Chapter 29 New Crops

After a brief tidying up, Qingyou and Fourth Master settled down in the village.

When I wake up in the morning, the air in the yard smells fresh. Qingyou felt very good and thought to herself that this environment must be suitable for her.

When I go out and see the people in the village getting up early to work in the fields, and looking at the golden waves of wheat, I feel the joy of a good harvest.

Qingyou and Ruyi walked in the fields, feeling that this kind of life was the best. The fourth master had already gone to work after getting up early, and Tuan Yuanyuan was still sleeping in the room. Aunt Zhang and others were watching, Qingyou Not really worried.

It's a pity that after staying in such a comfortable life for ten days and a half, I will go back to my hometown again. Thinking of this, Qingyou wasn't very interested anymore.

Suddenly a green seedling on the field road caught Qingyou's attention. But Qingyou was not very sure, so he asked Ruyi to find a smaller hoe and dig up the place. Although Ruyi didn't know why, she still did it.

The old farmer on the side came forward and said, "My lord, this is just a weed. You can just cut it. Why bother your lord to do it yourself?"

Qingyou didn't respond. From what the old farmer said, he should just think it was a weed, but he had to dig it out first to see if it was a weed, so as not to embarrass the Fourth Master.

Soon, Ruyi came over with tools, arranged Qingyou's instructions, and soon dug out three fist-sized things on a seedling.

Qingyou picked up the muddy things and said excitedly to see if there were any more around and dig them all out.

The tenant farmers in the field were dissatisfied with Qingyou's order. During the harvest season, everyone was hurrying up, but this noble man still insisted on digging weeds in the field. This was natural for farmers who depended on the weather for their livelihood. They were dissatisfied and looked at Manager Zhou who came with them.

Although the manager Zhou didn't understand why Qingyou did this, he had to obey the master's words and could only tell everyone to follow Qingyou's orders.

In the evening, the yard was filled with a large box of things Qingyou wanted. Qingyou plans to cook herself and make a delicious meal.

When Fourth Master came over in the evening, the dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies that Yinzhen didn't recognize: shredded potatoes, potato pancakes, hash browns, French fries, potato stew and other delicacies.

Yes, potatoes. Qingyou vaguely remembers that potatoes began to spread from South America in the 16th century. But judging from the history of the Qing Dynasty, there should be no potatoes now. But even if you see it in Zhuangzi, it may have already been I spread the news just because I didn’t know about it. I haven’t eaten French fries and mace potatoes for such a long time, and I still miss them very much. As for the children, they made mashed potatoes, and Tuan Yuanyuan ate them aside, which was very honorable.

In the evening, when the fourth master came over, the first thing he saw was Qingyou's shining eyes. In fact, there was a large plate on the table that he had never seen before, but it was very delicious. However, there was no staple food. The fourth master was a little confused and looked at Qingyou. Qingyou didn't explain, but let Fourth Master taste it first.

After Fourth Master finished tasting, Qingyou asked: "How is it, Fourth Master, it tastes pretty good, does it make you feel full?" After Yinzhen finished eating, he felt it carefully and it seemed to be pretty good. He nodded in response.

Qingyou continued: "When Ama was looking for a husband for me, several missionaries came to my house to teach me for several months. Although I didn't learn anything, I learned something from their conversations. The crop grows in the soil and has a yellow outer skin. There are often three to five fruits on one plant, and the yield per mu can reach 1000 kilograms."

After Qingyou finished speaking, she looked at Fourth Master. In Qingyou's memory, there were indeed several missionaries who came, but the language was not fluent at the time, and those missionaries left before they could learn anything in the original body. However, even the original parents didn’t know what I learned at that time, so they could naturally get away with it.

After the fourth master heard this, his heart was filled with panic. You must know that only in places with good weather and rain can the yield per mu be more than 300 kilograms. This small thing can triple the yield.

But he soon suppressed his excitement, and the fourth master asked: "Are you sure about this yield? How long will it take to mature? Is the planting technology difficult? Which places are suitable for planting?" The fourth master's questions became more and more proficient. At this moment, Yinzhen seemed not to be a prince or a prince, but just an authentic old farmer who cared about production.

Qingyou was so infected that he recalled it carefully in his memory, saying: "I remember that the yield of this potato is at least 1000 kilograms, but it also needs to be adapted to local conditions. It will mature in about three or four months. It can be planted on basic land, and the difficulty of planting is also It’s not very big. As for the seeds, just cut these potatoes into cubes and wait until they sprout and plant them. It doesn’t require much technical content. There is also a large basket of potatoes in the kitchen. Fourth Master can take a look at it himself after eating."

After listening to this, Fourth Master's mood became more ups and downs, but due to Qingyou's pressure, he could only hurry up and finish eating before going to the kitchen to investigate.

Seeing this basket of potatoes, the Fourth Master could no longer suppress the raised corners of his mouth. After reading it, the Fourth Master decided to take some out as tribute to the emperor and plant the rest as seeds.

The next day, Fourth Master rushed into the palace with Tudou. It just so happened that Kangxi did not rest in the harem last night. He was tired from reviewing memorials in Qianqing Palace, so he rested directly. It was not yet time to go to court, and Liang Jiugong who was guarding the door was still drowsy.

Seeing Yinzhen coming, he woke up with a jolt and quickly stepped forward to say hello. "Prince Yong, it's not time for the morning court yet. What's the emergency when you come here so early?"

Only then did Yinzhen realize that it was indeed a bit early today, but since he was here, it had to be like this. He asked Liang Jiugong to go in and report something.

After Yinzhen went in, he told about the high-yielding potatoes. Kangxi was also shocked after hearing this, and quickly asked Liang Jiugong to send the things Yinzhen brought to the imperial kitchen. At this time, Yinzhen stepped forward and offered a few When he asked for a meal list, he said that his concubine Fujin happened to hear about it from the missionary, so he figured it out on his own. He had already tried it and it tasted okay.

After Kangxi heard this, he thought: Isn't the concubine Fu Jin in the Fourth Mansion the same as the Geng who gave birth to twins last year? If this potato is like what he said, it can produce a thousand catties per mu, even five hundred catties. , is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

But now, when it's time to go to court, he takes Yinzhen to go to court. After going down to court, Yinzhen was left behind to enjoy the potatoes brought together.

For a while, father and son were enjoying themselves so much that they seemed to get along like a father and son in an ordinary family.

(End of this chapter)

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