yinzhen also heard what the person on the other side said. Qingyou thought that this matter was not clear yet, so it was not convenient to talk about it.

So he forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, I just felt a little unwell suddenly."

Although Yinzhen could see that Qingyou didn't mean what he said, he didn't force it.

Since Qingyou doesn't want to talk about this matter, there is no need to force it.

No matter what happens, Yinzhen can solve it in the end.

Originally, Qingyou was in a good mood, but after what happened next door, she lost her mood.

After finishing the meal, he left in a hurry.

After going back, Qingyou thought about it and thought it would be better to ask E Niang about this matter first.

Thinking that she would do it, Qingyou immediately wrote a letter.

He recounted the incident from beginning to end without any bias.

Ruyi was also specially asked to deliver the letter.


Mrs. Geng Jia, who received Qingyou's letter, looked very ugly.

This matter has indeed not been revealed yet, and Miss Gu Yu is so carefree and publicizing it outside.

Mrs. Geng Jia felt that this girl Gu Yu was generous and decent, and was a good choice to head the family.

I think this matter has something to do with Geng Jin.

He immediately set off to Geng Jin's yard.

At this time, Geng Jin also came back from the street and went to freshen up.

After all, I was thrown by many women on the street just now.

When these things are mixed together, the smell is not good.

Geng Jin also felt a little baffled when he heard his mother ask this.

I don't know this girl Gu Yu at all, how could such outrageous news come out.

Mrs. Geng Jia confirmed again and again that Geng Jin did not provoke Miss Gu on his way back to his hometown.

After Mrs. Geng Jia reminded her, Qingyou's eldest brother finally remembered.

"Indeed, on the way back to his hometown, my son encountered a group of people who had some trouble on the road.

It happened to be an easy thing, so my son helped me out.

Later, the route we took did overlap with that of that pedestrian.

So we took care of each other and walked for a while.

However, the son did not have any interaction with the girl.

Not to mention any private exchanges. "

Qingyou's mother also reacted after hearing what Geng Jin said.

They were the ones who came to the door first, saying that they had an encounter with the prince of your house.

And there are quite a few hints in the words.

Only then did Qingyou's mother-in-law be fooled.

At that time, Geng Jin happened to be studying abroad, so it was not easy to disturb his studies for this trivial matter.

In addition, no one would make fun of the woman's reputation.

Mrs. Geng Jia was immediately deceived.

At this moment, Mrs. Geng Jia analyzed the Gu family's thoughts.

After going around in such a big circle, the Gu family must have come here for Geng Jia Mansion.

Although Mr. Gu is the fifth-rank minister of the Ministry of Industry, he has the most leisurely job among the six ministries.

Correspondingly, the status of the Ministry of Industry is not very high, and it is often a thankless job.

Mrs. Gu's actions may not be because she wants to use her daughter to break into a higher class.

I have to say, ginger is still spicy.

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