Chapter 180 Poison
"Your Majesty, this is really a clever move! You borrowed a knife to kill someone, but Master Liu kept charging forward.

Even if it is finally revealed, Liu Bin will not dare to involve you. "

"Of course, Liu Concubine thinks she is smart, but looking at everyone in the palace, no one can really like Liu Concubine.

Some people may not have been able to see clearly what Liu Bin was like before. But after the bright moon came out, everyone could see clearly.

The two princesses may have pushed the eldest princess into the water because of their own whims.

However, everything that happened after this incident was not Liu Bin's calculation.

If you really think that your child has really done something wrong, you should come to the door and apologize properly.

Instead of cowering in the courtyard like his own daughter, the emperor had to send someone to find her in person.

Not to mention that, he also used himself as a rescuer to save his daughter.

Although I said I helped her, this matter was indeed the fault of the second princess and Liu Bin.

If it weren't for the fact that Liu Bin is really useful, I wouldn't help such a femme fatale woman. "

"Your Majesty is absolutely right, this servant is stupid."

On this side, Liu Bin, who had just left, and the maid beside her.

"Master, do you really want to do this? Cooperating with Queen Ulanara is not seeking the skin of a tiger.

Queen Ulanala didn't give any substantial benefits, so she asked us to do such a dangerous thing.

If we are discovered, the Emperor will not spare us. "

"This is because you have little knowledge.

This imperial concubine has always been a serious problem for Queen Uranala, and she can't wait to get rid of her quickly.

You really thought there was some deep hatred between the two people.

It's just that Queen Ulanala couldn't bear to see that the imperial concubine not only had three children beside her.

Moreover, these three children are all healthy and intelligent, and are deeply favored by the emperor.

In addition, the imperial concubine is still in charge of part of the palace affairs, which is a knife in the heart of Queen Ulanara.

How could Queen Uranala not hate this?

Besides, who said I have no evidence.

Last time, I helped Queen Ulanara seriously injure the child of Concubine Nian.

That secret medicine is still in my hand.

This kind of secret medicine is something we can't come up with. Only people like Queen Uranala who were born into a wealthy family can have it.

Once this thing is taken out, Queen Ulanara will not be able to do anything wrong.

Moreover, our emperor is not a fool, and he is very considerate of Queen Uranara.

Otherwise, Queen Ulanala would not be allowed to live in Jingren Palace and the imperial concubine would be allowed to live in Kunning Palace.

It is said that the palace environment is elegant and suitable for the queen to live and handle palace affairs.

These are just excuses to cover up. How could Queen Ulanara be willing to do this? "

"The master must be resourceful. If you ask me, there is no one in this harem who can match the master's intelligence."


When Qingyou was eating, Ruyi helped her use a silver needle to test whether the food was poisonous as usual.

In fact, this move was just a daily move, and there was no intention to guard against anything.

Qingyou is responsible for a series of things such as the staffing and purchasing of the imperial dining room.

Moreover, Qingyou's daily meals are all made by himself in his own small kitchen and then served on the table. There can't be any other problems.

As for putting the silver needle in the food to test whether it was poisonous, it was all because Qingyou was good at poisoning the food when she watched palace fighting dramas on TV.

Although there are people around me who are proficient in medical skills, and I have read many medical encyclopedias, I can be considered half a doctor.

But this kind of thing is hard to guard against, and there are endless means.

Therefore, when the food was delivered, Qingyou subconsciously asked Ruyi to test it with a golden needle.

Moreover, with continuous practice, Qingyou later discovered other uses of spiritual spring water.

After drinking the clear spiritual spring water, it has some benefits for the body.

It can be a little healthier, but it doesn't have those magical effects.

Put it in meals. It can make the food taste better.

In addition, Qingyou is still practicing other uses.

Qingyou and the children's bodies have been maintained to be extremely healthy, and adding them to the meals is just the icing on the cake. Taking risks for a little appetite is really not worth the gain.

Although this spiritual spring water is not of much use to Qingyou now, it is of great use to this dynasty.

He is carrying a treasure, and if he is not careful, he will attract people's attention, and for this Qing Dynasty, he is afraid that he will be treated as a monster.

It's really not worth it for a little bit of food and drink.

However, this does have an advantage. There is too much spiritual spring water to use, and Qingyou has a lot of time to do experiments.

It was also discovered that most toxins can be diagnosed by soaking silver needles in spiritual spring water for a few days.

Even the poisons in the medicine encyclopedia in the space can be detected by oneself.

Therefore, Qingyou now soaks the silver needle every day before taking it to test the poison.

Originally, today was an ordinary day, but Ruyi accidentally found out the toxin from the silver needle.

"This, this, this, master..."

"Someone, go and surround the small kitchen for me, and then ask for an imperial doctor to come over.

Ruyi, you should quietly ask the imperial doctor about this matter and don't let anyone else know. "

"Your Majesty, I heard that the imperial concubine is not in good health and has just gone to see the imperial doctor."

Qingyou's movements can be hidden from others, but they cannot be hidden from Yinzhen.

Yinzhen also knew that there was no peace in the harem, so he placed some people in Kunning Palace, not to monitor Qingyou, but to protect Qingyou's safety.

Yinzhen originally wanted to talk to Qingyou about this matter, but based on Yinzhen's understanding of Qingyou over the years, Qingyou probably didn't like this arrangement, so Yinzhen made the arrangement without talking to Qingyou. Get the manpower over.

Right now, it was the servants arranged by Yinzhen who came to report.

After Yinzhen heard the news, he hurried to Kunning Palace.

Yinzhen hurried over all the way.

Seeing that Qingyou was alive and well, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"When I came here, I heard that you were sick and asked the imperial doctor to ask for help. What happened?"

Qingyou knew from this look that Yinzhen had placed people around him, but now was not the time to talk about this.

"Your Majesty, look, this is the pancake that I haven't eaten yet. Today, Ruyi beside me checked out the poison.

The concubine then sealed up the small kitchen and asked Ruyi to quietly invite the imperial doctor.

Unexpectedly, it alarmed your Majesty. "

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