Chapter 4 Sleeping
"Your Majesty has arrived." A sharp eunuch's voice sounded outside. Qingyou hurriedly went out to greet the Fourth Master, but she bumped into the dressed-up Niu Hulu outside the door.

"Sister, I heard that the prince came out to salute, I think I don't mind," said Niu Hulu, saying she was embarrassed, but she did not hide the arrogance and disdain in her eyes.

"How could I blame my sister? After all, my sister must have been preparing for this outfit for a long time. When I look at my sister's face, it looks much more delicate and fairer than when I saw it during the day." Qingyou answered softly, but Niu Hulu turned around and left angrily.

"Master, you are so awesome. You know that Niu Gulu Gege is most concerned about his face not being fair enough, but for some reason, a few pimples have appeared on his face in the past two days. Although it does not affect the appearance, Niu Hu Lu Gege is so anxious that he has already driven away several doctors," Ruyi said with a hint of admiration.

"I would like to say hello to the fourth master." Qingyou saw the fourth master in green uniform coming over and quickly bent down and half-kneeled to say hello.

The material of the clothes is thin, and her waist can be felt through the clothes, which is so slender that it is not enough to hold. The waist is slim and the figure is slim. As soon as Yinzhen lowered his head, he could see her slender and white neck. Her black hair was loosely pulled up by a wooden hairpin, and she was dressed in a moon-white flag uniform. It was not grand, but it was inexplicably hard to take her eyes away.

"Get up." Fourth Master turned around and walked into Xikuoyuan. Qingyou deliberately followed at a distance of one step from his side.

Entering the room, Yinzhen asked as soon as he sat down, "You are feeling better now. Although the weather is not cold now, your body fell into the water not long ago, so you still need to keep warm."

Although Qingyou was curious about how he could say such caring words with such a cold face, it was not the time to be confused at this moment. He quickly replied, "Hui, thanks to Dr. Zhao's careful care some time ago, I have been fine in the past few days. The reason why I didn’t go out to welcome the fourth master back home today is because Fujin ordered me that I am currently weak and should not go out to have a shower in order to avoid infecting the master."

"You know how to say it?" Fourth Master sneered, but did not dwell on the topic and began to eat with the servants behind him serving him.

Don’t mention it. Although you not only have to endure the cold face of the Fourth Master when eating, but you also have to always pay attention to the eating etiquette and not be embarrassed, but this is really good and beautiful. Woohoo, I haven’t eaten such delicious Sixi Meatballs and Meatballs for a long time. Squirrel and mandarin fish. Every dish is delicious. I don’t know how the ancient people did it. It was served from such a far away dining room. It was not cold at all, and it was even steaming hot. This meal Rice, if you ignore the big ice cube from Fourth Master, is simply the happiest meal.

Yinzhen looked at Qingyou across from him. Although he was still as timid as ever, when he was eating, he saw that the shiny food looked very similar to the puppy he had raised when he was a child. Thinking about this, his mood changed during the meal. much better.

Su Peisheng looked at the removed plates and thought that Master Geng was still good. When he came over, he was not in a good mood. After finishing the meal, his mood improved a lot and he even used three points more than usual.

Yinzhen looked at the simple decoration of the room, but there were only a lot of miscellaneous notes and travel notes piled on the west desk. He couldn't help but be surprised, and asked, "You seem to like reading a lot."

Qingyou responded sheepishly, "During the time when I was recuperating, I was bored, so I used it to pass the time. I can't say whether I like it or not."

Qingyou is also very confused about this matter. Although the original person was born in the time of wrapping, Ama and E Niang have hired teachers for him since he was a child. Not only the female ring, but also the four books and five classics, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are also slightly involved, but The original person's character was raised to be very cowardly, and when he passed through it himself, not only did he not feel any discomfort, but he was able to master all the skills that the original person knew, and he didn't feel unfamiliar at all.

After chatting for half an hour, Yinzhen finally got to the point, "It's getting late, let's make arrangements." Qingyou lowered her head shyly, seemed to blush, and replied in a low voice, but whispered quietly in her heart, she said that the fourth master was not serious about lust, so why did he have to sleep with him when he first came, even though he had had several This was my first bedtime experience, but I had been busy with work, doing 996 calls every day, which meant I had no personal time at all, so I was not mentally prepared for such a sudden change.

Yinzhen seemed to see Qingyou's shyness, so he stretched out his hand and led Qingyou to the bed.

The curtains slowly fell, and the candles beside the bed slowly burned.

"Master, it's time to get up," Su Peisheng called his master softly from outside.

Yinzhen opened his eyes, feeling that he hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time. He saw Geng Gege sleeping soundly next to him, but he didn't wake him up. Instead, he got out of bed, put on his clothes outside, and went out to go to court.


"Gege, it's time to get up." Ruyi called softly from the bedside, her voice a little anxious.

"Ruyi, it's still dark, why did you call me so early? I want to sleep a little longer." After saying that, Qingyou rolled up the quilt and rolled to the other side of the bed.

"Gege, today is the fifteenth day. I have to go to the main courtyard to pay my respects." Ruyi was extremely anxious. If it weren't for the difference between master and servant, Ruyi would be anxious to get up Gege.

Ruyi's words completely woke Qingyou, who was still sleepy, and thought, Oh, in this sinful ancient times, the concubine had to go to Fujin's courtyard to pay his respects on the first and fifteenth day of every month. When she met the slightly harsher master, Not only did he have to go there every day to pay his respects, but he also had to serve his master in washing and eating. Fortunately, in order to show his generosity, Fujin only had to go over to say hello and chat for a while, and then he could come back. Some time ago, I was sick and was exempted from greeting by Fujin, so I almost forgot the rules of greeting. Fortunately, Ruyi reminded me. Thinking about the favor he received last night, everyone in the palace must know what they should know. Going to greet him today must be a Hongmen Banquet aimed at him.

After thinking about this, Qingyou had to struggle to get up no matter how reluctant she was, but every time she moved, her whole body hurt. She cursed more than once in her heart, damn man, last night was like a hungry dog ​​seeing bones. Who will say anything about it in the future? Fourth Master will not I am serious about my real name and express my dissatisfaction.

Although she was feeling unwell, Qingyou still struggled to get up.

In front of the mirror, Qingyou saw the radiant face in the bronze mirror even though she had not put on makeup. She thought that she would not be able to calm down today, so she asked Ruyi to pick out an inconspicuous dress for herself, matching it with Ruyi's skillful hands. The flag head I made is nice-looking but not ostentatious, and I am very satisfied with it.

Then he took Ruyi and set off to the main courtyard to pay his respects.

(End of this chapter)

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