Chapter 48 Throwing Things

"Mom, I can endure hardship, you don't have to worry too much." Yuanyuan seemed to see Qingyou's self-blame, and comforted Qingyou while stroking Qingyou's frowning brow.

"I will also protect my sister." Tuantuan assured from the side like a little adult.

Since Tuan Yuanyuan has said so, Qingyou can only obey them. At worst, he will have his own saved property in the end, which can guarantee their safety and happiness throughout their lives.

After thinking about this, Qingyou no longer struggled. After playing with the two children with building blocks, she and Yinzhen rested together.

Although Tuan Yuanyuan is almost three years old, his interest in building blocks has not diminished, but the difficulty level is getting higher and higher.

Now that the new year is approaching, although she will enter the palace on New Year's Eve, it does not affect Qingyou's mood in decorating the Lihuayuan.

Although it has been more than three years since I came to this world, the year before that I was in Jingqiuyuan, sharing the same courtyard with Niu Hulu Gege. Even if it was decorated, it was only a small area of ​​​​Qingyou. The two of them were reunited, and Qingyou took care of them wholeheartedly. Although Qingyou had the spiritual spring water nearby, the death rate of children was really too high in ancient times, so Qingyou could only be careful.

Now, Tuan Yuan Yuan is almost three years old. In ancient times, it was considered a living thing. Qingyou relaxed a little and began to enjoy this ancient New Year. To be honest, the New Year is really full of flavor, starting from the middle of the month. I felt the atmosphere of the New Year and was full of joy.

Qingyou ordered people to make some small red ornaments and place them in various places in the yard, which made it look more cozy.

And what Qingyou looks forward to the most is that she could go to see the Bingxi performance a year ago. This is what Qingyou looks forward to the most. She didn’t have time to go out in the past two years, but now she can finally enjoy it.

When I was watching a TV series before, I saw that the dancing figure was really beautiful, but it was a pity that Qingyou didn't know how to do it.

Now that I finally have the opportunity to feast my eyes on it, Qingyou will not miss it.

Thousands of children of the Eight Banners performed different programs. Compared with programs such as grabbing the ball, spinning the dragon and shooting the ball, and figure skating, Qingyou's favorite was figure skating and ice hockey.

You know, in modern times, ice hockey is known as the aesthetics of violence on the ice, and it is also the only sport among many sports where fighting can be legal.

Bingxi's ball grabbing is similar. The soldiers grabbing the ball are all very skilled, and the game is fierce and confrontational.

Figure skating is a worthwhile trip. It is simply more exciting than what Qingyou has watched on TV. I can't help but feel that this time out is a worthwhile trip.

After going back, Qingyou still remembered it, had endless aftertaste, and was full of expectations for the days to come.

But a small thing happened next, which ruined Qingyou's good mood.

The reason is this. Qingyou has ordered everyone to pack up all his original jewelry and clothes properly after passing through them. After all, Qingyou has passed through other people's souls and occupied other people's things. Qingyou will have a feeling in his heart. A feeling of diaphragm.

Therefore, either the original person has never used it, or it was later rewarded by Yinzhen and the emperor.

It happened to be the Chinese New Year and the weather was good, so Qingyou ordered people to take out all the clothes he had packed up and dry them in the sun, making them neat and orderly.

Now I discovered a big problem.

Qingyou found that some of the original jewelry was missing. Although it was not obvious, it was the pearl hairpin in the original memory.

Although it is not that expensive among all the jewelry, it was a gift specially brought back from the Jiangnan area by the original Ama. At that time, the original Ama was framed and sent to the Jiangnan area by the emperor. The Geng Mansion also kept a low profile to avoid being caught.

Qingyou remembers that at that time, Geng Qiu, the second brother who loved to go out to play, was also detained in the house by E Niang and was not allowed to go out. All invitations from outside are declined.

Even during that time, although E Niang's dowry shop was profitable and there was no shortage of money in the house, E Niang still lived frugally and put on a show.

But there are always times when children are greedy, and even though Qingyou tried his best to restrain himself at that time, he was still discovered by his second brother.

In fact, Qingyou's wish was actually very simple. He just wanted to eat a bunch of candied haws on a stick bought at a stall outside his house. At that time, Qingyou's second brother didn't think much of it and went out to buy it.

He happened to be seen by his mother. For this reason, his second brother Geng Qiu was beaten several times by his mother. At that time, Qingyou didn't know why, so he cried and begged his mother to punish him. It was her who wanted to eat candied haws, and it had nothing to do with the second brother. If she had to be punished for something she had done, she should be punished, but E Niang, who had always been kind at that time, refused to give in and insisted on punishing her.

Afterwards, the original mother Eniang spoke to Qingyou in a sincere and sincere way. Although Qingyou didn't understand at that time, she was still very obedient and packed up her already common jewelry and clothes.

After three years of keeping a low profile like that, Amma never returned to the capital once. Even when the hairpin ceremony was approaching, the original person even asked E Niang if his mother could come back before the hairpin ceremony. The replies are all that I don’t know, maybe not.

It was under such circumstances, with two weeks left until the hair ceremony, that the original Amma came back, and even rose to another level, becoming the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At that time, the original body did not understand these twists and turns. He only knew that Ama was back, and he would no longer have to wrong himself in the future. He could wear those beautiful clothes, and Ama also brought back a pearl from Jiangnan. Send a hairpin to the original person as a gift.

Maybe in the eyes of the nobles, it was just an ordinary thing, but it was not only made of the best pearls that the innocent Amma worked hard to find, but also represented that the dark time had finally passed and ushered in the dawn. It is of great significance.

Therefore, he was brought from the palace to the palace, and then from the palace to Prince Yong's palace.

It wasn't until Qingyou passed through it and received the memory of the original person that he ordered someone to put away the pearl hairpin.

Now I just remembered it, but it was no longer in the box.

Ruxin, who was in charge of Qingyou Jewelry, quickly apologized and claimed that she had seen it when she was packing it up two days ago, but now she didn't know why it was missing.

Qingyou didn't want to hear this and quickly summoned all the servants in the mansion.

"You must have already known that something was lost in my yard, and I will never tolerate this kind of thing.

If any of you who have done this kind of thing should come out and admit it quickly, and strive for the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, if there is no one, I will clean up your house one by one.

You also know that I am in charge of the entry and exit of the house. I remember the entry and exit records of the people in our yard this month.

So the things must still be in the yard. If I collect them, it will not be as simple as explaining. "

Everyone in the yard remained silent. Seeing this, Qingyou ordered people to go to the front yard and ask Yinzhen to borrow a team of guards to search.

I just didn't expect to find so many interesting things.

(End of this chapter)

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