Chapter 158 Heart to Heart
Ruyi understood since she heard Qingyou asked her to take Hongzhou out. Qingyou probably had something to tell Mistress Tana.

So after hearing Qingyou's instructions, he sent Hong Zhou to his small study.

Then he returned to the yard and stood guard outside Qingyou's door to prevent irrelevant people from breaking in.

Although Ruyi said she was guarding outside the door, she could still hear some faint sounds in the room, probably something happened.

Ruyi is a servant. Although Qingyou treats Ruyi like her own sister, Ruyi still abides by his duty and stands outside the door honestly.

Ruyi saw Yinzhen and Hongzhou walking together from a distance, and hurriedly knocked on the door to signal Qingyou that someone was coming.

After Qingyou heard Ruyi's knock on the door, she quickly understood what Ruyi meant and quickly cleaned up for herself and Tana.

After cleaning up, although Qingyou and Tana's eyes were still a little red and swollen, there was nothing unusual on their faces.

After Yinzhen came in, he naturally discovered something was wrong with the mother and daughter, but Yinzhen was considerate and did not ask Qingyou and the others what happened in the yard just now.

Instead, they chatted about everyday things with Hong Zhou and Tana. During the chat, they learned what happened in the palace.

After Yinzhen learned that nothing happened to them in the palace, he felt relieved a little.

After all, since the last incident, Yinzhen has also arranged his own manpower in the palace to always pay attention to the affairs of Hong Zhou and Tana.

Moreover, Gu Qie also told them that if someone bullies Hong Zhou and Tana, no matter how small or small, they must report it as soon as possible.

Seeing that the spies had not given him any bad news before, Yinzhen understood that nothing happened between the two of them in the palace.

Seeing Qingyou and Tana acting like this, it was probably something that happened between their mother and daughter before, and it was hard for Yinzhen to interfere.

Just let the two of them solve it by themselves. If it doesn't work anymore, they can take action themselves.

However, Yinzhen's speculation was quickly overturned.

During the meal, Qingyou and Tana were still affectionate and affectionate, and Yinzhen knew that this matter was probably over.

After dinner in the evening, Hong Zhou and Tana retreated together. They had just returned from the palace, and Qingyou also wanted them to rest a little longer.

Hong Zhou and Tana returned to their yard to rest, but Yinzhen stayed instead.

Qingyou had been accumulating things in his mind because of his previous communication with Tana, and he didn't think much about what Tana said that Yinzhen had known for a long time.

But now that she saw Yinzhen, what Tana said earlier suddenly came to Qingyou's mind.

Now that Qingyou thought about it carefully, it turned out that Yinzhen already knew that she was secretly taking birth control pills two years ago.

But Yinzhen has been holding back this matter and has not told himself. If Tana hadn't let it slip, Qingyou might have been kept in the dark.

It’s no wonder that Yinzhen has always said that he would work hard to give Zhou and Tana another younger sibling, but he doesn’t know when he never mentioned this matter again.

Qingyou originally thought that it was Yinzhen who no longer thought about this matter, because there were not many children in the house now.

It turned out that Yinzhen knew about this and he didn't want to get pregnant.

Qingyou had never thought before that Yinzhen would know this and be so calm, as if nothing had happened.

After all, since ancient times, the royal family has emphasized the importance of having more children and being more blessed, secretly taking birth control pills.

For the royal family, it should be a treasonous and unforgivable crime.

But I don’t know why Yinzhen didn’t mention it, and Qingyou didn’t want to ask more.

This makes sense. After Yinzhen found out that he was pregnant with a child, he was so happy that he directly rewarded the servants in the courtyard with a year's worth of monthly silver. You know, at that time, Hong Zhou and Tana just gave an extra month of monthly money to the servants in the yard after they were born. This was already a very high-profile practice at the time.

As for Qingyou not understanding Yinzhen's thoughts, it is actually not difficult to guess.

After Yinzhen found out that Qingyou was secretly taking birth control pills, he was actually lying in his heart when he said he wasn't disappointed. However, Qingyou still had a harder time getting pregnant.

Moreover, it is not easy for a woman to conceive and give birth to a child. It is a matter of going to the gate of hell.

Qingyou must have had his own considerations in doing this. Although Yinzhen was a little sad, he also understood Qingyou.

Yinzhen guessed in his heart that it might be that when he was pregnant with twins, the pregnancy process was too painful, which made Qingyou have a rejection reaction and did not want to be pregnant again.

However, it will not hinder Yinzhen's feelings for Qingyou.

After all, the relationship between the two of them for so many years cannot be determined by a child.

And now they have two children, Hong Zhou and Tana, one is smart and witty, and the other is lively and cute.

In fact, in Yinzhen's heart, there are no other regrets, since Qingyou doesn't want to have another child.

Then Yinzhen decided to respect Qingyou's choice.

However, Yinzhen did not expect that when he was already disappointed, the news of Qingyou's pregnancy suddenly came.

Yinzhen was so happy that he forgot all the rules.

Directly and in a high-profile manner, he was rewarded with a year's worth of monthly silver.

Moreover, this child's status in Yinzhende's heart is different.

This child appeared when Yinzhen's feelings for Qingyou were at their strongest.

Therefore, the meaning of nature is different.

Qingyou hugged Lai Yinzhen but didn't say anything.

Yinzhen also enjoyed this rare warmth.

Nothing happened between the two of them one night, but there was a different feeling.

As for Hong Zhou and Tana, they didn't go back immediately. Instead, they started talking in the small study.

The two are like twins. Although they usually don't communicate very well, Hong Zhou also understands what Tana is thinking in her heart.

Now when I saw my mother-in-law and Tana's eyes were red and swollen, I knew that Tana had confessed.

"Have you already told E Niang?" Although Hong Zhou understood something in his heart, he still asked first.

"Yes." Tana's mood was still not very high.

Hong Zhou is usually the older brother, so he naturally has a somewhat tolerant attitude towards Tana.

“Now that I’ve said it, don’t think too much about it.

Whatever you want to do, just be determined and work hard to do it.

My mother and I will support you from behind. "

After Tana heard what Hong Zhou said, she also responded heavily.

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