Chapter 126 Dissatisfaction
Qingyou also saw Ruyi's thoughts, so she was relieved that Ruyi stayed here.

Moreover, besides being closest to herself, Yuanyuan has relied on Ruyi the most since she was a child.

By keeping Ruyi here, in addition to taking better care of Yuanyuan, when Yuanyuan wakes up, she won't be too scared to see Ruyi herself.

Qingyou went to deal with the matter in the blink of an eye.

When this incident came out, Er Gege hurried to Liu Gege's yard and stayed hidden.

At present, the situation of the princesses in the mansion has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, the Gegeli who was favored by Yinzhen the most was Wuyagege.

But it happened that Liu Gege, who was not very impressive, became pregnant first.

Although she only gave birth to one daughter, she obviously had the highest status among a group of childless Gegeli.

Even though Wuyagege was jealous, he began to try his best to ask for an heir.

But when Yinzhen went on a trip, he did not take Wuyagege with him, but instead brought Wugege with him who had been out of favor for a long time.

This Wugege is also extremely blessed, although I don't know what he did during the trip, which made Yinzhen unhappy.

But she happened to be pregnant and gave birth to a healthy little boy. Even so, even if Wugege falls out of favor, the rest of his life will still be guaranteed.

Therefore, the subsequent pattern is shuffled again. The princesses in the backyard were vaguely headed by Wu Gege, followed by Liu Gege, and finally Wuyage Ge and his like.

But unfortunately, Liu Gege would do such a thing.

You know, before Liu Gege came to Qingyou's yard, he wanted to surrender and wanted to get a name for his child.

Although Qingyou thought that she had done nothing in this matter, Liu Gege's behavior was indeed too abominable.

When people are employed, they face forward; when they are not used, they face backward.

Now, Liu Gege's child has done something like this again. How can people not be angry about this?
Seeing that Mingyue was also hiding in Liu Gege's yard, Qingyou also got angry and ordered her to be captured directly.

When Liu Gege saw his daughter, he ran into the yard in a panic without anyone around him.

There was a look of fear on Mingyue's face, and she didn't care about pretending. She hurriedly asked Mingyue, what happened? So so panicked.

Seeing that Mingyue refused to speak no matter how hard she pressed, Liu Gege became angry.
"If you don't tell me, I won't care about you anymore, and don't call me Niang anymore."

Although Mingyue had done such a thing, she was still young and couldn't bear the intimidation from her mother-in-law, so she told the whole story.

After hearing this, Liu Gege couldn't help but smile. Look what her head is made of?
He was so stupid that he couldn't listen to others' instigation, and he dared to attack Shuzi Fujin's Yuanyuan.

You must know that Yuanyuan is not only Shuzi Fujin's favorite child, but also the prince's favorite child. Even Yuanyuan's brother from the same mother is not favored by Yuanyuan.

Now that he has done such a thing, Shuzi Fujin will never give up.

When Liu Gege asked why Mingyue did this.

Mingyue said it directly: "I can't stand her flamboyant look. It's obvious that we are all children of the concubine.

So what's the difference between everyone? We are all Amma's daughters.

Why, she lives so openly and openly, but I can only be cautious.

And everyone in this palace likes her, even you, Eniang, prefer her.

No matter what good things are, she has them there, and as for me, no matter how good things I have, I just pick up the leftovers from her. But why is this? We are all Amma’s daughters. Why do I have to give in to her and respect her? I did it on purpose today, just to push her out of her anger. "

After Liu Gege heard this, he slapped him in the face.

"Why, you know why, just because she is Shuzi Fujin's daughter, and you are just a daughter of Princess.

The twins of dragon and phoenix represent good luck, and even the Holy One favors them.

Most of the good things she has were sent to her by her mother's family, which is Geng Jia's house.

Her maternal grandfather was the chief steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and her maternal grandmother's mother's family was a famous wealthy businessman in Jiangnan.

Everything delicious and fun will give people a few points. But E Niang's family is just ordinary.

If you want to complain, you can only blame my background. "

Liu Gege burst into tears as he spoke. I didn't know it at ordinary times, but I found out today that Mingyue has so much resentment in her heart.

Liu Gege usually thought that he had done his best for Mingyue, but he didn't expect that he was so protective that he made her forget his identity.

There is no hierarchy of right and wrong in this world. Classes will always exist.

Mingyue saw her mother-in-law crying, and quickly coaxed her, "Mother-in-law, stop crying, it's Mingyue's fault."

After Liu Gege vented his anger, he also began to think about Mingyue.

After all, Mingyue is her biological daughter. With such a big thing happening right now, how could she just leave it alone?

The slap that slapped Mingyue just now was not motivated by emotion. But I had already thought about it. I heard that nothing happened to Tana and she was rescued in time.

Therefore, no matter how angry Shuzi Fujin is, nothing will happen to her.

Maybe others don't understand Shuzi Fujin's character, but Liu Gege has studied it carefully in private.

This Shuzi Fujin is not as gentle and gentle as usual. He has his own principles and ways of doing things.

This time, Mingyue has offended Tana, who Shuzi Fujin attaches great importance to, and I am afraid this matter will not let go.

Although I feel bad for having slapped Ming Yue now, if I can use this method to teach Ming Yue a lesson in advance.

Even if the trouble comes to Uranala Fujin, he won't care too much.

Therefore, Liu Gege had already thought of a solution in a short period of time.

However, Liu Gege underestimated Qingyou's anger and sent people directly to the yard to capture Mingyue.

You must know that Qingyou usually does not interfere too much with the rights of the government. Even the time three years ago was just revenge on Uranala Fujin.

After venting his anger, he delegated his power back.

Liu Gege tried to stop the servants and wait for Yinzhen to come back before making a decision.

But I didn't expect that these servants would not let in the oil and salt, and would not give in at all. They must bring Mingyue over.

Upon seeing this, Liu Gege knew that he couldn't escape this time, so he simply followed him out.

At least with Liu Gege's company, Mingyue won't be so scared, but Liu Gege also has his own second-hand plan.

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