Chapter 7 Pregnancy

Spending this month of my life leisurely and leisurely can be summed up in one word: "cool". Although there is no wifi or mobile phone, it is rare that no one disturbs me. I sleep until I wake up naturally every day without having to go to bed.

Yinzhen stayed in Fujin's yard twice on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year and never entered the backyard again. Maybe he was busy with the prince's troubles recently. After the prince was restored, the prince seemed to be more attentive than before. Arrogant and extravagant, even Qingyou, who was in the backyard, had heard about the weird things the prince did. But now, with the Fourth Master behind him, the wings of other princes have been cut to pieces, maybe because of this , which allowed the prince to let himself go even more, but it was pity that our fourth master had to clean up the mess behind his back.

It is impossible to say that Qingyou misses her fourth master. Except for the two days when she went to greet Fujin, she slept in the yard every day until she woke up naturally. Whatever she wanted to do, her servants helped prepare it in advance, even if she wanted to eat. What? As long as I tell you in advance, it’s not too outrageous. Qingyou’s request can be met. If there’s anything bothering me, it’s that I haven’t been here this month. It’s probably nine out of ten. Got hit.

When Qingyou thought of this, she asked Ruyi to go outside the house and ask a trustworthy doctor to tell her that she had suffered from heatstroke.

Soon, Qingyou led people to the yard.

"Congratulations to Gege. Gege is pregnant, but it's still early this month, so you need to pay more attention to your health."

"Thank you doctor, but I hope you don't make any publicity when you go out. Just say that I have suffered from summer heat and just need to cultivate myself for a few days."

"I know. I'll prescribe some medicine for Gege to take care of her health when we get back. It's only half poisonous. Gege still needs to take care of herself." After the doctor finished speaking, he carried the medicine box and went out.

"Ruyi, you go find an inconspicuous little eunuch and secretly follow the doctor to see who is following behind."

Although Ruyi looked puzzled, she still went out.

"How?" Qingyou looked at Ruyi who came back and asked,

"When I returned to Gege, I sent Xiao Dengzi to follow secretly. I saw Qin'er next to Niu Hulu Gege, holding some silver and asking about Gege's affairs.

That's right. Previously, when I was about to have my first day, I specifically asked Ruyi to take care of my menstrual belt a few days later. Although I spent most of my time in the yard this month, I would occasionally go for a walk in the yard. Go, but nothing happens.

If someone else had taken action before, they would never have taken this opportunity. But this month, I haven't encountered anything, not even the usual arrangements for people to inquire.

But only Niu Hulu, who was opposite, kept inquiring about him. Especially in the past few days, Niu Hulu's actions were very frequent.

This time, the doctor whom he deliberately avoided everyone to invite would be noticed by Niu Hulu, which showed that Niu Hulu's attention to him had reached its peak.

I'm afraid that his previous fall into the water was inseparable from Niu Hulu. After thinking about this, Qingyou was thinking about what he should do next. Let's let Niu Hulu go. After all, she was the future queen mother and the biological mother of Hongli, but how could she be willing to harm the original Niu Hulu family? How could he easily say forgiveness for his personal hatred; but if he didn't let go, Niu Hulu was pregnant after all, so he couldn't do anything to a pregnant woman. Qingyou thought for a moment and decided to wait until Niu Hulu gave birth to the child before taking action.

Qingyouzai feels that she has been drinking the spiritual spring water in her own space every day since she became pregnant. It is now almost three months, and Qingyouzai has not changed except for her belly, which is a little bit bigger. She thought that she would go and say hello a few days ago. At that time, everyone was paying a lot of attention. I guess I couldn't hide it anymore, so I asked Ruyi to go to Fujin and tell him that I was feeling unwell and wanted to ask a doctor to come and take a look.

The doctor ordered by Fujin arrived soon. After taking his pulse for a moment, he replied, "Congratulations, Princess, you are now more than two months pregnant."

Ruyi went to see the doctor off and informed Fujin of the news.

Not long after, a variety of things came from Fujin and various places. The small yard was quickly filled.

After the fourth master heard the news, he not only brought the things over, but also brought a message - the fourth master was coming to have dinner tonight and left in a hurry.

Qingyou looked at the gifts on the ground and said to Ruyi, "Check all these things. If there are no problems, put them all in the warehouse."

At night, Fourth Master’s cold face had a rare smile.
"You are pregnant now, so you need to pay extra attention to your health. Don't slip and fall into the water like before. I see that you are all young maids with little experience. I asked Su Peisheng to ask Aunt Zhang to come and take care of you."

"Okay, I'm here to thank you for your kindness," Qingyou said as she stood up and knelt down.

"It's no big deal. Don't thank me here. Let's have a good meal." Yinzhen pulled Qingyou up who was saluting.
After finishing the meal and chatting for a while, the Fourth Master did not leave. Instead, he rested in the Qingyou courtyard.


When Mrs. Niu Hulu on the opposite side heard the news that Geng Gege was also pregnant, she was so angry that she threw her favorite set of porcelain in front of her to the ground.

"Why is this bitch pregnant? The last time someone pushed her into the lake, forget it didn't drown her. She didn't leave any root causes of disease. How could she be so lucky to be pregnant with my father's child? Besides, you guys can't She is all trash, let you keep an eye on her, why haven't you heard any news at all, she is also pregnant, why do you treat me like this, just throw away a piece of medicinal materials, treat that bitch, just send things and... Why should she give it away?" After saying that, Mrs. Niu Hulu sat down angrily.
"Gege, don't be angry, but be careful with your body. You are still pregnant with your little brother. Don't ruin your body by being angry with someone who has nothing to do with her. She is pregnant with her, how can you be so lucky? , you are destined to be rich and noble, personally approved by the master.

After saying this, Mrs. Niu Hulu's mood slowly calmed down. How could she, a slave, compare with me? Isn't this a compliment to her? This child of mine must be an elder brother. If she has the luck to conceive, it will be a blessing. I am so lucky, but I don’t know whether I will be able to survive.

Thinking of this, Niu Hulu calmed down and even wanted to laugh at Geng's miscarriage.

(End of this chapter)

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