Chapter 163 Candidates

Qingyou first carefully cleaned up the backyard after moving the servants who were gossiping.

After talking to Yinzhen again, Yinzhen suddenly realized what was wrong with his behavior.

I found some time to talk with Hong Zhou and Tana in the study all afternoon.

Qingyou didn't know what was said between them.

But since then, Hong Zhou and Tana's inner emotions have slowly improved.

Hong Zhou and Tana were still on their way to study in the palace, and Hong Yan was also growing up day by day.

Everything seemed to be so calm.

But often everything happens under calm conditions.

In the blink of an eye, Tana is now eleven years old and has grown into a beautiful and lovely girl.

In this case, I can treat Tana wholeheartedly after marriage. Then, my intellectual ability is also good.

Qingyou remembered that Yinzhen had told him before that he wanted to keep Tana in the capital.

It would be okay if all these requirements were met.

This requirement is quite stringent. After all, the tradition of the Qing Dynasty is that after a man reaches the age of thirteen, he has not yet reached adulthood.

Mongolia is far away from home, and the conditions are not as good as those in the capital.

Qingyou feels that she is most fortunate to have raised her child like this.

However, there are really not many candidates who can meet Yinzhen's needs.

After all, although these things are scarce, given the status of the royal family, if you search carefully, you may not be short of suitable candidates.

As Tana grew up, Yinzhen also revealed this matter to Kangxi in private.

If it is true, there is no way to escape the fate of marrying far away.

You know, most princesses in the Qing Dynasty could not escape the fate of getting married.

If he really cultivated a character as weak and bully as Tana's appearance.

Local customs and cultures vary.

Although Kangxi did not express his refusal, his private attitude showed that he ignored the permission.

I'm afraid it is unavoidable that, like most Qing Dynasty princesses, they will end up in a state of ruin.

Yinzhen's attitude undoubtedly requires a good candidate who is good in character, appearance, family background and character.

What Yinzhen requires is not only family background, character and knowledge, Yinzhen must also require Tana's future husband to have no concubine qualifications before marriage.

However, Yinzhen's most important and insistent requirement was rather harsh. He required that he not have any concubines before marriage and that he must keep himself clean.

Therefore, Yinzhen has been looking for suitable candidates over the years.

This is something Qingyou can't bear no matter what.

Although Tana looks soft and can be bullied, if you really want to give it a try, the unlucky ones will definitely be the blind others.

It is relatively common for family members to start arranging for concubines to have intercourse with each other.

Moreover, among the princes, Yinzhen is also in an even worse state.

But now, when it comes to my daughter, I have to ask for one, and there is no concubine.

Until now, he has always been a clean and self-sufficient candidate, which is a bit difficult for others.

However, the royal family has always had double standards, and this double standard is good for her daughter. Qingyou acquiesced and said nothing.

Simply put, Tana is still young now and still has several years to choose slowly, so there is no rush anyway.

Let Tana enjoy this time, the happiness in the boudoir when she was young is the most important. Although after Tana gets married, Qingyou can guarantee that within the scope of Yinzhen's strength, Tana can live as carefree as before.

But being a child and being a wife are still different.

Moreover, judging from Qingyou's attitude towards Yinzhen, it must be that Tana has not yet told Yinzhen her true inner thoughts.

Qingyou also knew that Tana didn't want to stay in the backyard forever as Yinzhen wished.

What she wants instead is to lead troops in war and become a female general.

Tana wanted to make her own way and didn't want to be constrained by the back house.

Regarding this point, it may be a bit shocking to Yinzhen and cannot be understood.

However, as a Qingyou who has received the education of later generations, he is very accepting of it.

Moreover, Tana had talked about her thoughts a long time ago.

Talking about the matter, Qingyou accepted this aspect.

Moreover, as I have watched over the years, Tana has not been defeated because of some setbacks and trivial matters during exercise.

On the contrary, in the exercise, step by step, the indomitable spirit is developed.

Qingyou feels that if it is really possible, Qingyou wants to help Tana realize this wish.

In Qingyou's dream, the planned Tana should be a bright and sunny girl.

Unlike today's boudoir girls, they were taught to be strict and strict, and every movement was considered to be a specimen.

If he were an ordinary person, Qingyou might just go with the flow. After all, one person cannot stop the great flow of the times.

However, Tana is a royal princess and has this capital.

As for the candidate for Tana's future husband, Yinzhen thought of a candidate mentioned a few days ago—Yu Yanguang.

Qingyou had no impression of this, but when it came to his grandfather Yu Chenglong, Qingyou was quite impressed.

Yu Chenglong was a famous upright official in the Qing Dynasty. He was appointed as the magistrate of Luocheng County during the Shunzhi period. During his tenure, he encouraged farmers and mulberry farmers to live and work in peace and contentment.

Later, he was promoted repeatedly due to his outstanding political performance. During the Kangxi period, he successively served as a prefect, an inspector, an envoy and a governor, and was finally appointed as the governor of Jiangnan and Jiangxi.

Yu Chenglong was praised by Emperor Kangxi as "the most honest official" and was one of the ten most important ministers under Kangxi.

With such a grandfather, he naturally cares about the education of his children and grandchildren.

Yinzhen heard that Yu Yanguang was not only good at both civil and military affairs, but also had an excellent family tradition. He was a rare official son.

Moreover, this man's appearance is also extremely handsome.

It can completely meet Tana's standards. After Qingyou saw it, he also thought this person looked very good.

So, Yinzhen sent someone to their house to spread the word.

In this regard, Qingyou also said that the royal family is indeed overbearing, but within the scope of alternatives, the family must be more demanding on their children.

But this is a royal prerogative, after all, the imperial power is supreme.

These words are not just words, but after solving the problem of Tana's future husband.

Qingyou's heart was indeed filled with a big stone.

Yu Yanguang is just one of the candidates, and Yinzhen also listed other candidates.

However, all of them are handsome young men with good looks and good character.

After two or three years, Tana can slowly make her choice.

It is best to choose a person who suits your own heart and the husband and wife will be in love and harmony in the future.

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