Chapter 136 Competition
I didn't expect that Yinzhen had such a powerful riding and shooting ability, and I couldn't help but sigh that Prince Yong really kept it secret.

Qingyou saw that everyone looked at Yinzhen with admiration in their eyes. Sure enough, after giving up hope, the surprise was doubled.

However, after having expectations, everyone is looking forward to Yinzhen's next wrestling match even more.

After Yinzhen finished the game, Qingyou quickly prepared tea made from spring water to replenish his physical strength.

The main thing is that this game is quite demanding. Although Yinzhen usually exercises regularly, he can't handle such a large amount of exercise all of a sudden.

Moreover, this time there is also the issue of the face of Prince Yong's Palace and the face of the Qing Dynasty, so I can't help but be careless.

After Yinzhen drank tea and rested for a while.

Soon it was time for the competition between Yinzhen and the prince.

That prince was a famous wrestling warrior in Mongolia.

Yinzhen was also a little worried.

The match between Yinzhen and the Mongolian warrior fell into a state of anxiety just like the previous match with Ba Beile.

However, the situation on this scene is already very good. After all, the person Ba Beile is fighting is not as powerful as the prince.

Yinzhen was already very powerful, and everyone saw that Yinzhen and the prince were evenly matched.

When everyone thought the game was already a draw, Yinzhen suddenly used his strength and threw the Mongolian prince to the ground.

The Mongolian crown prince who was beaten to the ground did not turn dark. Instead, he gave Yinzhen a big hug.

At the same time, I still don’t know what was said next to Yinzhen.

Qingyou has never learned Mongolian, so naturally he doesn't understand these Mongolian languages.

It can only be seen through body movements that the face of this Mongolian warrior prince is very good.

He also patted Yinzhen on the shoulder very friendly.

Kangxi's face was also very good. As Kangxi was proficient in the language of the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia, he could naturally understand what they were saying. Moreover, this time the Qing Dynasty regained the game.

The following games also had losses and losses, but generally speaking, the Qing Dynasty came back and took the lead by a slim margin.

Kangxi smiled even more and wanted to watch the younger generation start the game.

The children of several princes are basically half-adults, except for Ba Beile's child who is only three years old and was not brought out this time.

The children who can be brought out are all around ten years old.
The youngest among them are Hongli and Hongzhou.

One of them has just celebrated his fifth birthday, and the other is still three months shy of his birthday.

The next generation competition is also very exciting.

Although you can't compete in wrestling or horse riding, you can still compete in archery and the like.

After all, at this time, they had also learned the four arts of the gentleman for several years.

Therefore, Kangxi also looked forward to the results of their studies.

In addition to bringing out their legitimate sons, several other princes also brought out their concubines.

However, the two teams are clearly divided, the team of the legitimate son versus the team of the legitimate son, and the team of the concubine versus the team of the concubine.

As for Hongli and Hongzhou, although they were concubines, they had been particularly favored by Kangxi and allowed to enter the palace. So the identity of the two of them is a bit awkward.

However, Hongchang, the child of Thirteen Belles, saw Hongzhou standing there awkwardly (but it wasn't true, he just hadn't figured out where to go yet), so he pulled Hongzhou into their legitimate son's camp.

In normal times, Fuzi and Qingyou teach Hongzhou, and he and Hongli are two brothers, although they have different biological mothers.

Everything may be messy in the palace, but outside, in front of others, the two brothers Hong Zhou and Hong Li are one, representing the face of Prince Yong's palace.

Therefore, when Hongchang pulled Hongzhou away, Hongzhou still pulled Hongli.

The games played by these brothers were not as exciting as those played by Ba Beile and Yinzhen. But there is something to behold. Although they are small, they are going all out for this competition.

The brothers competed in archery. They first stood in a position and then shot toward the bullseye. There are fifty meters, one hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters... three hundred meters and so on.

As for that 300 meters is the competition range for adults

Although they are almost ten years old, they are still not fully developed, and their arm strength is insufficient. If they can shoot 50 meters and hit the target, they are considered excellent.

As for the 100 meters, as long as you can hit it, it is considered excellent.

The game started immediately, and Qingyou and his group were still watching.

Compared to Uranala Fujin's nervousness, Qingyou was extraordinarily calm, and even had the intention to ask Yinzhen what the Mongolian prince said.

The main thing is that I am a bit curious. But Yinzhen still refused to say it, saying that he would only say it after Hong Zhou won.

Qingyou rolled her eyes at Yinzhen, this person is really a chicken.

Hong Zhou was not yet five years old. According to the Qing Dynasty, he was a child under six years old.

The ones he fought against were all ten-year-old imperial grandsons who had been practicing for several years.

This Yinzhen really dares to think.

The game was about to start, and the first person to play was Hongli, who was relatively older.

I saw that as soon as Hongli took action, he shot straight at the 50-meter target, hitting the bullseye, and was greeted with cheers from everyone.

He also easily won against the legitimate son of Jiu Baylor.

In this scene, Hongli retreated proudly.

To be fair, at such a young age, Hongli was already very good at being able to do this.

It is normal for a young man to have such excellent results that he cannot control his expression for a while.

The next person to appear was Hong Zhou fighting against the legitimate son of Prince Dun.

At this moment, Qingyou could see that the person behind it was deliberately targeting Hong Zhou.

This game is different from the one just now.

Although Hongli was fighting against Jiu Beile's legitimate son, because Jiu Beile was usually unreliable.

Jiubele Fujin has a weak and bully temper, and his mother's family is not very prominent.

In the house, he would be bullied by other Fujin.

For this legitimate son who has gone through all kinds of hardships.

The only time Jiubele Fujin was cruel was to send him to Concubine Yi's palace.

Unexpectedly, Hongxing in the palace was not bullied by others, but instead grew into a little bully.

There is no one of the same age as Hongxing in the palace, and Concubine Yi is a concubine, so naturally no one dares to provoke her.

Therefore, Hongxing was accustomed to being ignorant and incompetent, so it was relatively easy for Hongli to win.

But Hongxu is different,

Although Prince Dun was granted the title of Prince, all the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty knew that this was entirely due to his biological mother, Concubine Niu Hulu, and his wife's powerful family background.

He himself actually doesn't have much talent. He is the "Idiot" known to everyone.

But his son is not a genius like his father.

But he is indeed very talented in martial arts. Besides, he is four years older than Hong Zhou.

Qingyou is still a little worried.

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