When Lu Xing heard that Lu's mother said she wanted to abort Lin Jin's unborn child, Lu Xing couldn't sit still.

"Mom, that's your grandson, why are you so cruel!"

Mother Lu saw that Lu Xing couldn't carry it clearly even at this time, and she was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

Lu Xing pointed his finger and cursed angrily: "Do you still want to inherit the company?"

"Mom, even if I don't rely on the Zhang family, I can still get the inheritance rights of the company." Lu Xing said confidently.

Mother Lu sneered: "Lu Hang has the support of his grandfather's family, what do you have?
It is precisely because we have no one to rely on that I tell you to marry Zhang Xinyi! "

Looking at her only son, Mother Lu finally softened her attitude and said, "I know you like children, but there will be children in the future. You really can't let your guard down at such a critical moment."

Lu Xing looked at his mother who was always thinking about him, and finally said with some guilt: "But Mom, everyone on the Internet already knows about this."

Mother Lu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"What a Lin Jin, what a scheming person!!!" What else does Mother Lu not know now? Lin Jin just wants her to take the position of the young lady of the Lu family directly based on her son's wealth.

Hearing Mother Lu say that Lin Jin was scheming, Lu Xing immediately defended: "Mom, Xiao Jin didn't do all this.

It was when I was accompanying Xiaojin for a prenatal check-up that I was accidentally photographed by the paparazzi. "

Looking at his extremely stupid son.

Mother Lu pointed directly at the door and said to Lu Xing: "Get out of here!!!"

In order not to irritate Lu's mother, Lu Xing left obediently.

After Lu Xing left, Mother Lu made a phone call directly: "Find someone to take care of Lin Jin and the child in her belly."

Mother Lu has never been a kind person, otherwise she would not be sitting on Mrs. Lu's throne.

She would never allow her only son to be destroyed in Lin Jin's hands!


Lin Jin had no idea that he was about to be in trouble, and he still showed off that he was about to marry into a wealthy family.

The person the program team has been waiting for for a long time has finally arrived.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the person coming.

"Yu Xi?" The director looked at the visitor with some confusion.

That's right, the person coming is none other than Zhao Yuxi, the leading actor in Meng Xia's new drama.

"Yuxi, what's the matter with you here?" The director thought that Zhao Yuxi might have come to see him for something, or maybe he was visiting the team.

But what Zhao Yuxi said next made the director and everyone present couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Grandpa had a heart attack on the way here and asked me to cooperate with the program team to complete the remaining filming." Zhao Yuxi said apologetically.

The director said incoherently: "Your grandfather is Zhao Guoan, Dean Zhao?"

Zhao Yuxi nodded.

This time the director was completely uneasy.

Who is Zhao Guoan, the dean of the National Academy of Fine Arts, who participated in the design of the national flag.

As a result, Zhao Yuxi now said that he is actually Zhao Guoan's grandson. If this news spreads, the entertainment industry will explode.

Zhao Yuxi's identity is really a bit shocking.

"Yu Xi, you are too low-key. You have never revealed that you are Dean Zhao's grandson."

Zhao Yuxi smiled slightly and said: "I am an actor, and I naturally rely on my acting skills, and it has nothing to do with the glory of my family.

Regardless of whether I am Zhao Guoan's grandson or not, I am still an actor. "

What Zhao Yuxi said was different from Lin Jin's deliberate showmanship. He said it very sincerely.

And everyone believed what Zhao Yuxi said.

After all, Zhao Yuxi is one of the youngest actors in the entertainment industry.

Everything Zhao Yuxi did was his own hard work.

But now knowing that he is Zhao Guoan's grandson will only make others admire him even more.

After all, if he had stated that he was Zhao Guoan's grandson from the beginning, he would definitely have received preferential treatment.

But he never mentioned it. Everyone thought that Zhao Yuxi's family was just an ordinary family, but they didn't know that Zhao Yuxi's origins were so big.

"Now that Yu Xi is here, let's start shooting." The director said with a smile.

At the beginning, he was worried about whether Zhao Guoan's grandson would inherit Zhao Guoan's painting talent.

But if Zhao Guoan's grandson is Zhao Yuxi, painting and other things will not matter.

Anyway, there is traffic.

Moreover, Zhao Yuxi has shown his painting talent in other variety shows before. At that time, he said that he had learned painting from his teacher since he was a child.

Now it seems that the teacher Zhao Yuxi mentioned should be Zhao Guoan.

Taught by Zhao Guoan himself, even if Zhao Yuxi's paintings are not particularly outstanding, they are certainly not too bad.

Thinking of this, the director was completely relieved and called on the staff to start filming.

Lin Jin stepped forward and took the initiative to greet Zhao Yuxi: "Hello, Teacher Zhao, do you still remember me? I am Lin Jin, we have filmed together before."

Zhao Yuxi smiled politely.

Then he walked around Lin Jin and walked in front of Zong Xichuan.

"Long time no see, senior brother, are you planning to enter the entertainment industry?" Zhao Yuxi greeted Zong Xichuan familiarly.

"No, I'm just helping to promote traditional culture." Although Zong Xichuan's expression did not change, his tone became much softer.

Everyone knew at a glance that the two were old acquaintances.

Moreover, Zhao Yuxi calls him Senior Brother Zong Xichuan.

Zhao Yuxi's master should be his grandfather, so Zong Xichuan is also Zhao Guoan's student.

Everyone was slightly surprised by the news and quickly accepted it.

After all, as the heir to the clan, the teacher is naturally the best.

"I thought that my senior brother also wanted to enter the entertainment industry. If my senior brother really wanted to enter the entertainment industry, then I would have to pack up and withdraw from the industry.

After all, with Senior Brother’s face, if he gets caught in the trap, how can we survive? "Zhao Yuxi joked deliberately.

Zong Xichuan smiled rarely.

The relationship between the two seems to be very good.

After greeting Zong Xichuan, Zhao Yuxi saw Meng Xia beside him.

He smiled and said, "Junior sister, you should also participate in this show."

Zhao Yuxi spent most of his time filming, so he never paid attention to these things. Naturally, he didn't know that Meng Xia was filming this variety show.

Meng Xia greeted Zhao Yuxi: "Hello, senior brother."

They were from the same company, and Zhao Yuxi joined the company earlier than Meng Xia.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for Zhao Yuxi to call Meng Xia "junior sister".

After hearing the conversation between Meng Xia and Zhao Yuxi, everyone remembered that Meng Xia and Zhao Yuxi were from the same company.

Many people secretly sighed that Meng Xia's life was really good.

There was one Zong Xichuan who took special care of her, but now there was another senior from the same company.

Moreover, this senior brother’s identity is not ordinary.

It's so irritating that people are so different from each other.

The most jealous person is Lin Jin.

She was bragging to Meng Xia just now that she was about to marry into the Lu family.

As a result, Meng Xia turned around and found a senior brother with an unusual identity.

Although the Zhao family is not a wealthy family in the capital.

However, many of Zhao Guoan's students are from wealthy families and even from powerful institutions.

If you really want to talk about it, the Lu family really can't compare with the Zhao family.

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