Chapter 64 Will refuse

The servants came in to report that Hongli still had a high fever.

This puts Qingyou in a difficult situation, because he didn't feed Hongli any spiritual spring water.

The rest is only what Hong Zhou has, and Hong Li has it. Qin Qingyou also specially ordered his servants to take good care of him.

Now, Hong Zhou's fever has gone away, and he just needs to take good care of himself.

However, Hongli still had a high fever, which made it difficult for his servants to come and ask Qingyou.

At this time, Qingyou was also in a dilemma. On one side, his biological son was involved, and on the other side, Yinzhen's biological son was in trouble. Moreover, this child was born to Niu Hulu Gege, whom he hated the most.

From a selfish point of view, there is no problem for Qingyou to leave Hongli alone, but from a conscience point of view, it is a bit too much to leave a three-year-old child alone.

Just when Qingyou was in a dilemma, Hongzhou woke up and heard what the eunuch who came to report said.

Hong Zhou said very considerately: "Mom, I have nothing to do. You should go and see your brother first. Just leave a few people here to take care of me."

Qingyou was still worried, so she ordered the imperial physician to be sent over to take Hong Zhou's pulse.

The imperial doctor also came quickly. After listening to Qingyou's words, he quickly felt Hong Zhou's pulse without saying a lot of nonsense. After thinking for a while, he said: "My brother's health is now well. The high fever has gone away. Now You just need to cultivate yourself well, it’s nothing serious.”

After getting what the imperial doctor said, Qingyou saved all his staff before going to see Hongli.

Fortunately, Yinzhen's arrangements were in place. There were three rooms for the three children, and each room was equipped with sufficient manpower and imperial doctors to be on call anytime and anywhere. It has to be that Yinzhen really attaches great importance to these three children.

Walking into Hongli's house, Qingyou found that the layout of Hongzhou's house was not much different. It was basically the same, except that the east-west orientation was different.

Qingyou had never been to Yuanyuan's room before, but Qingyou also passed by and saw that it was probably a room facing north and south, and Hong Zhou also had a general layout.

After feeding Hongzhou some medicine at noon, Hongzhou would always take a nap, probably because of the side effects of the medicine. Taking this opportunity, Qingyou's favorite thing was to sit in the yard and bask in the warm weather. , it’s so comfortable to bask in the sun.

The arrangement of some things in Hongli's courtyard is just a little different from that of Hongzhou. It may be that Hongli changed the arrangement after he moved in.

But it is a dark house, not as well-lit as Hong Zhou's room. Other than that, there is no other difference.

Logically speaking, Hong Li is the elder brother of Hong Zhou and Tana, so he should live in the best house.

But at the moment, Hongli's room is indeed not as good as the two reunited. Maybe it was because of the afternoon praise and disgrace that Tuan Yuan was not only Shuzi's heir to Fujin, but also deeply favored by the emperor. However, Hongli's biological mother died young, and Uranala Fujin, who is currently raising him, still doesn't know whether he is interested in her or not.

You may also think that Hongli is a soft persimmon who can be pinched by anyone. After all, when Hongli was raised by Niu Hulu Gege, because Niu Hulu Gege regarded Hongli very preciously, everyone didn't see Hongli very often.

The only impression I have is that Niu Hulu Gege often praised Hongli's reading talent in front of everyone, and he could memorize the "Three Character Classic" at the age of three.

Normally at this time, everyone would chime in with compliments and not explore whether this is the case behind the scenes. It was not until Niu Hulu Gege died of illness that everyone regarded Hongli as a piece of cake and kept fighting for it. Only then did Hongli slowly materialize in everyone's hearts, thinking that Hongli was also a clever child.

But after Hongli was raised by Uranala Fujin, he was detained in the front yard to study. Everyone began to rarely see Hongli. After only seeing Hongli a few times, they found that he had become dull. He also became less talkative, so everyone was not very impressed.

The two children, Tuan Tuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan, were raised by Qing You and have quite their own personalities. Although Tuan Yuan Yuan's children usually have good tempers and usually don't get angry.

But if it is true that they have done something wrong, let Tuan Yuanyuan punish them mercilessly. They will not be merciful just because they have been with whom for a long time.

Qingyou thinks this is particularly great, because Qingyou has seen a lot of people with pleasing personalities.

Even before Qingyou, I had a pleaser personality, that is, if others treat you well, I must return the favor to others. Even if you treat me badly, I will silently reflect on what I did wrong.

This once caused Qingyou to fall into deep internal strife. The middle transition was when I was at Qingyou University.

At that time, the dormitory was still a four-person dormitory, because there were some daily necessities for the girls, and they often started to "borrow" each other's daily necessities because they were used quickly and there was no time to buy them.

Things like those few grids of toilet paper, face towels, sanitary napkins, etc., because they are too small, are not very valuable, so basically you lend them to me, and I lend them to you. Therefore, everyone defaults to borrowing without repaying.

Things changed in a small way. At that time, Qingyou told the roommate on the bed that she had no toilet paper at that time. Qingyou generously said that he could use his own first. I just bought it myself and there are many more.

Originally this was a small thing, but it didn't take long for Qingyou to find that she was using up toilet paper very quickly. Even the toilet paper I just bought is already more than half gone.

Maybe because he was too confused, Qingyou couldn't help but said: "Why do I use my toilet paper so fast?" He didn't notice Qingyou's face suddenly dropped to his roommate.

Qingyou started to say confidently to the roommate on the bed: "Didn't you let me use it? Why do you still think I use it too much now? Okay, okay, I finally see you clearly. So this is what you are like. Stingy, picky!"

Qingyou stood there at a loss, wanting to explain something but couldn't. The remaining roommate in the dormitory also helped denounce Qingyou.

For a while, Qingyou fell into deep self-doubt and felt that it was too much for her to be herself.

I even wanted to apologize to her, wondering if I had gone too far. Ask the other person to forgive you.

For a time, Qingyou fell into self-doubt and self-criticism and was unable to extricate himself.

At this time, the roommate who had gone out to study came back. Seeing the solemn atmosphere in the dormitory, he was a little confused, but he did not ask directly out of caution.

Since I usually have a good relationship with Qingyou, I quickly sent a private message to ask what happened in Qingyou’s dormitory? What's going on like this now?

The response I received immediately made me angry.

(End of this chapter)

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