Meng Xia's heart was in a mess.

Meng Xia closed her eyes tightly and fell asleep during the whole process. Now she really didn't know how to get along with Zong Xichuan.

For her, Zong Xichuan is her confidant and her first good friend after coming to this world.

She still cares about Zong Xichuan.

But she really has no intention of getting married now. In her previous life, she was forced to marry early due to her status, but now she wants to live the life she wants in her next life.

In this life, she wants to live according to her own heart, no longer need to worry about other people's feelings, and live her life as herself.

Zong Xichuan's meaning was too obvious. Meng Xia had only suspected it before, but this time Meng Xia was able to confirm it.

After all, it was such a coincidence.

For today's plan, we can only slowly alienate Zong Xichuan.

Even if she loses this friend, Meng Xia will not give up her life for one person.

Finally, the social system in this life was so good, which she never dared to imagine in her previous life.

And now that she has her own career and everything is moving forward, how could she suddenly stop.

The plane arrived soon.

Before Zong Xichuan took the initiative to call her, Meng Xia opened her eyes the moment the plane landed.

"What's your luggage?" Zong Xichuan stood up and looked at the luggage on the luggage rack and said to Meng Xia.

Meng Xia did not answer Zong Xichuan's words, but stood up directly.

Then he said to Zong Xichuan somewhat distantly: "I can just take it myself."

After saying that, he took the luggage and walked out.

Zong Xichuan frowned slightly.

Meng Xia's figure moved very fast, and she had already reached the front while Zong Xichuan was still squeezed behind.

Since Meng Xia was flying in the economy class, Zong Xichuan naturally bought the economy class in order to be with Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan usually didn't fly in first class. It was his first time sitting in economy class and he was not used to it.

By the time he squeezed out of the crowd, Meng Xia had disappeared.

Zong Xichuan originally planned to ask someone to check the hotel where Meng Xia was staying, but he stopped when the call was about to be dialed.

He felt as if Meng Xia was deliberately avoiding him just now. Since Meng Xia didn't want to be with him, it would be counterproductive if he continued to pursue her.

That’s all, we’ll see you when the show is on.

At this time, Meng Xia had already walked out of the airport.

Zong Xichuan's guess was correct, Meng Xia did it on purpose.

Meng Xia knew that if she went with Zong Xichuan, Zong Xichuan would definitely prepare the hotel for her.

That's why she deliberately left Zong Xichuan behind.

Meng Xia booked a higher-end hotel on her mobile phone.

It's not that she wants to enjoy it, the main thing is that she is a public employee now, and the security facilities in high-end hotels are better.

After being in this world for so long, Meng Xia has almost figured out the order of this world.

There is no difference between her and the aborigines now.

After arriving at the hotel, Meng Xia spoke to Yang Yin.

But when Yang Yin asked her which hotel she was staying in, she didn't say.

Meng Xia already had a rough guess as to how Zong Xichuan knew his flight.

At this time, Zong Xichuan was staying by Yang Yin's side. His face darkened when he heard that Meng Xia on the other end of the phone was unwilling to tell Yang Yin the hotel where she lived.

After Yang Yin hung up the phone, she looked at Zong Xichuan with some hesitation.

Finally, I couldn't help but ask: "Master Zong, do you think Miss Meng knows that I told you her flight information?"

Although it was a question, Yang Yin had already guessed it.

Meng Xia must have noticed something. At this time, how could Zong Xichuan not see that Meng Xia was deliberately avoiding him, with an ugly expression on his face.

Zong Xichuan began to reflect on whether he had done it too obviously.

He could tell that Meng Xia had no intention of falling in love, so he never dared to confess.

It was fear that scared Meng Xia away.

But now that he had restrained himself, Meng Xia was still scared away.

Does Meng Xia really not like herself at all?

Zong Xichuan began to fall into deep self-doubt.

This was the first time he liked someone. He didn't know how to be nice to a girl. He only knew to give the best to Meng Xia.

Because he saw that Meng Xia had no intention of falling in love, he never expressed his feelings and just stayed by Meng Xia's side quietly.

Zong Xichuan originally thought that when Meng Xia started to have a little affection for him, he would speak up.

Who would have thought that Meng Xia would have already run away before he even started taking action.

Zong Xichuan's eyes darkened.

In the end, he decided to start attacking now, otherwise he thought Meng Xia would continue to avoid him.

Even if Meng Xia still doesn't like him, he can wait.

He didn't believe that he would never be able to impress Meng Xia.

At this time, Meng Xia didn't know that because of her deliberate alienation, Zong Xichuan had directly advanced the original plan.

Meng Xia's original intention was to get Zong Xichuan to give up this idea, but in the end it backfired.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the performance came.

Meng Xia had been staying in the hotel during this period, and she would not go out no matter how Yang Yin asked her out.

Meng Xia felt that he had made it so obvious, and Zong Xichuan would definitely understand what he meant.

I just hope Zong Xichuan can give up.

After Meng Xia arrived, he was taken by Yang Yin to do some modeling, so he did not take photos with Zong Xichuan.

Yang Yin attaches great importance to this performance, and even the stylist is an internationally renowned stylist.

It can be said that a lot of money has been spent.

Since the two of them were going to play Guqin, the stylist matched them with a set of Hanfu.

After getting the styling done.

Meng Xia looked at herself in the mirror and was in a trance for a moment.

The person in the mirror was exactly the same as in her previous life. If it weren't for the location, Meng Xia would have doubted whether she had returned to her previous life.

After putting on Hanfu, Meng Xia's every move revealed her ladylike temperament.

Yang Yin couldn't help but praise: "Xiao Xia, you must have been a noble girl from a noble family in your previous life. Your temperament is just like someone who came from ancient times."

Meng Xia just smiled and said nothing. In fact, from some aspects, Yang Yin was indeed right.

Wasn't she just a lady in her previous life?

As the legitimate daughter of the family in her previous life, Meng Xia began to learn etiquette at an early age. Although she had a free and easy temper, she did not fall behind in any of the etiquette that a noble daughter of aristocratic families must learn.

After traveling through time, Meng Xia read a lot of romance novels.

In these novels, the time-travelling girl is always able to trample the noble ladies under her feet.

Meng Xia only found these things funny.

How could a mere time-traveling girl be able to compete with a young lady who had been trained by aristocratic families for decades?

Although the idea of ​​time-traveling women may indeed be relatively new, don't forget that this was their era.

Behind a noble daughter of a noble family stands an entire family.

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