Chapter 38 Newcomers enter the house
In order to show his filial piety, Fujin even pulled Yinzhen into the water. You must know that Concubine De called Uranala Fujin into the palace in the name of "attending to illness." Otherwise, Empress Dowager De would not be able to summon Sifujin every day. After all, if you really want to count, Concubine De is a concubine, and even if she is a concubine, she cannot be regarded as a serious master. However, Yinzhen is the son of Kangxi and has been a natural master since he was born. As Yinzhen's wife, she is naturally also her master.

However, the Qing Dynasty emphasized filial piety, and Concubine De was Yinzhen's biological mother. It was natural for Fujin and Jin to fulfill their filial piety for Yinzhen. But I didn't see Babeile Fujin next door. He prided himself on being of noble status and never had a good attitude toward concubines. He usually only went to Concubine Hui's palace when he entered the palace.

Guo Luoluo is the daughter of Heshuo's consort Mingshang and the granddaughter of Prince An Yue Le. Her father Mingshang is the great-grandson of Guo Luoluo Yang Shu, the founding minister of the Qing Dynasty and the chief of Zhanhe Village. The maternal grandfather, Yue Le, was the fourth son of Abatai and was initially granted the title of Duke of Zhenguo. Due to his repeated achievements in war, he was promoted to Prince An in the 14th year of Shunzhi. Prince An's family can be regarded as dignitaries in the court, and Guo Luoluo grew up next to his grandfather Yue Le and was extremely favored. The marriage between Yinhu and Guo Luoluo also invisibly increased his worth, weakened the influence of his mother's family's humble status, and laid a broad foundation for his popularity in the clan.

Therefore, neither Babeile nor the biological mother and concubines dared to use filial piety to force Guo Luoluo.

Uranala Fujin did not have a powerful family background behind him, so he used his fourth master as a springboard to achieve his good reputation.

Since he was serving the disease, Uranala Fujin served him wholeheartedly every day and won a good reputation for him. However, Fujin just got back two princesses after serving the disease. On the surface, Concubine De felt sorry for the emptiness in Yinzhen's backyard, and gave her a few grids to help Yinzhen. But in fact, after Yinzhen's biological mother recovered from her illness, she couldn't wait to welcome new people into the house, and it was her own biological mother. maid.

What does this make outsiders think? It is impossible for Fujin not to know how much damage this will do to the fourth master's reputation when a child only wants to bring people close to his mother into the house after his mother becomes ill. It would be okay if the fourth master did not ascend to that position. The title of Prince Yong, Fujin, is firmly in Fujin's hands. But in the future, when the fourth master becomes the Dabao, it would be difficult for Fujin and the Uranala Mansion to step on him to ascend to the throne. What kind of preferential treatment will there be?

The most important thing is that the concubine De gained a good reputation, but the two princesses she was given were one from the Wu Ya family, who was said to be smart, witty and handsome, and the other was from the Liu family, the daughter of the leader. Qingyou didn't know what to say. Empress De Fei had done something partial, and she wanted to show that she was not partial and always paid attention to Yinzhen's heir.

But don’t even look at it. The fourteenth prince’s backyard is basically all Manchu noble girls born in the Eight Banners. All of them have prominent family backgrounds. As for Yinzhen’s backyard, except for Fujin and Niu Hulu, who are descendants of the Eight Banners, the rest include My family background is not obvious. The actions of Empress De Fei were almost made public. It was just because Emperor Kangxi rarely paid attention to such trivial matters. Naturally, other people in the harem would not speak for such an irrelevant person as Yinzhen. .

To Qingyou, it would be better if Yinzhen had no biological mother. She suppressed her with filial piety every day and used Yinzhen to gain a good reputation. Empress De Fei really wanted to squeeze Yinzhen to her core. As for Uranala Fujin, in order to maintain his position, he used Yinzhen as a stepping stone to gain a good reputation.

After Fujin brought the two of them into the mansion, he arranged them in Songluo Courtyard where Song Gege was at that time. This led to the fact that although the news of the two entering the mansion spread, everyone in the courtyard except Fujin , no one has ever seen these two princesses.

But we can see him tomorrow. The day after Xin Gege enters the mansion, he will serve tea to Fujin, so that he can officially enter the mansion.

I don't know if Yinzhen will give face to Songluo Courtyard today. Even if he stays for a while, the face of Fujin and the two princesses will be saved.

If Yinzhen puts you at ease, he will be very tolerant to you and do everything right. But once the bottom line is touched, although Yinzhen will not have an attack at the moment, he will definitely remember it. In this book, it will happen in the future. Qingyou thought a little narrowly whether Yinzhen would choose to forgive or write it down in a notebook.

Before Qingyou could watch the excitement, she saw Yinzhen coming to her yard. No need to guess, Fourth Master must have written down Fujin in his notebook this time. Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan was also building building blocks in the house. The building blocks were specially painted by Qingyou. They were made with educational materials and sent to craftsmen to polish them. They were also painted with vegetable dyes in colorful colors. They were very attractive. The children's attention was focused on them, and the two of them were having a lot of fun playing next to each other.

As soon as Qingyou saw Yinzhen coming in, she joked: "Why don't our fourth masters go to the flowery Gege Courtyard of the newly entered mansion tonight? Here comes my old and beady Laobangcai." As she spoke, Qingyou said I couldn't help but laugh.

Yinzhen replied: "What should I do? I still like you like this." As time went by, Qingyou discovered that Yinzhen was also a drama star, and he usually cooperated with Qingyou's little interests.

Who knows at this time. Yuanyuan suddenly took the building blocks and said, "Mom, beautiful, good-looking!" Tuantuan also echoed: "Good-looking!"

This moment shocked Yinzhen and Qingyou. Qingyou knew that children at this time would observe what adults said and learn step by step, but Tuan Tuan Yuan clearly understood what adults were saying and would have to avoid children in the future. Thinking of this, Qingyou glared at Yinzhen .

Yinzhen also thought it was amazing. He had also seen Hongli, born to Niu Hulu, who was three months older than Tuan Tuanyuan. But not only was he smaller than Tuan Tuanyuan, he also had to be chased by his wet nurse when he was eating. , not like Tuan Tuanyuan at all, he can eat independently. Although he is a bit picky about food, he eats obediently under Qingyou's suppression. I have to admit that Qingyou has her own way of raising children.

Yinzhen also knew that the children were smart, but Hongli was still jumping out word after word, and the two children could already understand what the adults said.

Yinzhen and Qingyou stopped talking and focused on building blocks beside Tuan Yuanyuan.

Tonight, Yinzhen stayed in Lihuayuan.

The two princesses in Songluoyuan had different reactions.

Liu Gege, who was located in the West Cross Courtyard, knew that the prince would not come to his place tonight, so he took a rest early.

On the opposite side, Wuyagege thought that the fourth master would come over just because he was from the Wuya family, even if he didn't rely on his beauty, so he waited until late at night to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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