Chapter 156 Confrontation
This Li Fujin has some IQ, but not much.

I felt uncomfortable, so I used a small knob of cobalt as a raft.

However, Xiao Niu Gulu Gege will not be so stupid as to be used as a gunman.

"I really don't dare to think so. It is my greatest honor to have Fujin come here.

How could there be any other ideas? "

This little Niu Hulu Gege was obviously not stupid, he stepped forward to save the situation.

However, Nian Fujin is not a good person.

"This little Niu Hulu Gege is really good at talking. As expected, he is just like our Shuzi Fujin. His names are somewhat similar."

Nian Fujin's words were a bit insulting.

Although Qingyou was the one carrying the flag from the back, he was also the emperor's personally appointed Fujin.

Now take a newly entered princess and compare it with a powerful Xiang Fujin who already has a son in the backyard.

This is undoubtedly a bit insulting and lowers Qingyou's status.

"What my sister said is a bit funny. It's okay to have similar names.

Just this appearance, I think he is somewhat similar to Nian Fujin. "

After Qingyou finished speaking, everyone laughed uncontrollably.

Indeed, it doesn't matter if the names have the same word.

After all, Qingyou already has this identity, and no one dares to call him by his first name.

However, everyone can see his appearance.

However, this little button Hulu Gege is indeed a bit of a coincidence.

Not only is his name somewhat similar to Qingyou, but his appearance is also the same as that of Nian Fujin, with a bit of Fufeng Ruoliu's temperament.

Nian Fujin's appearance was raised by a wealthy family, and he was a real flower in a greenhouse.

And this little button Hulu knot is mainly a symptom of deficiency brought out from the mother's womb.

However, although there is a fragile temperament in his appearance, there is also a sense of toughness.

Qingyou said this just to retaliate against Nian Fujin, but in Qingyou's heart, she still felt that the two people were actually not similar at all.

"It is my honor to be able to look a little like Nian Fujin."

With these words, Xiao Niu Hulu Gege directly admitted that he looked like Nian Fujin.

It's strange to say that last night, it was Qingyou who stole the favor of this little Niu Hulu Gege.

However, this little Niu Hulu Gege still spoke to Qingyou.

However, Qingyou was not too entangled.

Whether he is a human or a ghost will be revealed later. No matter how you behave now, you will be exposed in the future.

Qingyou didn't continue this topic and turned to other topics.

I did get up a little early today.

Usually on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, when she came to the main courtyard to pay her respects, Qingyou would restrain Yinzhen in a controlled manner.

Yesterday, he was a little jealous, so he let Yinzhen go, causing him to torment him all night.

My waist still hurts now.

Just now I was just holding on.

Fortunately, everyone had some resentment towards Little Niu Hulu Gege before she entered the mansion.

But when he saw that on the wedding night, Yinzhen went to Shubei Fujin's yard.

Although it was not in his own yard, Qingyou still gave everyone in the backyard a deep breath.

Regarding Xiao Niu Hulu's respectful greetings today, everyone dispersed without any further embarrassment.

Qingyou also left with everyone.

Back in her yard, Qingyou quickly took a rest.

This matter passed quickly.

However, a month later, a piece of news instantly detonated the backyard. Qingyou is pregnant.

For the past month, Qingyou has been dozing off and feeling low.

Originally, Qingyou didn't take it seriously, but Ruyi looked a little worried.

Once, Yinzhen came over to talk to Qingyou, and Qingyou fell asleep directly.

Yinzhen looked a little worried, so he invited the doctor over to check his pulse.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, I'm very happy for you to be blessed. Although your pulse is still shallow, it's been more than a month."

The doctor replied.

After hearing this, Yinzhen immediately became happy.

Directly instruct the servants in Qingyou's courtyard to receive an extra year of monthly silver.

The servants were all beaming with joy.

Naturally, this news was also known to everyone in the backyard.

Anyone who is interested can figure it out. She was probably conceived on the nights when little Niu Hulu Gege came into the house.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the little Niu Hulu's funny joke.

If, if Qingyou hadn't snatched away the favor in those nights, I'm afraid it would be Xiao Niu Hulu Gege who is pregnant now.

How important this heir is to the woman in the backyard.

Presumably, this little Niu Hulu Gege is going to have a big battle with this Shuzi Fujin.

No matter who loses between the two, the woman in the backyard is happy to see it.

It would be best if Shuzi Fujin's child is gone, and little Niu Hulu Gege falls out of favor.

Since three years ago, Yinzhen has not been to other people's yards in the backyard, except for the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month.

Whenever you come to the backyard, you must go to Qingyou's yard.

At first, everyone in the backyard was a little dissatisfied with this and tried every means to win favor.

But it was all in vain.

slowly. Everyone no longer has the energy to compete for favor.

The affairs of the backyard that control Qingyou's power will not deprive the people of the backyard.

Everyone gradually became convinced.

However, as Xiao Niu Hulu entered the house, everyone's anger was aroused again.

"Damn it, damn it, you got her pregnant like this." Nian Fujin said angrily from the side.

"Why did she get all the good things? My Fuyi's place in the palace, my second brother's position as general and governor were all taken away by that bitch."

Nian Fujin angrily smashed a wave of porcelain, but no one dared to come forward to persuade him.

This year, although Fujin was soft and weak to the outside world, he was really vicious inside, so no one dared to step forward to touch this bad luck.

I just hope that after this porcelain smashing is over, Nian Fujin can calm down and stop venting his anger on these poor people.

On the other side, Uranala Fujin was also extremely annoyed.

But it's not to Qingyou, but to Hongli.

After Xiao Niu Hulu Gege entered the mansion, Hongli also took two holidays.

But apart from his daily greetings, Hongli only went to Xiao Niu Hulu Gege and never visited the main courtyard once.

This couldn't help but make Uranala Fujin furious.

Uranala Fujin can give up Hongli or not care about him, but he will never allow Hongli to give up on himself in advance.

Ulanala Fujin would never allow Hongli to escape his control, and a paranoid thought flashed in Ulanala Fujin's eyes.

However, Qingyou also felt strange.

I have been taking my own contraceptive pills for these years.

Although I haven't shown it to the imperial doctor, I have seen it privately at a medical clinic and found that the effect of my medicine is extremely good.

I haven't been infected in the past few years, so I got pregnant this time.

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