Chapter 194 Take action
Therefore, whether this matter was done by the imperial concubine or not, in Hongli's heart it would be the imperial concubine's doing.

Hongli secretly thought in his heart that no matter what the truth of this matter was, the imperial concubine would soon become a point for him to vent his anger.

However, these must be considered in the long term. The imperial concubine is still Yinzhen's favorite, so how to plan this matter must be planned in place.

The two people reached a consensus.

Tana got married, and soon it was Mingyue's turn to get married, but Mingyue's wedding ceremony was indeed not as grand as Tana's.

I have to go to Mongolia alone, a long way.

This undoubtedly made Mingyue secretly resentful in her heart.

Hongli planned it for a long time and finally found a suitable time.

This sentence has to talk about Hongli's cruelty.

At that time, Hongli tried hard to force Xiao Niu Gulu to join the palace. He originally hoped that Xiao Niu Gulu would be favored by the imperial concubine. In fact, he could also cooperate with him later and act as his eyes and ears.

It didn't take long for news to come that Empress Niu Colu was seriously ill, and Hongli cried in grief in the palace.

Over the years, even though I miss my Niang again, what I can't stop is that Niang's voice, appearance, and smile have disappeared and slowly disappeared from my mind.

At first, everyone said that it might be a disease inherited from the Niu Gulu family, but I don’t know when the conspiracy began to spread.

At this time, rumors began to spread in the palace, saying that Niu Gulu and the previous Niu Gulu had the same symptoms.

Will he feel proud that his son can study in the palace? Will he serve him steaming sweet soup all night when he is tired from studying?

It is said that this is actually a conspiracy used by some people in the harem. I don't know why, but they have repeatedly attacked the women of the Niu Gulu family.

It is said that the most painful thing in the world is the separation of mother and child, but in my opinion, the most painful thing is that the child wants to be raised but refuses to be kissed.

Maybe the son's demands were too much, and now Empress Lian Niugulu is leaving her son.

At this time, Hongli came to Yinzhen with the purple elixir in his hand.

However, in Erchen's mind, he was always thinking about what if his direct biological mother-in-law was still alive.

But I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t get better and gets worse.

But I didn't expect that Xiao Niu Gu Lu was so useless. He couldn't help himself in any way, and he couldn't attract any attention from Yinzhen.

Now, it is time for Xiao Niu Colu to contribute.

Unexpectedly, I discovered a shocking secret. "

Therefore, every time Zai saw his second brother, although he didn't show it on the surface, he felt sour in his heart and was very jealous that his second brother could have his biological mother by his side.

Such rumors spread more and more fiercely, and some harem ladies were even involved.

Yinzhen was furious and ordered his subordinates to investigate the matter strictly.

"Huang Ama, my son is feeling miserable.

Even the imperial doctors have come here several times, but they all just said that Niu Gulu was just suffering from an ordinary cold and it was nothing serious.

Everyone said that Empress Niu Colu looked very similar to my biological mother. Over the years, only looking at Niu Colu Empress could relieve my inner pain of losing my mother.

The son-in-law refused to give in and did not want to adapt to God's will, so he ordered someone to search secretly.

With that said, Hongli handed over the porcelain bottle in his hand to Hey Yinzhen.

“This was found in sister Tana’s palace.

At that time, after Empress Niu Colu fell seriously ill, Huang Ama ordered a thorough inspection of the harem, but only the palace where several sisters lived was taken away. That day, I saw someone sneaking around at the door of Tana's sister's palace, for fear that there would be thieves in the palace.

I was anxious for a while, so I went in beforehand without reporting it to Huang Ama.

But I didn't expect to find this inside.

When I saw the thief secretly hiding these things in Tana's bedroom, I knew that these things were not for anyone to see.

He took the things away and secretly asked a doctor outside the palace to have them appraised.

This is a bottle of poison, or a bottle of poison that is rare in the world. The person who takes it will not notice it at all.

And after taking it, the symptoms will be like ordinary wind and cold, but it will damage people's internal organs.

This drug is extremely harmful and the treatment is extremely low.

After the son-in-law found out, he was extremely frightened, fearing that someone had framed him.

He immediately came to report to Emperor Ama, but on the way there, his son suddenly woke up.

Erchen's mother-in-law died in this way. Erchen hopes that Huang Ama can thoroughly investigate the murderer and return the truth to my mother-in-law.

It is also fair to Niu Gulu. "

After Hongli finished speaking, he left directly without waiting for Yinzhen's response.

Hongli knew deeply that Yinzhen had a suspicious temper, so this matter could not be fully disclosed.

Saying half and leaving half will arouse the hook in Yinzhen's heart, and he said it at the time.

This kind of medicine is undetectable, has an extremely high incidence rate, and has no possibility of cure. This is undoubtedly the most vigilant thing for a suspicious emperor.

Therefore, even for the sake of own safety, we will investigate thoroughly.

And the more you investigate this matter, the more you will find out, and you will know that the murderer behind this matter is the imperial concubine.

And her image of always being gentle, kind and considerate will be completely torn apart.

Love brings life, hate brings death. My own Emperor Ama is such a person, if I know the true face of the Imperial Concubine.

I don’t know what kind of decision will be made, and Hong Zhou, no matter how outstanding his performance is, will never get ahead again.

The scenery they had before will become a push that pushes them into hell.

As Hongli expected, Yinzhen, who stayed where he was, became suspicious of this matter.

Before, the protagonist of this matter was just a Niu Ge Lu concubine, and this Niu Ge Lu concubine did not leave many traces in Yinzhen's heart.

In Yinzhen's heart, after Xiao Niu Colu was given to him, Yinzhen didn't pay much attention to it and just put Xiao Niu Colu in the backyard.

The last time the harem was sealed, it was because of Hongli's sake that she was granted the title of concubine.

At the moment, although I know that Xiao Niu Gulu is seriously ill, I am currently busy with palace affairs and have no time to pay attention to it.

The only option is to ask the imperial doctor to take more care of him, but now this matter has involved the matter of poison.

Whether it is for his own safety or the peace of the harem, this matter must be thoroughly investigated.

"An Yi, go and investigate for me. We must find out who is behind this!"

After Yinzhen finished speaking, a man in black came down from under the beam and took orders, then disappeared again.

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