"Even if that's the case, then... what if she just hit me? Brother Xichuan, don't be deceived by such a vicious woman." Li Yue tried to continue to slander Meng Xia.

Zong Xichuan ignored her, but looked at Meng Xia and said, "Is that what she said? I believe you no matter what you say."

Listening to Zong Xichuan's words, Li Yue's jealous teeth were about to break.

Meng Xia glanced at Li Yue's red and swollen face.

I have to say that Li Yue was really cruel to herself, and her face swelled up at first.

Seeing Meng Xia looking at her, Li Yue said with a guilty conscience: "You...what are you looking at? Don't think that this can change the truth of the matter. Brother Xichuan will never let you go."

Zong Xichuan glanced at Li Yue coldly. When did he say that he would not let Meng Xia go?

Li Yue was made uncomfortable by Zong Xichuan's gaze.

But she didn't believe that Meng Xia could perfectly explain the truth of this matter.

After all, who would believe that she would slap herself for framing Meng Xia.

But Meng Xia didn't intend to explain.

Meng Xia walked directly in front of Li Yue.

"You...what do you want to do!" Li Yue backed away little by little. She always felt that Meng Xia was having some bad idea.

I have to say that Li Yue guessed correctly again.

Meng Xia raised her hand and slapped Li Yue, then pushed her to the ground with her stunned eyes.

Meng Xia used a lot of strength, and Li Yue collapsed to the ground with a bang.

Just hearing the sound hurts.

Fu Yu on the side subconsciously touched his butt. If he was pushed down, his butt would probably fall into eight pieces.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xia looked very weak and strong.

After Meng Xia finished these things, he looked directly at Zong Xichuan.

Although he didn't say anything, Zong Xichuan knew that Meng Xia was using actions to tell him that Li Yue was indeed not beaten by her.

This is the time.

"Brother Xichuan, you have seen it, you must make the decision for me." Li Yue finally came to her senses and cried out to ask Zong Xichuan to make the decision for her.

Meng Xia had just hit the other half of her face, and now both halves of her face were swollen.

It looks very funny.

"Pfft." Fu Yu looked at Li Yue's face and burst into laughter without holding back.

Li Yue cried even louder: "Brother Xichuan, look at them."

Zong Xichuan ignored Li Yue and walked to Meng Xia, picked up her hand and looked at it: "Does your hand hurt?"

As soon as Zong Xichuan's words came out, the three people present fell silent again.

This sentence was a critical blow to Li Yue.

Li Yue looked at Zong Xichuan in disbelief, and for those who didn't know, she thought Zong Xichuan was a heartless man.

Meng Xia was also at a loss when facing Zong Xichuan. She only hit Li Yue to prove herself.

Although she felt that Zong Xichuan would believe her, she did not expect that Zong Xichuan would come here.

It is said that there is nothing more heart-wrenching than killing someone.

Fu Yu shouted 6 from the side.
My cousin's ability to attack people with words is getting stronger and stronger.

Li Yue was almost broken.

Even if she was slapped, she was so insulted by Zong Xichuan. Her fragile little heart really couldn't bear it.

Li Yue stood up from the ground and ran out crying.

But when she had just walked not far, Zong Xichuan suddenly called out to her:
"Don't call me brother anymore. I don't have a sister."

Li Yue originally thought that Zong Xichuan called him to seek justice for him, but he did not expect that Zong Xichuan did not follow the routine at all.

This time Li Yue cried even more sadly.

Fu Yuze walked up to Zong Xichuan and patted him on the shoulder. He sighed and said, "You really don't know how to show mercy to women. Look how angry you are." Zong Xichuan glanced at Fu Yuze: "What if you If you like her, I will tell my aunt to ask her to propose marriage to you."

Fu Yuze immediately waved his hand: "Stop it, stop it, I was just joking."

What a joke, he doesn't look down on people like Li Yue.

"Meng Xia, I didn't expect you to be quite strong. I think her face is almost swollen into a pig's head." Fu Yuze said to Meng Xia with a smile.

Meng Xia began to smile awkwardly.

She just wants to escape from here quickly.

Fortunately, Yang Yin is here.

"Did something happen? Why did I just see a woman running out crying." Yang Yin asked with some confusion.

"Just an insignificant person." Zong Xichuan said concisely.

Yang Yin didn't ask any more questions. She turned to Meng Xia and said, "Get ready, I'll be on stage soon."

Meng Xia nodded.

I felt relieved.

After a short rest, it was time to perform on stage.

Yang Yin took Meng Xia to the stage.

Just when Meng Xia turned around, Zong Xichuan suddenly stopped her: "Meng Xia."

Meng Xia turned back to look at Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan said softly: "Don't be nervous."

Although it was just a simple statement of concern, for some reason Meng Xia suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Meng Xia nodded towards Zong Xichuan.

Then he followed Yang Yin onto the stage.

After Meng Xia and Yang Yin took the stage, Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze also walked to the seats reserved for them by Yang Yin.

The seat Yang Yin left for them was in the front row, where they could have a panoramic view of the entire stage.

Before the performance started, Fu Yuze suddenly whispered to Zong Xichuan: "Cousin, why do I feel like Meng Xia is avoiding you?"

Fu Yuze accidentally discovered the truth.

Zong Xichuan said nothing, but his ugly face made Fu Yuze immediately guess that he was right.

"You confessed to her and were rejected?" Fu Yuze spoke cautiously, for fear of accidentally breaking his cousin's heart.

Zong Xichuan's face turned even uglier. It would be better if his confession really failed.

The main thing was that Meng Xia was already avoiding him before he even started confessing his feelings.

"No, are you really rejected?" Fu Yuze looked at Zong Xichuan's face and said in shock.

"No." Zong Xichuan said coldly.

Now Fu Yuze was even more confused. Since he hadn't pierced the window paper, why did Meng Xia suddenly avoid Zong Xichuan?

Could it be that Zong Xichuan was doing something?
Fu Yuze began to think of thousands of reasons in his mind.

In the end, he chose to ask Zong Xichuan what happened.

Under Fu Yuze's hard work, Zong Xichuan finally told Fu Yuze what happened.

After listening to everything that happened, Fu Yu became silent.

After a long time, he finally said: "Cousin, why don't you give up."

As soon as he said these words, Fu Yuze received Zong Xichuan's death gaze.
Although he knew that his words would offend Zong Xichuan, Fu Yuze still said it.

"Let me tell you this, it is extremely difficult to catch up with a girl like Meng Xia. Unless you wait until when she wants to fall in love, there is no chance at all.

Seriously, why don't you like someone else. There are so many women in this world, why should you just guard one flower? "

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