Chapter 45 Rewards based on merit
Someone outside the mansion came to report that the prince had successfully contained the smallpox and would be returning to Beijing soon.

As soon as they heard the news, everyone in the backyard put down their worries, especially the Fujin Ulanara clan, who quickly ordered people to burn all the letters to and from her parents' family.

In fact, I don't blame Fujin. After all, Fujin didn't know that Yinzhen had been vaccinated and would not be infected, and smallpox was often extremely harmful. There has been no news for a long time since the prince's departure, which made Fujin couldn't help but worry, in case the prince was unfortunately infected. , in his future life, his legitimate son died young, and the remaining ones each have their own power.

Li's eldest son Hongshi is the oldest and is very likely to inherit the palace. When the time comes, Hongshi will definitely be more filial to his biological mother. Moreover, he and Li have never dealt with each other. It is impossible for Li to climb over him. .

Shuzi Fujin's life experience is not revealed, but the twins she gave birth to were also favored by the Holy Emperor. According to Wulanala Fujin's observation, although Shuzi Fujin appeared to be gentle and gentle on the surface, she had very personal principles and would not be willing to do anything. His own puppet is also a person who is difficult to control.

Niu Hulu Gege was born into the Eight Banners nobles, and his descendant Hongli is very likely to be recognized by those clan ministers. Although Niu Hulu Gege has surrendered to him on the surface, privately, he does not think so, and wants to use himself as a springboard. , I can still see that if you want to support Hongli, you must get rid of Niu Hulu Gege.

As for Liu Gege, who is still pregnant, she still doesn’t know whether the child will be a boy or a girl, but in order to prevent others from getting in her way, she must make plans in advance.

But now that the prince is back, he must destroy all traces of the past. If he lets the prince know, although he will not be crippled, his future power and the Uranala Mansion will be severely damaged. You must know that Yinzhen is the most cautious. , this makes Uranala Fujin, who has always wanted to firmly hold power in his own hands, how could he be willing to do so.

The top priority is to erase all traces so that no one can grasp anything.

But what Uranala Fujin didn't know was that in order to protect the safety of everyone in the palace, Yinzhen specially sent people to arrange secret guards in each courtyard. But at the same time, the actions of everyone in the backyard were also under Yinzhen's control. .

After Yinzhen came back, he did not go back to the palace first, but went directly to the palace to meet the saint.

Yinzhen reported to Kangxi what he had done along the way, and mentioned the distilled wine that Qingyou said to the emperor. With this, the Qing Dynasty's disinfection level during wars may be improved a lot, and maybe it will be To avoid the sacrifice of some brave and good warriors.

Kangxi saw that Yinzhen had been traveling for less than two months, and he had lost weight. No matter what, he was his own son. Kangxi also felt sorry for him, who could only do practical things silently, but never knew how to do it. The son who wanted to take the credit left Yinzhen down for dinner.

After thinking for a moment, Yinzhen reported the cowpox method to Kangxi. Although Yinzhen had made great contributions to the treatment of smallpox, he was only experimenting on that small scale, and he had to conduct further experiments. , tell the Holy One about this matter. On the one hand, the Holy One has more manpower to ensure that this matter is more foolproof. On the other hand, the promotion of the cowpox method is a major event that benefits the country and the people. This credit falls on On his head is the master of great achievements, and when he falls in front of the emperor, he is the best medal of merit for an emperor in the ages.

When Kangxi heard this, he was also shocked. He did not expect that the final solution to the smallpox that had plagued him for so many years was cowpox. Kangxi himself had suffered from smallpox, so he naturally knew how dangerous it was. Now that he knew this solution, he was naturally very excited and immediately I arranged for people to go down to do the experiment, and naturally I was too excited to eat the meal. Yinzhen also resigned and returned home very wisely.

After Yinzhen returned home, he stayed in the front yard because it was too late. He almost laughed out loud when he saw the information sent by the secret guards in the mansion. Before he had done anything, his good friend Fujin had revealed all the things that had happened behind him. It's all arranged.


Here, Jiubele Yinzhen heard that after Yinzhen returned to the capital, he went directly to the palace to meet the emperor. He was even stayed by the emperor for dinner, but he left the palace after a while. Even after thinking about it, I couldn't figure out what this move meant. I didn't see anything strange when I went to court the next day, so after going to court, I followed Babeile Yinhu back and went to Babeile Mansion.

The two discussed it in the mansion, and both agreed that Yinzhen might have said something wrong during dinner, which made Kangxi dissatisfied.

When they left Babele Mansion, they all left happily. They didn't see Yinsu's gloomy eyes looking at the next door at all.

In fact, there is no big grudge between Yinzhen and Yinzhen. After all, the age gap is there, and they don’t have much contact. Coincidentally, at that time, Yinzhen’s adoptive mother, Queen Xiao Yiren, passed away, and his biological mother, Empress De Fei, passed away. He also had his own biological son, Xiao Shishi, and he no longer paid much attention to Yinzhen, who had been raised by others since he was a child. Yinzhen was still young at the time, and the depression in his heart could not be resolved, so he raised a dog in Dongsi House and kept him. All the emotions were invested in it. At that time, when Yinzhen was being naughty, he shaved Yinzhen's dog. Yinzhen didn't say anything on the surface at that time, but after a few days, he shaved Yinzhen's dog. The braids were shaved off.

This was a big deal. Yi Fei, Yi Fei's biological mother, was receiving the favor of the Holy Spirit at that time. How could she see her son suffer such injustice? Even though her child was at fault first, she still sued Yi Zhen in front of the emperor. In the dark, the Concubine De at the time was either too busy taking care of Xiao Shisi's spare clone or she was afraid that the matter would implicate herself, so she chose to stand by and watch. As a result, Yinzhen was reprimanded by Kangxi for being "moody" and was also slapped with a blackboard. From then on , Yinzhen seemed to understand his situation, and no one paid attention to him with his ice face.

Yinzhen also had a estrangement from Yinzhen because of this incident. The eighty and ninetieth elder brothers grew up together all year round, and the eighth elder brother Yinzhen was vaguely the main one. Because Yinzhen and Yinzhen had different political views, the long-term development has also reached a point where The point where water and fire are incompatible.

Originally, Yinzhen had a thirteenth brother, and the relationship between the two brothers was very good. However, after leaving the fortress, he was imprisoned in the beekeeping tunnel by the emperor. He has not been released yet. After Yinzhen's investigation, he finally found out that he was related to Yinzhen. , now the two people are really hostile, but their mansions are next to each other.

Before everyone could be happy for a few days, it came out that Yinzhen had been granted the title of Minister of Household Affairs for his merits in controlling smallpox.

(End of this chapter)

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