Chapter 62 Vaccination
Hongli and Hongzhou should also be old enough to start vaccination.

Unexpectedly, it was Uranala Fujin who was the first to object to this matter. The reason was that the risk factor of vaccination was too high, and he was afraid of losing the son he had finally won.

At that time, Honghui was not only free from vaccination, he was also free from infection. And now that we are in the capital, the risk of infection is close to zero.

Uranala Fujin really didn't dare to take this risk.

Qingyou was very in favor of Yinzhen's move. After all, the level of medical technology in the Qing Dynasty was still relatively low, and there was still a certain risk if he was really infected.

If you get vaccinated against cowpox, you can prevent smallpox on the one hand, and you can also have spiritual spring water to ensure the safety of your two children.

Although Uranala Fujin was very resistant to this matter, Yinzhen did not hesitate to put the three children in the place specially prepared for vaccination.

The method is also very simple. First, use a knife to make a small cross, then squeeze the fresh pus from the cowpox sore into the wound and wait for a few days. There will be a slight fever. As long as you get through it, it will be successful.

Yao Qing said that this method is safer than the ancient method of vaccination. You must know that the Qing Dynasty only used variolation.

Generally, these methods are used, directly pricking the child's pox, taking fresh pox pulp from the child with smallpox, dipping it with cotton, and stuffing it into the nostrils of the vaccinated person, so as to cause pox and achieve the purpose of vaccination.

Another method is to take the acne scab of a smallpox patient and grind it into very fine powder, place one end of a curved silver tube, and blow it into the nostrils of the vaccinated person to achieve the purpose of vaccination to prevent smallpox. Fever usually develops within seven days, indicating that vaccination has occurred.

The last step is to take 20 to 30 acne scabs, grind them into fine powder, mix with three to five drops of purified water or human milk, mix thoroughly, spread it into thin sheets with new cotton, wrap the mixed acne in it, knead it into a date pit shape, and tie it with thread Suppress it and insert it into the nostril. Take it out after 12 hours. Usually, you will develop fever and acne within days, which means the vaccination is successful.

Or, take the underwear of children with smallpox and give it to healthy children without acne for two or three days to achieve the purpose of vaccination.

Generally speaking, the technology of the Qing Dynasty gradually developed, and the water vaccine method was used for vaccination, but this cannot completely guarantee the survival rate.

After all, these methods are more effective for children when they are younger. As adults grow up, their immune systems become more and more complete and healthy, but they seem to be less adaptable to vaccination methods.

This is also the reason why Yinzhen decided to vaccinate Hongli Hongzhou and Tana when they had just turned three years old.

Moreover, Yinzhen was very well prepared for this vaccination. I even hired two royal doctors to wait in the vaccination room.

This time, Yinzhen's preparations can be said to be very thorough.

What I didn't expect was that all three children had a fever, and Yinzhen, Uranala Fujin and Qingyou who were outside were all anxious.

The good news also came. In two days, one person came out first. But the first one to come out was Yuanyuan, and Uranala Fujin on the side was very disappointed. Uranala Fujin hurriedly stepped forward to stop Yuanyuan and asked, "Where is Hongli? Why hasn't Hongli come out yet?" This shocked Yuanyuan who had just come out.

Seeing this, Yinzhen also scolded loudly: "That's enough, why don't you let go of the child. Don't you see that the child is frightened?"

After hearing this, Uranala Fujin reluctantly let go. Qingyou took this opportunity to hold Yuanyuan in her arms: "Is everything okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable now?"

Qingyou asked with concern.

At this time, Yuanyuan seemed to have slowly recovered from the state of being frightened by Uranala Fujin just now.

Said: "Ama, Niang, I'm fine. I heard from the servants in the yard that the two brothers haven't come out yet because they still have a fever, but they are not serious yet. So I came out to tell you first, So that you don’t have to worry.”

When Qingyou heard that Tuantuan was still having a fever, she immediately became anxious. You should know that if you have a fever for a long time, you may go crazy.

Before in modern times, Qingyou heard that there was a family next door. Since my parents were always busy with work, it was my grandmother who came from the countryside to take care of the baby. Maybe they often quarreled because of their different educational concepts. The most serious one time was that the child had a fever at home. Since both parents were working outside, grandma only used country remedies to reduce the fever. It was indeed of some use. When the parents came over in the evening, although the child was very sick, But there is no fever anymore.

But just when everyone was sleeping, the child had a fever again at night. This cycle continued for three days. The child's grandmother also felt something was wrong and quickly told his parents. I quickly took my child to the hospital, where he was put on an intravenous drip and given intravenous fluids, and finally the fever was cured. As a result, another thing was discovered. The child's brain seemed to be burned out, and the young couple hurried to the hospital for a check-up. It is said that the immune system is burned out and affects the brain nerves. This is a lifelong damage.

Now not only the daughter-in-law but also the son complained why his mother could not send the child to the hospital earlier, and the child's grandmother also blamed herself. I originally thought that it would not be easy for the young couple to work outside. The pressure was too great, and going to the hospital was too expensive and expensive. I wanted to save some money, but in the end, I ended up treating my eldest grandson like this. Grandma didn't just lose her energy and commit suicide by jumping off the building. It was only when relatives and friends saw many people surrounding the community on their way to get off work that they found out about this incident. It turned out to be what happened to Qingyou's next-door neighbor.

Although this incident has passed, Qingyou is still afraid, so whenever she has a minor physical problem, she is the first to go to the hospital for treatment in time, fearing that the minor illness will turn into a serious illness. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by sudden death while working overtime.

So when she heard that Tuantuan also had a fever and hadn't recovered in two days, Qingyou suddenly panicked. I'm afraid that when the cowpox is planted, my child will be burned into a fool.

Although it is not difficult to raise a demented child with Qingyou's current strength, so that he can be quite stable and live happily until old age, but if it were possible, what mother would want her child to be like this.

So Qingyou decided to take action. Qingyou asked Ruyi to take Yuanyuan back to the house first, and told Yuanyuan to eat lightly in the past two days, not to eat greasy and spicy things, and to take good care of her body.

Then he persuaded Yinzhen and Uranala Fujin to go back first, saying that they had been guarding here for two days and were a little tired. They might as well go back to rest first and someone would notify them when there was news.

Just when Uranala Fujin was about to angrily scold Qingyou for not caring about her children, she saw Qingyou rush into the yard with a quick stride.

(End of this chapter)

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