Chapter 99 Traveling through the truth
Here, Yinzhen was brought in little by little, and he began to think little by little along with Master Jinghui.

As he watched, Yinzhen was led bit by bit into a dead end by Master Jinghui.

Master Jinghui is very clear about this situation and is very confident.

Just when Master Jinghui was about to say something, something happened here in Qingyou.

After Qingyou fell into coma, she seemed to be brought into a chaotic space.

It just feels gray and dark, with no sunlight visible, but for some reason, Qingyou feels very at ease here.

Suddenly, a picture slowly unfolded in front of Qingyou, just like a TV series.

Qingyou looked further and saw that the people inside seemed to be the much younger original A Ma and E Niang.

The picture showed the original mother-in-law giving birth, and a little girl was born.

Qingyou guessed that it was probably the real original person "Qingyou".

Sure enough, under the careful care of Amma and E Niang, the little girl grew up healthily and was raised innocently without any knowledge of accidents.

As the little girl grew up, Qingyou found that she looked more and more like herself.

Since Qingyou traveled through time, due to the technical limitations of the Qing Dynasty, a bronze mirror was used, and only vague figures could be seen in it.

I just felt that the original body was somewhat similar to myself, and I thought it was just a coincidence. But when I saw this picture, I realized that the original body and myself were exactly like each other.

Qingyou thought it was just a coincidence and slowly read on. Sure enough, Amma and E Niang, who arrived in Qingyou, had already made plans and tried to find a way to ask someone to save Qingyou from the small election.

Originally, this matter was settled, but I didn't expect that someone would designate Qingyou's name to be put on the draft list.

Moreover, Empress De Fei also added Qingyou to the list of Yinzhen's concubines in advance.

After everyone knew the news, Qingyou's Amma actually tried every possible means to find someone to connect with, but to no avail.

No one dared to offend the upright and favored Concubine De, so they ignored the matter.

The original Amma felt powerless. Under the grief, she turned a bit older. The original Aniang didn't shed tears all day long.

However, while Qingyou was preparing to go home, Qingyou forced herself to smile again.

The two elder brothers in the house were also greatly affected by this. They felt that they were insignificant, so they worked hard to improve.

I want to use my own efforts to support Qingyou, so that even if Qingyou enters Baylor Mansion, for the sake of Geng Mansion, she will not be treated too harshly.

After Qingyou saw this scene, he not only felt worthless for the original person, but also for having such an Amma and Aniang who loved him.

Qingyou is lucky to have two brothers who love and care for her sister so much, but he has occupied the original body's time for so long.

After calming down, Qingyou continued to read. It was exactly the same as the memory of the original god. After entering the palace, he did not get much favor from Yinzhen.

He was unknown in the backyard, and was even pushed out by Uranala Fujin to take care of Yinzhen, who was seriously ill and might even be infected.

The original person didn't complain about anything and took care of her wholeheartedly. Seeing the two people getting along, they seemed to have feelings for each other. But after Yinzhen returned to the palace, he seemed to have become indifferent to himself again. Qingyou didn't feel too disappointed and stayed in the backyard with peace of mind.

But even so, Niu Hulu Gege still took action against herself. But this time, unlike when Qingyou first arrived, someone was able to discover in time that he really couldn't swim, and no one found out.

However, at this time, the camera did not follow the original person, but instead played the scene of Yinzhen returning home after recovering.

Yinzhen was not indifferent as expected, but maybe because when he was a child, the things he cherished never had a good ending.

Yinzhen's favorite little pup was shaved by Xiaojiu. Yinzhen felt dissatisfied and cut off Jiu's braid, but was scolded by Huang Ama.

Even the harem's own biological mother-in-law, Empress Dowager De, not only punished herself severely after hearing what she had done. He also ordered people to beat the little Jingba to death with sticks.

Yinzhen kept begging Concubine De, but Concubine De was unwilling to let go of the dog. She also said that Yinzhen lost his ambition by playing with things and had no royal style.

Therefore, after Yinzhen received such a blow, he put his thoughts away.

Therefore, when facing the original person, he also dared not express his feelings openly. Behind the scenes, he seemed to be indifferent to the original person, but in fact, he secretly sent someone to take care of him silently.

Seeing this, Qing didn't understand why he could sympathize with Yinzhen's psychological activities at this time, but he still fell into his own depressed mood.

It turns out that Yinzhen was so kind to him not because of anything, but because he continued to be kind to the original person. After all, he was a thief. He not only stole the original person's life, but also stole the love that belonged to the original person. .

Thinking of this, the screen turned and a video of Qingyou's birth in modern times was played. In the screen, Qingyou was born with a red mole on the inside of her wrist.

Seeing this scene, I was shocked. This was a mark that only the original "Qingyou" had. How could it be on me?

Moreover, I never had this red mole in my memory. Instead, when I grew up, one day, for some reason, it appeared on the inside of my wrist.

I also checked with a doctor and found that there was no physical problem.

Since the red mole appeared, Qingyou's body has not changed in any way, so she slowly forgot about it.

Qingyou suppressed the surprise in her heart, and continued to look at it. The newborn "Qingyou" didn't seem to be like the usual ignorant children.

Although he was just born and his eyes are still blind, when he looks left and right, he can see that he is trying his best to see the world clearly.

"Qingyou" is not like ordinary children who cannot control their physiological reactions. They will cry once when they are hungry and twice when they want to go to the toilet.

When "Qingyou" turned one year old, the red mole on the inside of "Qingyou"'s wrist disappeared.

Since then, Qingyou has grown up like an ordinary child. Just like in his memory, he has been promoted and raised salary, struggling on the front line of work, until he died of overwork at the company's computer desk.

At this time, the aftermath of Qingyou's sudden death while working overtime appeared.

When the company came the next day, they discovered Qingyou's miserable condition and hurriedly called the police.

The parents from their hometown also hurried to Haicheng. The company was still humane and compensated Qingyou's parents for their work-related injuries and compensated them 500,000 yuan.

Although Qingyou's parents could not accept Qingyou's death, with the company of Qingyou's brother, they kept the house that Qingyou had paid monthly as a psychological comfort and pretended that their daughter was still there.

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