Chapter 26 Sunscreen

After Qingyou figured out everything, he didn't dwell on anything, so this matter could only be like this.

On the other side, in the Changchun courtyard of Fujin.

The guards who came quickly took Qiu Shuang away, and left the fourth master's instructions: Nian Fujin will be grounded from now on.

After giving the order, Nian Fujin realized that his plan might have been discovered. He was so angry that he knelt down on the ground before he could stand still.

Nian comforted herself in her heart that it was no big deal.

Nian Fujin touched his belly. A few days ago, he went to see Wen Po, who was well versed in childbirth, and she said that her baby was definitely a boy. Moreover, my second brother sent me a letter a few days ago. The second brother in the letter was the governor of Sichuan at the time and had made great achievements in suppressing bandits. He would be able to return to Beijing to report on his duties in a few months.

My second brother has a lot of merit and must attend the New Year's Eve banquet. As a lucky Jin in the palace, I think the fourth master will have to take him to attend at that time.

At that time, the ban came naturally. After giving birth to the child, I didn't believe that the fourth master would still be so ruthless. After all, Shushu Fujin was not only fine this time, but he became the biggest victim of this incident.

Naturally, Nian Fujin's mood calmed down. As long as he took good care of his baby, everything would be fine.

After everything calmed down, because Fujin was grounded, Yinzhen also apologized to Qingyou for this incident, so Qingyou can be said to be a unique presence in this garden now. Here, Qingyou goes out every day to enjoy flowers, swim in the lake, catch fish, and occasionally visit the garden to admire the antique buildings.

Playing with the two children, it can be said that the little life was very happy.

Compared with the leisurely and leisurely days, the fourth master's life can be said to be in dire straits.

Although he came out to escape the summer heat, he did not do any of the errands that the Fourth Master was supposed to do. Even because of the Fourth Master's seriousness and responsibility and his own hands-on work, the Fourth Master's life was even more miserable than that of ordinary people.

Sometimes you even have to travel between the capital and the Rehe Palace. The scorching sun can make you peel off a layer of your skin. However, thanks to Qingyou's "sunscreen", the fourth master not only did not get tanned, Even more handsome and handsome.

All this was seen by the observant lady. She was a female and it was difficult to inquire, but her husband could. If your husband doesn’t want to, it’s easy to forget about sleeping in the yard at night.

This made all the ministers worried. The Fourth Master has always been known as the "Iron-faced King of Hell". If anyone asked the Fourth Master why he was so fair, he would be beaten out.

Everyone was afraid of the fourth master's majesty and did not dare to come forward to inquire. After returning, they were driven out of the backyard by their wives. For a while, everyone looked at the fourth master with resentment.

Finally someone couldn't help but ask Fourth Master.

The visitor is Fang Zhidong, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. What is different from the others is that Fang Zhidong is a noble son from a poor family. He was only 25 years old when he came to visit the flower in the 28th year of Kangxi.

At that time, Mr. Fang was full of ambitions and decided to gain fame and make achievements before marrying and having children. Therefore, the two could be said to be "an old husband and a young wife". The husband and wife were seventeen or eighteen years apart, and their relationship had always been harmonious. .

However, in order to ask about this "sunscreen", Madam has not been allowed to enter the backyard for many days, which makes Mr. Fang very worried. Only then did he have to take the risk to ask Fourth Master.

At that time, the fourth master's face could no longer maintain the cold expression. He could only say that the wife of the inner house knew about it and the licensee went to ask about it.

Qingyou couldn't help but smile when she saw the little eunuch who had come to present the product. She put the "sunscreen" she had just made a few days ago into a beautiful jar, along with instructions for using it, and asked people to take it back. The amount is not a lot, but it is enough for a month. By that time, I had returned to the capital, and the weather was naturally not very hot, so there was no need to pay much attention to sun protection.

Lord Fang took the thing and took it back to the house happily. Mrs. Fang naturally had a good look on her face and happily put Lord Fang in it in the evening.

The next day Master Fang came out of the backyard as if he had been rejuvenated overnight. After hearing the news, everyone came to inquire about the secret book from Fourth Master.

After learning that it was so simple, everyone was in disbelief. It turned out to be so simple. Although everyone couldn't believe it, they went to seek advice from Fourth Master with the mentality of giving it a try.

Qingyou's yard sent out a large amount of "sunscreen" with written instructions on how to use it, which was quite tiring.

Ruyi pinched Qingyou's shoulder and said, "Master, since this thing is so valuable, why didn't Master want to sell this recipe before, or make it into finished products and sell them in the shop? I remember the dowry list There are several makeup shops in the city, and they are quite profitable." Ruyi felt that during these days, although the master did not like to go out as much as before, he obviously had ideas. Ruyi didn't believe that his master hadn't thought of such an idea.

Qingyou explained: "My father has never liked to pursue profits with the people. He is a scholar, farmer, industry and merchant. There are not many shops under his name. Most of them were left by the imperial concubine. My previous shop was a dowry brought by my mother's family. , Fourth Master naturally has no right to comment.

But nowadays, the cost of "sunscreen" is not low. If it is cheap, you will lose money. If it is expensive, only wealthy families can afford it. The output of this product is not very high. Scarce things are expensive, so the market will be fiercely contested. When prices go up, the situation will be beyond our control.

Now, although we have given away a lot of things, those who can travel with His Majesty to escape the summer heat are not from the rich and powerful. If we give them away in this way, we can also form a good relationship.

In the future, Fourth Master's reputation will improve a lot, and things will probably go much smoother. These benefits cannot be achieved with simple money. "

Ruyi repeatedly said yes, "Master really thinks further than ordinary people. I am afraid that this wisdom is far beyond my reach."

Qingyou said: "Don't flatter me. You are exhausted today. Go down and have a rest."

The Fourth Master has indeed received a lot of kind looks from adults when he was doing things these two days, and there is not much resistance in doing things. The Fourth Master is still thinking in his heart, isn't it just a small "sunscreen" that has such a big effect? .

If everyone hears this, they will probably cry to death. If they haven't gotten it before, they can also explain that the fourth master is cold-tempered and difficult to deal with. My wife will be angry for a while and then pass.

Now, everyone has received the things and returned home. Not to mention that they are short-handed, they also said that they have offended the fourth master for no reason. How can he have the nerve to say "sunscreen"? When he gets to the backyard, his wife must not tear him apart. .

Everyone else has it, but my wife doesn’t have it, and there is no luster on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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