Chapter 24 Follow-up
Nian Fujin, who was lying on the bed, didn't even think about it. Under such evidence, the fourth master is still openly protecting the Geng family. It seems that the noble man is right. If you cut the weeds without removing the roots, they will grow again with the spring breeze.

"Fourth Master, I don't know why you said that, but since I have spoken, I don't follow the rules. Qiu Shuang, don't say anything, just leave it like that."

Nian's move of retreating instead of advancing deeply identified Qingyou as the real culprit in this incident, and no matter what evidence was found later, it would make people think that Yinzhen was favoring Qingyou.

Qingyou heard the overtone and immediately said, "No, it's whatever it is. Since you suspect that the murderer is me, let's continue to investigate. I believe that those who are innocent will self-inflicted. Naturally, let others do it again." No matter how much you throw dirty water, it won't come true."

Qingyou was really annoyed. Originally, Nian was the victim in this matter, and he sympathized with her feelings. As a first-time mother and at such a young age, she would naturally not be in a good mood if something like this happened. Where to go, but Nian Fujin wanted to crucify him for his words, and the clay figure was still angry. Qingyou was naturally not a fool, so he completely rebuffed Nian Fujin's words.

Then, Qingyou said to the fourth master, "If we continue to investigate in this direction, the father-in-law is right, and the mother-in-law is right. No matter how much we continue to investigate, the real murderer behind the scenes will not take the initiative to admit what he did. This is not only related to The prince's heirs are also related to the prince's safety.

Today you can drug Nian Fujin without anyone noticing, and tomorrow you may do something to your own children, and one day you may even do something cruel to the prince. Therefore, I suggest that the prince investigate this matter thoroughly. Since the person who drugged him Man, I can’t explain it now, but the source of the medicine can be found out.

If it was done by someone in the garden, the prince can check the entry and exit records of the past few days, focus on investigation, compare the abnormal situation with the usual situation, and torture the abnormal person; if everything in the garden is as usual, it must be Regarding the medicines brought out from the house, Your Majesty can conduct a thorough investigation to compare the entry and exit in the previous few months and during our trip.

You can also test it now. The dregs of the anti-fetus medicine that Nian Fujin drank must have been left behind as soon as Nian Fujin found out that someone had administered the medicine. "

After speaking, even Yinzhen was shocked. He had never seen Qingyou look so sharp. He was like a cat with fried fur, fiercely defending his territory, but Qingyou like this looked like It's also quite cute.

Nian Fujin was speechless for a while, and then he slowly said, "When I discovered the bleeding under my body, I panicked immediately and hurriedly called the doctor, so I didn't notice the matter of the medicine residue. When I thought about it, I had already been taken care of." People took care of it and left no trace at all. It was my incompetence."

"Since Nian Fujin said so, why don't I have my troops divided into two groups, one to check for any abnormality in the manpower coming out of the mansion, and the other to ask for the doctor now? Since he dared to attack, he must have left traces, so I sent someone to ask for it. On the one hand, the imperial physician is concerned about Nian Fujin's health, and on the other hand, he can also check the house to see if he can find some traces left behind. Qingyou is nearby, and this matter is bound to happen today. To find out clearly.

Nian Fujin's face turned pale instantly, but no one noticed it yet. Even if someone saw it, they would only think that Nian Fujin was weak.

Nian Fujin, who quickly came to his senses, signaled to a person on the side, and that person quickly received the message and went on.

The person sent to check the records of leaving the house came back soon. After Fourth Master opened it, he slammed the record book on the table, "Now you two have nothing else to explain."

"My servant confesses that this thing was done by this slave. I entrusted a eunuch from the same village to buy it while I was away from the house. The reason why Liu'er bit Sister Ruxin was because she saw it before. Because Ping'er failed to do the assigned errands and was scolded by Sister Ruxin, the slave happened to be present at the time, so she instigated the relationship between the two people afterwards, and combined with the temptation of money, made Ping'er take the risk. If the prince doesn't believe that he did such a thing, he can send someone to search the five taels of silver under Ping'er's bed, which was given to the girl Ping'er by the slave at that time." When Liu'er saw what happened, he couldn't hide it and confessed.

Seeing this, Ping'er on the side also admitted what he had done.

Qingyou quickly grasped the key point of this matter, "Since you admitted that you did this, then tell me why you did it and the source of the money you did this. As far as I know , Not to mention the money you spent on this matter, just this gold hairpin is expensive, right?" Liu'er was about to explain when he saw a crescent moon pendant hanging on the waist of the person beside him. Judging from the year, it seemed quite It's been a long time, but it doesn't seem to be worth much.

After Liu'er saw it, while everyone's attention was still on her reply, she struggled against the guard holding her down and hit the pillar in the room. Her posture seemed to be determined to die.

Qingyou was still sharp-eyed and saw it immediately, and said quickly: "Pull the person down quickly." His tone was anxious.

But it was too late, Liu'er had already hit the pillar.

Fortunately, the doctor who had been sent for had already arrived. Upon seeing this, Qingyou immediately asked the doctor to examine Liu'er immediately.

In Qingyou's heart, even if Liu'er did these things, he would not be guilty of death. There must be a hidden secret behind this matter. Qingyou would definitely not be able to stand such a vivid life disappearing in front of him.

After reading it, the doctor quickly said, "I'm afraid this girl may not be able to save her life. I can't do anything."

Qingyou sat in a chair in a daze. In just a short moment, her life was gone.

The person who reacted even more than Qingyou was Nian Bianfujin.

Nianfu Jin yelled first, and then fell into a coma for a short time. Before the doctor had time to come forward to check, he woke up.

Then he said, "Although I don't know why Liu'er did such a wrong thing, I can't bear it when I see something like this happening now, so I will expose this matter. Now she has also been punished." , as for Ping'er, let's just suppress it for the time being and wait for the prince to be punished."

Qingyou didn't say anything, and the fourth master agreed to Nian Fujin's suggestion and ordered his servants to clean the place.

The servants quickly cleaned the place as if nothing had happened.

But Qingyou felt like she was in an ice cellar on this hot day, with chills all over her body. Seeing that the matter came to an end quickly, Qingyou quickly said goodbye and left.

The matter ended quickly and in an anticlimactic manner.

(End of this chapter)

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