Chapter 134 Eight Belles

When he came this time, he also brought many Mongolian warriors with him, hoping to compete with the princes of the Qing Dynasty.

When Kangxi saw this, although he was a little reluctant, he could only accept it.

Originally, I came here to show my closeness to the Mongolian family.

But it was also to show that the Qing Dynasty was powerful and had sufficient troops.

Although they are related to Mongolia, if it is seen that the Qing Dynasty is weak, Mongolia will definitely gain the upper hand.

Before Kangxi admitted that the Qing Dynasty was indeed founded with the support of Mongolia.

However, Mongolia was powerful and had many tricks on the emperor before.

Even the harem of Kangxi's grandfather at that time was composed of Mongolian women.

And my own Amma, even though she didn't like Mongolian women, she killed many Mongolian queens under the order of the Queen Mother Xiaozhuang.

It's not that Kangxi had any objections to the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang. On the contrary, Kangxi admired the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang very much for supporting him in his rise to power.

But as he slowly experienced more things, Kangxi also realized the intention of his decision that Amma made at that time.

Everyone thinks that the love between Emperor Shunzhi and Concubine Dong E was touching.

When I was young, I was a bit resentful, thinking that Amma only cared about her love and didn't care about her children at all.

However, as Kangxi grew up, he understood Amma's intentions.

At that time, Amma might really have some true feelings for Concubine Dong E. It's because Concubine Dong E is the person who knows Ama best.

She is spiritually connected to Amma, but the most important thing is that the harem is full of Mongolian women.

What Amma wants to do most is to eliminate Mongolia's control over the harem.

At this time, Concubine Dong E was completely in line with Emperor Shunzhi's ideas.

Therefore, Amma favored Concubine Dong E exclusively in the harem in order to balance the power in the harem.

It's just that my mother-in-law left too early, otherwise she would still be able to enjoy the blessings.

She transferred her feelings towards Kangxi to her mother's family, the Tong Mansion, and wanted to make up for her inner regrets by rewarding the Tong Mansion.

Through the unremitting efforts of Emperor Shunzhi and Kangxi, Mongolia's control over the harem has been greatly weakened.

But at the moment, Kangxi is both wooing and guarding against Mongolia.

For this competition, Kangxi had already made up his mind about the candidates to compete with the Mongolian warriors.

However, the situation was disrupted by Ba Beile and others. Kangxi knew the strength of his sons.

According to the original situation, Thirteen and Fourteen are the most powerful and can compete with Mongolian warriors.

In this regard, Kangxi still has a slight chance of winning. As for his other children, Kangxi can only say that it depends on the probability, half or half.

But Kangxi also knew a little about Shisan's old illness. Kangxi also knew that his son, whom he once loved very much, was now suffering from injuries.

However, this time it concerns Mongolia and is a matter of face for the Qing Dynasty.

Now, Ba Beile and others came out like this, dragging down Yinzhen who was not good at riding and shooting.

Although Kangxi smiled on the surface, he had scolded Babeile and others secretly.

If you want to compete, when can you not compete? It must be at this critical moment.

But Kangxi couldn't refuse.

Therefore, with a heavy heart, the Mongolian prince came out to watch his sons compete there.

"Your Majesty, I think the weather is quite good now, why not let them compete in horseback riding, archery and wrestling.

Two out of three games, what do you think, Your Majesty? "When Kangxi saw this, he also agreed.

Now, the game started between Ba Beile and a warrior from Mongolia.

Because this matter was done with great fanfare, Qingyou and other female family members from the back house also came to watch after hearing the news.

Qingyou saw Ba Beile and a strong Mongolian warrior starting to compete.

Qingyou didn't know him, but he heard from people next to him that he was the son of a Mongolian prince and a famous warrior on the grassland.

Babeile and the warrior stood together, which was a bit funny.

Ba Beile has always been a gentle and elegant gentleman, but the person facing him is a strong Mongolian warrior.

The contrast between the two people's figures is a bit strong, making people feel that Ba Beile is the weak one.

The game is about to start. Although Qingyou has some opinions on Babeile, at this stage.

Qingyou can also guess what Kangxi's intentions are and what Mongolia's plan is.

Mongolia's move seemed to be a whim, but in fact it had been planned for a long time. They wanted to take this opportunity to see the strength of the Qing prince.

Although the Mongolian warrior looked tall and strong, Yinhu was slightly better than the Mongolian warrior in riding and shooting.

There were waves of shouts and shouts.

It has to be said that Kangxi's education was very effective. Although these princes had their own plans, they were not inferior to others in terms of knowledge and martial arts.

It’s time for wrestling.

This is what the Mongols are best at. They have been wrestling since they were young on the grasslands.

The princes in the capital are all pampered. Although Qingyou can do their martial arts, she is still a little unsure about wrestling.

Fortunately, though, these projects are separate.

Ba Beile had just finished the horse riding competition and needed to rest for a few days before starting the next wrestling match.

As soon as Ba Beile came off the field, Guo Luoluo Fujin came up to greet him.

Guo Luoluo Fujin's eyes still shone with admiration.

Even though Qingyou and Guo Luoluo Mingyu had some troubles, they couldn't stop him.

But I also admire and hate Guo Luoluo Mingyu from the bottom of my heart.

Guo Luoluo Fujin himself had a good family background and good looks, although his personality was a bit domineering.

However, with the Guo Luoluo Mansion here, many nobles from aristocratic families wanted to marry Guo Luoluo Mingyu.

But when I met Yinsu, who seemed gentle and gentle on the surface, I suddenly felt passionate and fell in love.

Under Yinhu's sweet words, she quickly "married" to the eighth prince.

At that time, Yinsu was still an unknown little elder brother in the palace.

Although he had some talents, due to the low status of his biological mother, he did not gain Kangxi's attention.

But with Guo Luoluo Fujin's "marriage", Babel Yinhu's shortcomings in status were quickly made up for.

His own talents and the support of Guo Luoluo Mansion also attracted the support of many ministers in the Manchu Dynasty.

It's just possible that Yinsu was suddenly dazzled by the victory in front of him, so he did things a little arrogantly.

Because he was very outstanding, after deposing the crown prince, Kangxi asked the ministers in the dynasty who they wanted to make the crown prince.

Yinsu didn't see the deep meaning behind Kangxi at all, but instead acquiesced in the situation.

This led to the reverse situation of Babeile at that time.

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