After Meng Xia and Yang Yin arrived backstage, Zong Xichuan and Fu Yu were already waiting behind them.

Both of them were holding flowers in their hands.

Zong Xichuan handed the flowers in his hand to Meng Xia, while Fu Yu handed them to Yang Yin.

Meng Xia was a little confused whether to accept it or not.

Zong Xichuan didn't push him, he just kept waiting for her to pick up.

Yang Yin had already taken the flowers from Fu Yuze's hand.

Seeing the strange atmosphere between Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia, Yang Yin asked Fu Yuze what was going on with her eyes.

Fu Yu shook his head at her, indicating that she didn't need to worry about it.

But Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia are still persisting.

In the end, Meng Xia accepted it. After all, in front of so many people, if he refused directly, it would be a slap in Zong Xichuan's face.

After the performance, Yang Yin invited Meng Xia, Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze to have dinner together.

Originally Meng Xia wanted to refuse, but in the end he couldn't resist Yang Yin and had no choice but to follow.

Yang Yin chose a more homely restaurant.

"You may not think this restaurant is so small, but its food is really delicious. This is a century-old restaurant." After entering the restaurant, Yang Yin began to introduce it to Meng Xia and the others.

Because of their special status, Yang Yin asked the boss for a small box.

Fortunately, although this restaurant is a bit small, there are still private rooms.

After several people entered the box, Yang Yin began to order.

After Yang Yin ordered a few of the signature dishes here, she handed the menu to the others: "See if there is anything else you want to eat."

Meng Xia didn't want to eat anything in particular, so he didn't order it.

Zong Xichuan and Fu Yu ordered a few dishes each.

While waiting for the food to be served, several people started chatting.

Yang Yin picked up the tea and stood up: "Thank you all for coming to my performance. Especially Xiaoxia, thank you for helping me complete an obsession that I have had for many years.

I offer you tea instead of wine. "

The three of them also got up and drank a cup of tea.

In fact, Yang Yin also knew that the reason why Fu Yuze and Zong Xichuan came to her performance was entirely because of Meng Xia.

But no matter what the reason is, they have already given themselves a lot of face when they come.

After all, the identities of Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze lie there.

Thinking of these, Yang Yin was even more grateful to Meng Xia. After all, Meng Xia brought these.

At this time, her and Meng Xia's duet performance had been posted online by the media, and the number of views exceeded 10,000 in minutes.

Of course Meng Xia and Yang Yin didn't know all this.

After the dishes were served, everyone began to eat.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Meng Xia felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Almost all the dishes Zong Xichuan ordered later were her favorites.

Or maybe she ordered it when she and Zong Xichuan were having dinner together.

Meng Xia's mood was a little complicated for a while.

Is it because Zong Xichuan is a careful person to begin with, or is it because of himself?
"Xiao Xia, what's wrong with you?" Yang Yin couldn't help but ask when she saw Meng Xia was in a daze.

Meng Xia came back to his senses: "It's okay, I just remembered something."

Several people started to eat.

When dining, because the table is not equipped with a turntable, it is a bit inconvenient to pick up any dishes that are far away.

Meng Xia wanted to speed up the sweet and sour pork ribs, but it was a bit far away.

So she took one look and gave up.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs was placed in her bowl.

Meng Xia looked up and saw Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan said nothing, as if the pork ribs were not picked by him but ran into Meng Xia's bowl by himself.

Meng Xia originally planned to refuse directly, but Zong Xichuan didn't say anything, and it was hard for her to speak.

Looking at the sweet and sour pork ribs in the bowl, Meng Xia was a little confused whether to eat it or not. In the end, Meng Xia ate it.

No matter in her previous life or in this life, she is not a person who likes to waste.

Zong Xichuan raised the corner of his mouth in an incomprehensible manner.

And all this was seen by Fu Yuze.

Fu Yu clicked his tongue twice in his heart.

Fortunately, he was worried that Zong Xichuan had never been in love and would not know how to please a girl, but he did not expect Zong Xichuan to be so good at it.

When we returned, several people had to leave separately because they were staying in different hotels.

Zong Xichuan and Fu Yuze both drove here, so they each had to send one person back.

Without giving Meng Xia time to think, Fu Yuze directly pulled Yang Yin and got into the car.

He only left one sentence: "Cousin, please send Meng Xia back."

Then he just stepped on the accelerator and left.

Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan were left behind.

"Actually, I can take a taxi back by myself." Meng Xia said awkwardly.

Zong Xichuan just looked at Meng Xia quietly.

Finally Meng Xia got on the bus.

After all, she is a public figure, so it is indeed a bit unsafe to take a taxi alone at night.

Along the way, neither Zong Xichuan nor Meng Xia spoke.

All the way to the hotel parking lot.

"Thank you, squad leader, for sending me back. I'll leave first." After Meng Xia finished speaking, she opened the car door and left.

But no matter how hard she pulled, she couldn't pull it.

Meng Xia could only look back at Zong Xichuan.

"Is there anything else?" Meng Xia looked very calm on the surface, but she was a little nervous inside. She didn't want Zong Xichuan to say those things.

"Why have you been avoiding me recently?" Zong Xichuan stared at Meng Xia with burning eyes.

"No." Meng Xia's eyes were a little dodgey.

Zong Xichuan chuckled: "Is it because I like you?"

Meng Xia lowered his head and said nothing. To be precise, he didn't know what to say.

She didn't expect that Zong Xichuan would bring this matter out in the open.

Zong Xichuan knew he was right when he saw Meng Xia's expression.

"Does it bother you that I like you?"

Meng Xia looked up at Zong Xichuan and said in a serious tone: "You are a good person, but I really have no plans to get married."

Zong Xichuan chuckled.

I didn't expect that one day I would be issued a good person card.

"We can try to get in touch first, don't worry about getting married." Zong Xichuan said softly.

"I still think we are not suitable." Meng Xia still refused.

Zong Xichuan stared at Meng Xia and whispered, "Is there anything inappropriate?"

"Since ancient times, marriage has been about being of the same family. It's wrong for you and me to be of the same family." Meng Xia said very seriously.

Zong Xichuan smiled: "Because of this? Let's not say that I never care about this.

If you want to be a match, I can help you get the company back. "

Meng Xia naturally knew that Zong Xichuan had this ability.

She will definitely take back the company, but she won't rely on Zong Xichuan.

In her previous life, she sacrificed her marriage for the benefit of her family, and she doesn't want to make the same mistake again this time.

"Marriage is based on two people loving each other, but I don't like you."

Meng Xia's words could be described as a naked rejection.

Meng Xia felt that Zong Xichuan should give up now, but he did not expect that Zong Xichuan was not embarrassed at all by being rejected.

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