Chapter 71 The Eve of Longevity Festival ()
The group of people who came in were none other than Thirteenth Prince's Fujin Zhaojia clan and his side friends Fujin Fucha clan and Wusu clan.

Behind them were a pair of children from the Zhaojia family.

To say that Brother Thirteen was able to be released, Yinzhen also had a share of credit behind it.

Yinzhen is not the cold-faced King of Hell who does not recognize his relatives as rumored by the outside world. The reason why he is indifferent to the fourteen Belles is because the fourteen Belles have never regarded Yinzhen as his biological brother. When Yinzhen is of no use, he treats Yinzhen as his biological brother. Zhen treats Yinzhen as an enemy, and is not as kind to Yinzhen as he is to the hypocritical Babeile;
Once someone falls in love with Yinzhen again, he will shamelessly come to him, even wanting to take full advantage of Yinzhen's bones. Squeeze out all the value of Yinzhen's interests.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't want such a younger brother. It's difficult for Yinzhen to treat the shameless Fourteen Baylor coldly, but he is too cheap.

But it happened that the fourteenth Baylor was still not satisfied. He spread rumors behind his back that Yinzhen was unfilial to his mother and unfaithful to his younger brother. He was a completely cold-hearted person.

I thought I was doing a very good job, but I guess Yinzhen couldn't find out who did it. It was just that Yinzhen didn't want to argue with him.

Outsiders don't know it very well, but Qingyou knows very well that Yinzhen treats his thirteenth younger brother Yinxiang very well.

For unknown reasons before, the Thirteenth Brother was imprisoned in the beekeeping tunnel. It was Yinzhen who searched for clues behind the scenes and found the person who was behind the stumbling block.

You must know that Prince Zhi was able to fall so quickly, and it was indispensable that Yinzhen was behind it.

As for the Migui concubine in the palace, she was very favored at that time, and her voice can still be heard in the palace today.

Even the son of Concubine Mi was given to others to raise, and even the jade plate was modified. It seemed that Concubine Mi was no longer in the harem.

It was also Yinzhen who was behind the scenes, using his own resources to quietly support the Thirteenth Brother's Mansion.

After all, the thirteenth elder brother at that time had been deprived of the title of Baylor, and only the Zhaojia family was left in the palace to support Nuo Da's palace.

The palace is full of people who flatter the superiors and suppress the inferiors. Seeing that the Thirteenth Brother has fallen, although it is not to the point of bullying, there is still daily harsh treatment.

Although you are in charge of Qingyou's Ama, you can only help secretly. You still have to clear the suspicion openly, so you don't dare to help too much.

Therefore, for some things that are in high demand, the Thirteenth Brother's House must not have them, and there may be some defective products. If they are brought to Kangxi's front, they will not gain much benefit, and they will also make Kangxi even more disgusted, so it is better to remain silent. Just bear with it.

Things like ice in summer and golden charcoal in winter were all things that Yinzhen secretly used his own resources to deliver to his thirteenth brother's house.

It was also Yinzhen who, relying on the merits he had accumulated in front of Kangxi during this period, had the courage to plead for the Thirteenth Brother in front of Kangxi. The situation at that time was really shocking.

When Emperor Kangxi heard that Yinzhen mentioned the thirteenth brother Lian, his expression suddenly turned cold.

He was just thinking that the errands Yinzhen had done during this period were very popular with Kangxi's Sacred Heart, so he didn't care about what Yinzhen said.

Let Yinzhen step back. However, instead of retreating, Yinzhen started speaking very boldly.

"Huang Ama, you have watched us grow up, and even Thirteen's martial arts are learned from you. Thirteenth brother's biological mother lives in my mother's palace, so Shisan and I have grown up together since childhood. Let’s study together. Although we are not born from the same mother, in my eyes, Thirteen is my biological brother.

I have known Thirteen since I was a child. He is a chivalrous and courageous person who only wants to be a generation of chivalrous people.

Emperor Ama, you also know this. You even said that Thirteen was loyal and quite chivalrous.

How could such a person attempt to rebel? Moreover, Huang Ama, you care about the relationship between father and son, and you have already forgiven the prince brother before. Can we forgive Thirteen this time out of the bond between father and son? "

After Yinzhen finished speaking, Kangxi was completely angered.

Kangxi was so furious that he hit Yinzhen on the head with the inkstone and drove him out.

As a result, when Yinzhen returned to the palace, his face was covered in blood, which frightened everyone in the palace.

That time, even Qingyou was accusing Yinzhen of being reckless, but Yinzhen's words left Qingyou stunned.

"I also know that I was indeed rash this time. But I had a reason to do it. Not long ago, the eunuch I sent to visit my thirteenth brother came to give me a reply.

It was said that the thirteenth brother was suffering from severe paralysis. I secretly asked the doctor to check his pulse. He said that the camp and guard were blocked, the guard could not move alone, the camp and guard were both weak, the three burners had no control, and the four attributes were cut off. You can't stay in such a dark and humid environment any longer, otherwise you will be ruined in the future.

How could I bear to let Thirteen stay in that gloomy environment again?

So this time I can only take risks. I hope Huang Ama will let the thirteenth brother go this time for the sake of the friendship between father and son. "

After hearing this, Qingyou sighed and said, although relatives and friends have never seen the Thirteenth Brother, they heard from outsiders that he was a chivalrous, courageous, elegant, and handsome brother.

He is also one of the few chivalrous, courageous and helpful elder brothers in the royal family. I heard that his martial arts skills are not inferior to those of Prince Zhi, which is a pity. In modern times, the paralysis is rheumatoid, and it cannot be completely cured with the current level of medical technology. Not to mention in ancient times.

It’s really hard for the Thirteenth Brother that such a handsome and handsome brother was sacrificed to the machinations.

Things took a turn for the better within a few days.

Although Kangxi was angry with Yinzhen at the time, he regretted it afterwards. In addition, Liang Jiugong, who was next to him, saw that Kangxi was soft-hearted and had been favored by the Thirteenth Brother. At this time, he brought up the Tenth Brother at the right time. The third elder brother was kind and quietly guided Emperor Kangxi to the residence of the Zhangjia family at that time.

This evoked Kangxi's guilt towards the Zhangjia family. After all, although the Zhangjia family was not favored at the time, she gave birth to a son and two daughters for the emperor.

Now, the two daughters of the Zhangjia family were arranged by Kangxi to support Mongolia. Within two years, news came that both daughters were in Mongolia.

Nowadays, Yinxiang is still locked up in the beekeeping corridor. This time, it aroused Kangxi's guilt.
When he found out that Yinzhen was suffering from paralysis, he felt even more distressed for a moment. With all kinds of emotions added together, Kangxi relented on the spot and released his thirteenth brother.

Therefore, this time Thirteen's family members are eligible to come to the palace to participate in the Wanshou Festival.

Because the Thirteenth Brother’s biological mother used to live in the side hall of Empress Dowager De.

As a matter of course, he came to the palace to pay homage to Concubine De.

Concubine De wanted to warmly invite the Thirteenth Fujin Zhaojia family to come and sit with Uranala Fujin and the Fourteenth Fujin family.

Unexpectedly, these thirteen blessings came over just like Qingyou after the ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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