Chapter 132 Giving in

Those officials could not defeat Yinzhen in the court, but in private, they were tit-for-tat by their wives when they returned to the back house.

Life was miserable, but he still stuck to his principles and refused to let go.

But Qingyou then used his ultimate move, ordering the people in the food shop to cut off the food from those who screamed the most fiercely.

Now, those people were panicking. Everything else is easy to talk about, but food is the most important thing for the people. Without food, it is really difficult to live this life.

Originally, those officials thought that without this grain store, they could go to other stores to buy rice.

But I didn't expect that all the grain stores in the capital would not sell it to them, even if they paid three, four, or five times the price, they wouldn't be able to buy it.

Those officials who are so pampered do not know the rules of these market vendors.

The Qingyou family said that cutting off the food for these people did not prevent them from selling food to those officials for those buildings.

However, Qingyou's store is the largest grain store in the capital. Behind this is not only the support of wealthy businessmen from Jiangnan, but also the protection of Prince Yong's Palace.

Why are those officials not as important as Prince Yong? After all, he is the emperor's biological son.

Therefore, it is okay to offend those officials, but if it offends Qingyou and offends Prince Yong at this juncture, it will not be worth the loss.

You know, Qingyou Grain Shop is a very conscientious shop, and the rice is collected from various places.

But there are inevitably bandits and bandits along the way, so a lot of people are lost, and the escort agency has to spend a lot of money to escort them every time.

After having Qingyou, I followed the people from Geng Jia Mansion to clear the way on this road, so I didn't have to worry about those little thieves at all.

Moreover, Qingyou also allowed these vendors to follow behind and borrow the name of Geng Jiafu.

Therefore, Qingyou's reputation is quite good among the owners of these grain shops.

The shopkeepers also know how to repay the favor.

Due to the Qing Dynasty's rule that wealthy businessmen were not allowed to study, although some wealthy businessmen valued the education of their children, they did not read many books themselves.

I don’t know the big reason, but I know what happened in the capital during this period.

In fact, according to them, it is not a big deal, although in their hearts there are differences between daughters and sons.

But it's just a matter of my daughter studying, so that's nothing.

That is to say, there are intentional people who are causing trouble inside. Although they have not studied for a few years, they know the twists and turns inside very clearly.

This matter has basically calmed down.

However, people who are extremely dissatisfied with this matter have opinions.

Hong Li, Hong Zhou and Tana obviously have not much age difference, just a few months apart.

But the treatment of the three people is completely different.

Originally, when Hongli's biological mother was still alive, although Hongli was forced to study every day, Hongli could tolerate it.

Since being adopted by Ulanala Fujin, Ulanala Fujin has transferred his hope for Honghui to Hongli.

Hongli was not a fool, he could clearly feel that Uranala Fujin was not sincere to him.

Therefore, I feel a sense of boredom towards Uranala Fujin's persecution, but I have to listen to myself as I am inferior to others.

The only thing that could comfort Hongli was that he could study in the palace.

This was Hongli's only hope in the past three years, but now his only hope has been shattered.

There is no way to know the despair inside.

Originally, Hongli expected Ulanala Fujin to fight for him, but he didn't expect Ulanala Fujin to be so incompetent.

A dark emotion flashed in Hongli's eyes, they were all Yinzhen's sons.

Hong Zhou's biological mother was born into a noble family and was favored, so Hong Zhou didn't have to think about studying until dawn every day like him. Shuzi Fujin never scolded Hongli for studying, nor did she force him to make progress.

Originally, it was okay at the beginning, and Hongli could still surpass Hongzhou in study.

But Hongzhou's studies gradually improved, and he received a lot of praise from his master.

Now, he has to be sent to the palace again.

How could Hongli be willing to do this, but Hongli had the idea that he could not influence Yinzhen.

Thinking of the letter someone had sent him before, Hongli made up his mind.

The next day, Hongli developed a high fever. They clamored to see Amma.

Just after Yinzhen went to court, he had nothing to do. When he heard that his child was sick, he hurried to Uranala Fujin's yard.

"Amma, I miss you so much." When Hongli saw Yinzhen, he threw himself into Yinzhen's arms regardless.

Yinzhen softened his heart when he saw Hongli like this.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Hongli will be fine as long as he takes medicine."

"Amma, I want to study. I want to go to the palace to study with my brother Hong Zhou, okay?"

Seeing that Yinzhen was a little soft-hearted, Hongli took the initiative to make his request.

Although Yinzhen is a little soft-hearted towards the current Hongli, this matter is not just a shop on the street. You can enter whenever you want.

Seeing that Yinzhen wanted to refuse, Hongli said directly: "Amma, what E Niang expected of me at that time was to study hard.

I have been studying hard for so many years just for my mother's wish. I want to be the most knowledgeable person.

But there is no hope now. Amma, I really beg you. "As he spoke, Hongli burst into tears and cried.

Yinzhen is such a small child, but he has such serious thoughts. Looking at myself like this now, I feel a little unbearable.

The words of rejection that originally came out of my mouth were swallowed in my mouth.

He said he had to go back and think about it.

Within a few days, Yinzhen made a decision and went to the palace to beg Kangxi.

I don’t know what happened in the palace. I only know that after Yinzhen came back, he told Hongli that after the New Year, he and Hongzhou would go to the palace to study together.

"Master, you say this is too coincidental. This matter is almost settled.

Why, the young master Hongli suddenly fell ill.

He said such a series of words in front of the prince. Originally, the prince didn't have much affection for Niu Hulu.

However, he was defeated by the young master Hongli and achieved what he wanted.

What a coincidence! "

There is no airtight wall in this backyard. What Hongli said at that time was eventually known by everyone in the backyard.

At that time, Uranala Fujin's face turned black.

Uranala Fujin has done hard work for Hongli even though he has no merit in these years.

Everything about Hongli was managed by Uranala Fujin behind the scenes.

The best pens, inks, papers and inkstones, the finest silks and satins, and the kitchen making soups to nourish the body in different ways every day.

Ulanala Fujin regarded Hongli as Honghui's substitute, but over the years, Ulanala Fujin thought that he had treated Hongli well.

However, Hongli actually said that.

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