Chapter 171 Fighting for position
Concubine De, no, the current Wu Ya clan did not expect that the emperor could be so cruel.

After accompanying Kangxi for decades, he was not as important as Queen Xiao Yiren in Kangxi's heart.

It's simply ridiculous. When Empress Xiao Yiren was alive, she obviously just wanted to have a child of her own and Kangxi's blood, but Kangxi couldn't tolerate the child because she was afraid that the Tong family would become too powerful.

In order to balance the government, Queen Xiao Yiren refused to conceive a child.

At the back, after carrying her child, Queen Xiao Yiren happened to be pregnant.

It might be of no use, but Queen Xiao Yiren worked so hard, but she gave birth to a frail daughter who died before she was even full moon.

Queen Xiao Yiren was also very sad because of this, so she died of illness in the same year, after Queen Xiao Yiren died of illness.

Kangxi showed great affection and showed his unusual love for his cousin.

But what's the use? Queen Xiao Yiren has already passed away.

And her own child has been raised by her so that she does not recognize her biological mother, but only recognizes her adoptive mother, Queen Xiao Yiren. Who can know the pain in her heart.

Although it was his own transaction to carry Yinzhen, he was his first son after all.

I still have different feelings for Yinzhen. I have also visited him secretly in private, but every time I was stopped by the maids around Queen Xiao Yiren.

After finally giving birth to his sixth son, he was able to comfort himself with the emptiness in his heart. However, after his sixth son was born, he didn’t know who fell into his scheme and died early.

Although a daughter was born during this period, it was not better to have a son after all. After all, it would be better to have a son by her side.

God bless me, when I was almost in despair, Fourteen came, and I had already been promoted to the imperial concubine.

As one of the four concubines, she could be considered to have a high position of authority, so she would naturally love her son very much. This is also human nature.

Who knew that I would fall into this, it was really a wrong step, every wrong step.

But at this time, Concubine De was still thinking about whether she would implicate Shi Shi.

My biological mother is now demoted to a commoner, and the Wuya clan can't help her.

How could his own child realize his ambition? He didn't regret attacking Yinzhen, but he regretted that his method was too roundabout.

On the other side, Fourteen hated his fourth brother even more.

In Shi Shi's heart, his biological brother cannot be called an elder brother at all. If he changes the word, he can be called an enemy.

From the time he was born and became sensible, he knew that his mother-in-law didn't like Yinzhen.

Every time Yinzhen came to pay his respects, his mother-in-law would not be happy for a long time.

From then on, I knew that my brother was here to collect debts.

Later, as things accumulated one by one, a lot of dissatisfaction naturally accumulated in my heart.

Between the two of them, there was also the hatred of their biological mothers, so how could Shi Shi not hate them.

Fourteen's heart ignited a raging fire, and he vowed to climb to the supreme position and make Yinzhen look good.


Competition in the former dynasty is fierce now.

Since Yinzhen's jade dish was changed to the name of Queen Xiao Yiren.

He can be regarded as the legitimate son of the middle palace.

Judging from one point of view, he has won the support of many ministers in the court. Just being an orthodox descendant is enough in name.

As for the fourteenth, the current courtiers really don't understand Kangxi's thoughts.

If you like the general, you will forgive Wu Ya for the sake of the general. How can you see that the general does not have the support of his mother's family?

If I don't like it, I have been keeping Shi Shi with me during this period, and I have always pretended to like Shi Shi on weekdays. The courtiers couldn't figure it out, and some elder brothers couldn't figure it out either.

Yinsu drank alone in the house.

Originally, I felt that my background was not good, so I read hard and tried every means.

Show off in the study.

But it's not as important as the prince's finger.

I understood at that time that some people just have different identities, and therefore their fates are also different.

What I have spent so much time and energy asking for is just what others have at my fingertips.

From that moment on, Yinsu secretly swore in his heart that he would stand out and step down those who were above him.

In the future, he even planned his own marriage, but all this was nothing.

Everything was pretty much what I expected, and I achieved what I wanted step by step.

Although there were some setbacks in the process, fortunately everything was fine.

However, the incident of killing the eagle directly dragged him into the quagmire.

However, Yinsu himself did not feel sorry for himself. He immediately transferred his forces and openly supported the Fourteenth.

However, privately, these forces are under his command. Even if Fourteen takes that position, in the end, he is still the one in power secretly.


Others don't know Kangxi, but Yinzhen was brought to him by Kangxi when he was a child and raised and taught him for a period of time.

Naturally, he also had some understanding of Kangxi's thoughts.

This Ama's performance is nothing more than a "balance" technique.

At that time, Kangxi didn't know what his motives were when he changed his name to Queen Xiao Yiren.

Yinzhen thought in his heart that Kangxi might have felt sorry for him at that time.

But what's more, I'm afraid that as an emperor, he has been controlled by a little woman for so many years.

Moreover, after the Wuya clan's house was ransacked, a lot of gold and silver treasures were confiscated.

Among them, there are many gifts from the emperor, which makes Kangxi lose his face.

Therefore, he was very angry with Wu Ya.

As for why he was so nice to Shi Shi, it was probably not what the court minister thought.

I prefer fourteen, but pay attention to balance.

He is now the queen's heir, and can be regarded as the legitimate son. He is now the most powerful candidate to compete for the throne.

How could Kangxi, who paid attention to balance, let himself stand out.

Naturally, you have to support others, which is like competing with yourself to see if you have the talent.

The next step is to act as a target to attract limelight.

Yinzhen has been holding back in private for so many years, so naturally he doesn't care about this little time.

Yinzhen knew that what Kangxi needed most now was the family happiness of his father and son.

What those fourteen were best at was opportunism and being obedient in front of Kangxi.

The most advantageous people around me are Hong Zhou and Tana. Naturally, there is no need to do anything, just wait quietly.

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