Chapter 124 Visiting Big Brother
After hearing the imperial edict, Yinreng realized that his father was really disappointed in him.

Not only did he depose himself as the prince, he also imprisoned himself.

Eunuch Liang also expressed surprise when he announced the decree. Although he knew that Kangxi was aroused by the Holy Wrath this time, as a person close to Kangxi.

Liang Jiugong understood how much Kangxi expected his son, and would never be so cruel if he didn't have to.

It's just that it has reached such a point now that no matter how much you lament, it will be of no use, seeing His Royal Highness calmly accepting this imperial edict.

After Liang Jiugong announced the decree, he returned to the palace and reported to Kangxi.

"What's going on with Zhuzi?" Although Kangxi issued the imperial edict, he still had a place for Yinreng in his heart.

After all, it was Kangxi who had favored him since he was a child. If he was disappointed now, it was just that he was not behaving in a manner worthy of the crown prince's position.

He also understood that if they all really fought, Yinreng would never be the opponent of his brothers.

Therefore, now it seems that he has been dethroned and locked up again.

But in fact, is it not a kind of protection?

After all, no one will be prepared for someone who has lost their competitiveness.

And no matter who ascends the throne in the future, whether it is really out of love or for face, he will treat the former prince a little favorably.

This was the last thing Kangxi could do for his son.

When it dawned the next day, Qingyou rushed to Geng Jia's Mansion without stopping. Although Yinzhen wanted to follow him, he had to go to court in the morning, so he let Qingyou go first.

As for Tuan Yuanyuan's two children, although they have reached sensible age now. But Qingyou wanted to hide this matter subconsciously and let the two children concentrate on their studies.

When Qingyou entered the house, Qingyou's Amma and Er Niang had just gotten up.

After hearing that Qingyou was back, he washed up in a hurry and wanted to have breakfast together.

And since Qingyou entered Prince Yong's Mansion, he rarely sees Qingyou, let alone having breakfast together.

At this moment, Qingyou couldn't go straight to see her elder brother first.

She could only finish breakfast with Amma and E Niang first, and Qingyou was in a hurry to go out and didn't eat.

She was feeling a little hungry now. After Qingyou's Amma and Er Niang had finished packing, Qingyou also spoke: "E Niang, where is my eldest brother?
I also heard the prince say yesterday that the eldest brother was seriously injured this time. That’s why I came here early today. Why can’t I see my elder brother?
Is the wound not healed yet? "Qingyou asked worriedly.

"Your elder brother's injury is no longer serious. I heard him say that thanks to the elixir given by the prince at that time, the bleeding was stopped in time and no more serious consequences were caused.

It's not coming out now because the doctor said that the injury requires rest and it's not advisable to move.

Then breakfast was delivered to his room.

I know you are worried. After we finish dinner, we will go to see your elder brother. Seeing him with your own eyes will make you feel at ease when you go back, so that you don't get bored accompanying an old woman like me. "

Qingyou's mother-in-law said, thinking in her heart that although her three children were quite different in age, they were harmonious as brothers and sisters.

We all remember each other, but it’s okay, my parents will eventually grow old, and I will always accompany my children to grow up, but the brothers and sisters can support each other and help each other until they grow old.

Therefore, Qingyou's mother was very pleased to see the harmonious relationship between the brother and sister.

Qingyou heard E Niang's words with a hint of joking.

He quickly replied: "Mom, what are you talking about? I want to rely on you all the time.

It's just that my eldest brother is injured, so I'm a little worried. I heard from the prince that my eldest brother's injury is not serious. This is just a little anxious. "

"Okay, okay, go ahead! I'm joking with you, I know you two brothers and sisters have a good relationship.

I have already sent someone to inform your eldest brother. Your eldest brother should be waiting for you there now. Come over quickly.

Stop bothering me here. "

With that said, she sent Qingyou to her eldest brother's yard.

"Madam, why are you thinking about waiting for the eldest lady to come back every day, why do you have to send the eldest lady away as soon as you come, and let the eldest lady listen, you can't help but feel a little sad."

A maid next to Qingyou Niang spoke.

She is said to be a maid, but she is actually very favored by Qingyou's mother. Because she looks a bit like Qingyou, she is particularly favored.

Only then can you dare to speak nonsense.

"The entrance to the palace is as deep as the sea. Although I want to stay with my daughter for a while, the rules in the palace are very strict.

Being able to come out to visit is already an act of kindness from the prince. If he wants more, then he shouldn't. "

Qingyou's mother-in-law was not angry at all, but explained patiently.

Sighing slowly, as a mother, who doesn't feel sorry for her children? Qingyou arrived at the palace alone.

Although Qingyou didn't mention the sadness behind those years of struggling in the palace, she could imagine it.

All he can do now is try his best to improve his status so that Prince Yong does not dare to underestimate Geng Jiafu.

This is the most fundamental way to ensure that Qingyou's position in the back house is strong. It is said that marrying a girl from a high family will marry a woman from a low family.

He just wants to borrow his daughter to gain access to the rich and powerful, and then to marry a good wife, preferably someone whose status is not as good as his own, so that he can have his wife in the palm of his hand.

My mother-in-law's family knew it, but they dared not speak out in anger. After all, the status is there.

There is not much that can be done now, but all aspects must be properly taken care of. Although the prince is allowed to leave the palace this time, there has been no such tradition throughout the ages.

Which woman in your backyard doesn't want to be home, but if only Qingyou gets this exception, she will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Although I will urge Qingyou to go back early after watching, it is not good to stay at her parents' house for too long, lest the prince will be unhappy.

It can only be said that parents love their children deeply, and Qingyou's mother has considered every aspect very carefully.

Qingyou, who was being urged by E Niang, also understood that his E Niang was doing it for her own good and did not want to become the target of the woman in the backyard.

When she arrived at her eldest brother's yard, Qingyou saw her eldest brother lying on the bed not as weakly as she thought.

Instead, he was sitting on a chair reading a book. Although his face was still a little pale, it could be seen that he was in very good spirits.

Qingyou was relieved, it seemed that nothing happened to her eldest brother this time.

"Brother, how are you now? Does the wound still hurt?"

As soon as Qingyou met her eldest brother, she returned to the look of the little girl who was still being taken care of.

"It's okay, don't worry. You don't know what your eldest brother's strength is. Although I'm not as skilled in martial arts as my second brother, it's more than enough to deal with a few thieves.

But I didn't know that our little sister could actually make medicine. "The eldest brother said jokingly.

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