Chapter 184 Reveal
However, Yinzhen doesn’t know yet.

The most important thing is that if Tana chooses to become an official in the court or has some other path, Yinzhen would probably be able to accept it, but Tana chose to go to Mongolia to get married.

Qingyou still remembers what Tana said at that time: "Mom, I already understand what I want to do in the future.

I want to be in power, I want to gain power in my own hands, rather than expecting others to give me a little power from their fingertips to become satisfied.

But regarding this aspect, I understand that no matter how much Amma loves me, Emperor Amma will not allow me to do this.

So the only way I can do now is to get married.

If I were to propose marriage. Even if Huang Ama is reluctant, she will respect my wishes and decisions in the end.

Plus, with you here, I'm not afraid that my idea won't come true.

When Huang Ama agrees, even if it is out of worry, he will definitely give me many strong soldiers to protect my safety.

Moreover, the husband Huang Ama chooses for me must be the best among men, even if he is the son of a prince. After I marry him, I can directly take charge of the power.

Sometimes it is different in Mongolia and the capital. There is no distinction between men and women. Anyone can take charge of power as long as they have the strength. That will be the best place for me to display my abilities.

And when the time comes, I will have gathered all the forces of the Mongolian tribe, which will also be extremely good for my brother.

We are twins born from the same mother, so I naturally understand his thoughts and his ambitions.

I know that he definitely doesn't want to sacrifice me to satisfy his greed, but as a sister, I also want to help him do this.

And in this way, I am actually realizing my own wish, and not sacrificing myself to satisfy my brother's wish. Wouldn't it be great to kill two birds with one stone? "

Qingyou was not confused by what Tana said.

“But, Tana, have you ever thought about it, this road is full of thorns and is much more difficult than you imagined.

Along the way, you have received far more criticism than before. Are you sure you can persevere?

It’s not that I’m pouring cold water on you now. The main reason is that the conditions in Mongolia are difficult and far inferior to the pampered life you have now in the capital.

I won’t mention it anymore, and you really have never thought that you will find a perfect husband in the future and be with him for the rest of your life.

Even if the person chosen by Your Majesty Ama is not the best, it is for the sake of Your Majesty Ama and your brother.

He only respects you and will never give you any grievance.

But if we marry in Mongolia, we are beyond our reach, which will be a big difficulty.

Moreover, the status of wives and concubines in Mongolia is equal, and you cannot arbitrarily teach the concubines around your husband.

They may even contradict you and make things difficult for you, and most of the women who grew up in Mongolia are tough. I am really afraid that you will suffer! "

“I’ve thought about all the issues I mentioned, but now I just want to achieve my goals.

For this, there is nothing wrong with making a little sacrifice.

If you want to accomplish something, you can get what you want without sacrificing anything.

I already know this and I am willing to pay some price to achieve what I want.

To take a step back, Mom, you understand my natural power, and no one without the vision and energy will take advantage of it.

Even if someone bullies me, it is enough for you and Huang Ama to prepare soldiers and people to protect me. And I believe that I will not fall into that situation. I will definitely take power in Mongolia and achieve my own goals. "

"Now that you have made up your mind, E Niang will definitely help you. As long as we beg for a few more days, your emperor will definitely let go. You will always be E Niang and A Ma's most beloved daughter."

"Mom, you are the best, I love you the most!"

His thoughts turned back, and Yinzhen spoke from the side,

"Don't I understand our Tana yet? We raised Tana with great love and pampering, and we did not let her endure hardships.

You can rest assured on this point, the candidate I picked is definitely the best among people, and I will never treat Tana badly. "

Qingyou realized that Yinzhen's thoughts had gone astray, thinking that he was reluctant to let Tana get married, so he quickly stopped thinking about it and said it directly.

"Fourth Master, you understand that our daughter has been raised like a prince since she was a child.

How could the daughter who had already received the prince's education willingly return to the back house to raise her husband and raise her children?

Even if the concubine can be obedient to Tana, Tana has expressed her own thoughts, how can the concubine pretend not to hear her.

I have already asked Tana, and she said that she wants to go to Mongolia to get married and follow the Mongolian method of seizing power. She wants to control the power, control the troops and realize her own value!
Although I somewhat disagree with this point, the children's affairs can only be decided by the children themselves.

What we do is to protect them. No matter how much we arrange for him, it's useless if he doesn't like it.

As long as Tana chooses what she likes, it would be best if we fully support her behind her.

Zhitana is not someone who was pampered by our acquaintance, but someone who has experienced setbacks and torture.

Tana has been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Over the years, no matter what the wind or rain, she has never stopped for a day.

Even though her hands were covered with calluses, she never complained about suffering or tiredness. From this point of view, Tana had her own firm belief.

I think we as parents can also let go and let him fight bravely on his own.

If it doesn't work, Tana still has us behind her. We parents are our children's biggest support. "

"Absurd, ridiculous words, which family's children's marriage is not the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker!"

After Yinzhen heard what Qingyou said, he angrily put down a sentence and left.

"Master, didn't we say this before?
You had to say it tactfully, because you were afraid that the emperor wouldn't listen, so why did you reveal it all at once?

After saying so much, the emperor left angrily. The servant was afraid that he would anger the eldest princess because of this! "

"No, you see the emperor left in anger even on the surface.

But if you look carefully at his expression, you won't be shocked at all by what I said.

Presumably about this. The Emperor has already considered this in his heart, so I will say this.

It just pokes out the paper film on the surface.

Our emperor is the most resourceful, and he must have already understood Tana's thoughts.

I just want to deceive myself and others, and deceive myself for a while. Just watch. "

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