The Fourth Master's Favorite Concubine from the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 13 Leaving the palace to escape the summer heat

Chapter 13 Leaving the palace to escape the summer heat
Time passed quickly. While Qingyou was concentrating on raising her baby, the heat in the capital soon became unbearable.

In Prince Yong's palace, news soon spread that the Fourth Master was going to Rehe with Sheng to escape the summer heat.

For this opportunity to go out, the house quickly became lively, and even the Dong family and Wu family who had been silent before took action.

In the past two days, the total amount of soup and water delivered to the front yard is probably almost drowning the small flower bed in the front yard.

It is impossible to say that Qingyou has no idea about summer vacation. Staying in this square yard all day long, even if you can occasionally go to the garden for a stroll, can't relieve Qingyou's boring mentality. Now The fun of Qingyou every day is to tease his child, but what he can't do is that the child is only more than seven months old and his body's immunity is still very low. He cannot let the child have an accident just for the sake of temporary happiness. Therefore, for Although Qingyou envied being able to go out to escape the heat, she didn't have the idea of ​​going.

The Fourth Master soon arrived at Lihuayuan

Since the birth of his child, in addition to going to Fujin's courtyard every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, the places Yinzhen goes to most are Nianfujin and Lihuayuan. Qingyou expressed his understanding of Nianzhen's house, because in all historical dramas , Nian is the favorite of the Fourth Master, and they all say that the royal family is full of love. The previous stories of Emperor Shunzhi and Concubine Dong E, Emperor Kangxi and Empress Xiaochengren, Emperor Yongzheng and Little Nian Gao are all well-known love stories in later generations. , as for myself, it is purely because of the two children, they all say that Manchus hug their grandchildren but not their children, but in private, Yinzhen hugs the most, even she can't grab it on weekdays, and Qingyou discovered that Yinzhen is a daughter Control, usually when I see two children, I decide to hug Yuanyuan immediately, and Yuanyuan is very cooperative and does not cry or make trouble, but smiles.

This time Yinzhen came over and quickly stated his purpose.

"This time we are going to Rehe to escape the summer heat. You, your children, and Nian will go there together. In the next few days, pack your luggage quickly and prepare daily medicines. Don't get sick on the road."

Qingyou asked puzzledly, "Master, the child is only seven months old. It's a long journey. I'm afraid that if someone is not careful on the way, what should I do if the child accidentally gets sick?"

"I think so too, but today the emperor specifically asked me to take the children to escape the summer heat. He said that all preparations have been made and a few more imperial doctors who are proficient in pediatrics have been added. Since the emperor has said everything At this point, I can't shirk anymore." Yinzhen said helplessly.

After Qingyou heard this, he had no choice but to start preparing for the follow-up preparations. It's great that you can go out and see the scenery outside.

The fourth master ordered someone to take the child down, and then carried Qingyou to the inner room.

It is not known whether Niu Hulu and the women in the backyard would be so angry that they would break several sets of porcelain after hearing the news.

On the way out of the palace, Qingyou, the children and the wet nurse sat in a carriage.

The children were not at all nervous or scared due to the sudden change of environment. Instead, they were lively in the car, especially Yuan Yuan, who was shaking her little hands there, very lively, and carrying a small light pink sachet on her body. All swaying.

That small pink sachet was when Qingyou was bored, he opened the medicine encyclopedia in the space and saw that there were prescriptions for preventing mosquito bites and preventing heatstroke. Qingyou was bored and took the medicinal materials from the medicine cabinet in the space to make it. After Qingyou made it, he showed it to the doctor at home. It was very safe, and it had been tested and the effect was very good.

Therefore, when Qingyou left the palace, she brought a lot of sachets with her, not only on the children, but also on Ruyi and Aunt Zhang, and even on the wet nurse who took care of Tuanyuan. As for the fourth master, the fourth master happened to be in Lihuayuan that day when Qingyou made it. Therefore, he inevitably sent a few copies to the fourth master. The sachet embroidered with strong bamboo on the fourth master's body is from Qingyou. Handwriting.

The team’s itinerary is very large
When they arrived at the Rehe Palace, the team behind them had just set off from the palace. Qingyou and the children quickly made arrangements:

The fourth master lived in the previous Haiyan Heqing, while Qingyou was arranged in Songhezhai, which has dense trees and is a rare place to cool off in summer. As for Nian Bianfujin, he lived not far away from the lake. The nearest Changchun Hospital.

After arriving at Songhezhai, Qingyou ordered his servants to get some medicinal materials to repel mosquitoes and put them in the room first. Although the trees here are cool and cool, some mosquitoes are unavoidable in summer.

Qingyou looked at the scenery outside, and felt a lot more at ease. The scenery here was different from the square scenery in the capital. Each pavilion and pavilion had a different feeling, and Qingyou could clearly feel that her two Not only were the children not tired from the long journey, but they were very excited about this novel environment. Even Tuantuan, who usually did not like to move, was looking at the surrounding scenery curiously.

This made Qingyou sigh in her heart. This trip out of the palace was really worth it. Not only did she see different scenery on the road, but the place here was much more spacious than the one in the capital.

But yes, there are so many nobles in the capital that a brick can hit a fifth-grade official. There are many people and little land, so housing is naturally tight. Because Yinzhen is a prince, the house he is assigned is relatively good. big.

But there is no way to compare with the ones here. This is a royal villa, so only relatives of the emperor can live there, so the villa allocated is relatively spacious.

After the yard was tidied up and it was dusk, Qingyou ordered to go down and cook a light meal using local ingredients.

The food had just been prepared and before it was served, Fourth Master came to Songhe Zhai.

"Come on, let Amma give her a hug. Are you tired from the journey?" Yinzhen came in and picked up Yuanyuan first, teasing her in his arms.

Yuanyuan shook her arms and responded "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

This immediately made Yinzhen very happy, and said like a silly boy, "Qingyou heard it, our Yuanyuan can call Ama, come and call our mother." Yinzhen shook his head. Yuanyuanbian said, at this time Yuanyuan also gave Yinzhen a lot of face, and started to laugh.

This made Yinzhen very satisfied, and he happily coaxed the children next to him.

Qingyou looked at Yinzhen's worthless look and felt very irritated. However, Qingyou seemed to understand. Yinzhen grew up next to Queen Xiao Yiren. He dared to interact with Yinzhen, but in private, he sent his servants around him to constantly remind him who his biological mother was, without caring about Yinzhen's situation at that time.

Later, Yinzhen's adoptive mother and De's concubine both had children of their own, so they naturally neglected Yinzhen. This made Yinzhen, who was already sensitive at the time, even more lacking in love, so he developed the ice cube face he has now.

But looking at it now, Yinzhen has made up for the missing love to his children.

(End of this chapter)

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