Chapter 51 Looking for trouble
In the blink of an eye, it was the day to attend the palace banquet. As usual, Qingyou got up early and took her two children to the carriage. However, what was different from before was that Yinzhen did not ride with Fujin today. Instead of using a carriage, he rode into the palace alone.

This was a huge loss to Fujin's face. Qingyou didn't know what Fujin was thinking, but today was Niu Hulu's disaster, and no one could stop him.

A few days ago, Qingyou ordered people to keep an eye on Jingqiuyuan where Niu Hulu was staying.

After all, Qingyou had lived in Jingqiuyuan before, so it was easy to get some information. In addition, Qingyou was not only Shushu Fujin, the emperor's personal title, but also one of the people in charge of the mansion, so the mansion was still There are many people who want to please Qingyou.

In this way, it will be much easier for Qingyou to do things. Niu Hulu Gege's character is like a docile little white rabbit in front of Yinzhen, but it is not the same in front of his servants. In front of the servants, he was beaten and scolded wantonly, even in the hands of Niu Hulu Gege, but a lot of lives were saved.

Since Qingyou was promoted to Xifujin, Niu Hulu Gege's temper has become even more violent, and he can easily ruin the appearance of a young woman. It is a pity to say that the girl is also a domestic slave in the house, and she just married her childhood sweetheart not long ago. His sweetheart was sure of his feelings, so he waited a few days to ask his master for a favor and let the two of them get married.

But just when she was so happy, when Niu Hulu Gege was in a bad mood while serving tea, not only did a cup of hot tea pour directly on her face, but she even became interested and used a knife to melt it on her face. After a few cuts, he finally got angry.

But the maid was in misfortune. Not only did Zhuma cancel the marriage, but even though the people in the family did not dislike her, her legs were broken because she went to seek justice. Because there was no money for medical treatment, she is still paralyzed at home. This sudden transition from heaven to hell was unbearable for anyone, but Niu Hulu Gege still had the heart to transfer her to the tea room to boil water.

Maybe Niu Hulu Gege didn't care about such a little ant, and he never thought that such a little ant would dare to take revenge on himself. When Qingyou found her, she was already preparing to poison the tea room, and she didn't want to live anymore.

It was Qingyou who sent someone to stop her, and promised that after the matter was completed, he would not only pay for the medical treatment of her family, but also let her and her family leave the house.

Now that Niu Hulu Gege's son is not with him, he will definitely vent his anger on the people around him. The servants are all trembling with fear, fearing that if they do something wrong, they will be killed. Who will notice a small person in the tea room? Where is the slave?

As Qingyou expected, the servants in Jingqiu Court pushed back whenever they could, and did not dare to go in and cause trouble with Niu Hulu Gege. The servants in the tea room also pushed back whenever they could, leaving everything to Ling Hong- The "unlucky ghost" who was disfigured by Niu Hulu. Although the servants of Jingqiuyuan sympathized with Linghong for being disfigured, this did not prevent them from bullying those who were weaker than themselves.

Therefore, Linghong had more time to administer the medicine, or maybe God was blessing her. Although Niu Hulu Gege was angry tonight, she still drank all the tea that was brought to her. Linghong watched the delivery After coming over to finish the teacup, she felt happy. As for whether Shuzi Fujin would deceive her, Linghong believed intuitively that she would not.

Shuzi Fujin was able to surpass his master in just a few years, rising from the lowest rank in the house to the second highest status person in the house. Sometimes he even speaks more effectively than Fujin. Of course, these are just the following. The people themselves quietly guessed. However, this also reflects that Shuzi Fujin's hands and eyes are as bright as the sky in the eyes of the servants.

Besides, there is another thing. Not long ago, I took my money to the medical clinic to see a doctor. The doctor said that too much time had passed and there was no way to save him. I was already disappointed, but not long after, Shuzi Fujin sent me to the hospital. I came with a box of ointment. I thought it would be a dead horse medicine, so I tried it. Unexpectedly, after using it for a few days, Ama’s legs really started to feel. Now she can slowly lean on the ointment. Huai stood up. This has made Linghong very touched. As long as her family is healthy, she can only leave it to fate as for the follow-up.

This is all the follow-up. Now Qingyou and others are still on their way into the palace. They entered the palace of Concubine De as usual. Concubine De was still the same as before, and she was also indifferent to Qingyou. Qingyou also Don't worry, just find a place to sit.

Qingyou wanted to hide from Qingxian, but someone refused to let Qingyou have his way.

As soon as Qingyou sat down, the Fourteenth Prince's side brother, Shu Shujueluo, spoke up: "I have heard that Prince Yong has made great contributions this year, but the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty don't know what they are, but with just one The credit for controlling smallpox is not enough for the wives and concubines of Prince Yong to be so wanton, right?"

Shu Shujueluo's words from Fujin's side completely drove Yinzhen to the road of death. He really got the true legacy of the Concubine De. In a few sentences, this matter was accused of being unfilial by Yinzhen, and even his wives and concubines were not filial to the concubine. This was a serious crime. Not to mention that in modern times, even parents who are unkind and unfilial to their children are scolded, let alone In ancient times, when filial piety was paramount,
But seeing that Fujin didn't speak, Qingyou couldn't help but started to say: "Shu Shujue, Luo Fujin's words are really ridiculous. I now know what nonsense is. My father is a year old." Didn't you see that when Bu La entered the palace to pay her respects, you didn't see that I personally served Concubine De in every detail, and you didn't see that my father would certainly send this to the palace if he went out to find any rare things.

I don’t know why you said this, or there are some people who are unfilial behind the scenes and are spreading rumors about our father here. Besides, my father doesn’t say anything about merit or deeds. He’s all doing things for the emperor. There’s nothing arrogant or arrogant about it. What Shu Shujueluo Fujin said is really ridiculous! "

Before Shu Shujue Luo Fujin could say anything, Concubine De spoke first: "How presumptuous! Shu Shujue Fujin, I'm afraid you are not relying on the emperor's personal title to be so presumptuous in my palace, and you dare to talk about the prince, right?" Who gave you the courage?"

"I don't dare to bear this crime. What are you talking about? I'm just following what Shu Shujue Luo Fu Jin said. What I said is biased. Why is this Fourteenth Brother? Fujin said that nothing was wrong. When he came to my place, he was making irresponsible remarks about the prince and acting wildly in the empress's palace. I am not convinced by what he said. If others heard it, I can't say that you are partial. .”

Qingyou was not afraid at all. Originally, it was her business to whom Empress De was willing to treat well, but she could not use Yinzhen as a stepping stone for her other son.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the palace froze.

At this time, another voice spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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