Chapter 53 Explanation
When Qingyou saw Yinzhen getting on the carriage, he didn't take into account the etiquette for a moment and quickly asked Yinzhen what was going on and why he didn't tell him in advance. As a result, Qingyou was caught off guard today.

Yinzhen quickly explained: "Before, you told me that vaccination with cowpox can prevent smallpox. When I was managing in the Yellow River area, this method worked wonders. I thought about reporting it to Emperor Ama. During this period, I also mentioned Your credit, my Lord, but he didn’t say anything.

But the more I think about it after I come back, the more I feel sorry for you. But you also know that at this stage, your position has already been sealed. I just thought that Geng Mansion also played a lot of role in it, and your eldest brother It’s not about preparing for the National Examination next year, it’s about raising the flag and improving your status. If, I mean, if you really fail to pass the exam, you can become an official and slowly accumulate political achievements, and you can do it in the future. Be your advocate so no one has anything to say about your identity.

This is just this matter. Huang Ama hasn’t replied yet, so I can’t reveal it to you in advance, lest you rejoice in vain.

Later, Huang Ama rewarded me with jewelry and other things. I thought my memorial was hopeless, so I didn’t tell you.

Now that Huang Ama suddenly issued such a decree, I was actually deceived. "

Hearing Yinzhen's explanation, Qingyou could not deny that at this moment, Qingyou was moved. There is such a man who silently treats you well in his own way. Qingyou thought, there should be no woman who would not be moved. , but only for a moment, Qingyou took her heart back.

If you really fall in love with the man in front of you, you will always be the one who gets hurt. Qingyou thought in her heart, have you forgotten what Niu Hulu Gege did? The man in front of her wants to put things to rest. You have to think about what happens if you really fall in love. Love is scary. If the person you love favors other women in the future, can you accept it?
And are you sure you can tolerate the children he has with other women in the future? Can you tolerate him hurting your children for other women?
After such a mental activity, Qingyou's beating heart soon calmed down.

There is no doubt that the man in front of her is really good to Qingyou, but there is still a long time to come, and Yinzhen's identity is doomed that Qingyou will die if she falls in love with him.

Therefore, at present, Qingyou regards Yinzhen as the father of a child as the best way to protect and get along with each other.

After thinking about this clearly, Qingyou began to think about the emperor's intentions. I was so carried away by the joy of raising the flag that I forgot what a stingy emperor Kangxi was. Not only did Kangxi's beloved concubines not have the honor of raising the flag, let alone the concubine of a son. room.

This is not in line with Kangxi's style, and according to Yinzhen, Kangxi had already awarded him the reward last time. Moreover, the discounts that Yinzhen said he received after he came back have been suppressed for a long time today. Logically speaking, it should have been rejected, but it was a bit unreasonable to suddenly give myself such a big grace this time.

In the blink of an eye, Qingyou thought of one thing. In ancient times, emperors generally had spies and secret guards ambushing the concubines' palaces. Could it be that the emperor knew about the affairs in Concubine De's palace this time, so he treated his son Be more compassionate, and in the end this blessing will be yours.

Unexpectedly, Qingyou accidentally thought of the truth of this matter.

How could Kangxi, as the first emperor of the ages, not have any confidence in his harem? It can be said that what Concubine De said was spread to Kangxi's ears.

It's just that Kangxi was usually busy with government affairs, so he had no time to pay attention to the harem. This time it was a coincidence that Kangxi had time to inquire about the harem, and what Concubine De did was reported to Kangxi's ears.

Originally, Kangxi did not think highly of Concubine De's background. Concubine De was also from Baoyi Banner at the time. It was because of Kangxi's love for Concubine De that she was gentle, caring and considerate, plus the debt of giving Yinzhen to Empress Xiao Yiren to raise, which resulted in the separation of mother and son. It took so many years to give Concubine De a face in the harem. .

Now the concubine De actually wants to take advantage of her own child, and she doesn't want to look good on Yinzhen's wives and concubines.

You must know that Yinzhen's wives and concubines were all selected by himself and given to Yinzhen. Isn't it true that Concubine De was dissatisfied with the behavior of the Holy Emperor and took this opportunity to teach her son.

This not only touched Kangxi's negative side, but also seemed to give Kangxi a big slap in the face.

Although Kangxi originally loved his cousin Tong Guifei wholeheartedly, Kangxi never allowed her to conceive his own child because of his ability to balance and control the relationship between the previous dynasty and the previous dynasty. The princess who was born later died soon after, leaving his cousin to bear the pain of losing her son. It hurts. Before she died, she told herself to take good care of Yinzhen. This was the only wish left by her cousin.

Now that Concubine De dared to treat her own child like this, Kangxi originally felt that tigers do not eat their own children. Being by his side may be the greatest care for Yinzhen.

That's why Yinzhen was given the title of Concubine De. For this reason, Concubine De was not only given a promotion title but also favored by her over the years.

How could it be that Kangxi, who always claimed to be affectionate, and Kangxi, who always felt that he gave Yinzhen the best care, were in such a bad relationship.

Besides, I just heard that my personally chosen direct descendant, Fujin, was stepping on Yinzhen to establish his reputation as a virtuous and virtuous person.

How could Kangxi not be angry like this?

As a qualified emperor who attributed all mistakes to others, Kangxi naturally did not feel that he was wrong, but felt that others had failed him, so he raised the flag of the Qingyou clan in anger.

It was a small lesson to Empress De Fei and Uranala Fujin, telling them that everything, including honor and disgrace, comes from their own sons and husbands.

In addition, Qingyou has indeed made great contributions, whether it is the promotion of potato cultivation externally or even the control of smallpox, vaccination of cowpox, etc. Internally, he not only gave birth to two lovely children with a dragon and a phoenix, but also auspicious and auspicious children. Know how to defend your husband in front of outsiders.

Besides, Geng Dejin has always been loyal and did a good job, and the two children have their own potential. Raising the flag this time is not a big deal.

Therefore, after all kinds of considerations, Qingyou got a big deal.

Qingyou and Yinzhen here are both beaming with joy. Although Tuan Yuan Yuan is still young, they also know that this event is a great joy.

So there was a lot of joy and laughter on this carriage.

But in Uranala Fujin's carriage in front, the atmosphere was terrifyingly gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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