Chapter 113 Hot Potato
In the end, everyone could only watch as the director pocketed the painting.

However, what the director said was indeed right. Once the painting was handed into his hands, no one could fight anymore.

Zhao Yuxi looked at Zong Xichuan with a smile: "Senior brother asked you to fight with me, now no one has to fight."

There was a joking tone in Zhao Yuxi's words, so naturally he was not really blaming Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan said nothing and just glanced at the director.

The director was so frightened that his back went cold.

Could it be that he wanted to kill someone and seize the treasure?

Meng Xia also saw Zong Xichuan's gaze, walked to Zong Xichuan's side and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If you really want it, I will draw you another one when I have time."

Just enough to return a favor.

Of course, Meng Xia didn't say the rest of the sentence.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia in astonishment.

After making the matter clear, Zong Xichuan was still afraid that Meng Xia was hiding from him.

He never thought that Meng Xia would give him a gift alone.

This was the first time Meng Xia gave him a gift.

Not only was it proactive, but she did it herself.

Zong Xichuan's smile emerged unconsciously.

But at this time, a blind man came forward and asked with confusion: "Senior brother, what are you talking about? Why do you seem to be in a good mood, senior brother?"

As soon as Zhao Yuxi said these words, everyone unconsciously looked at Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan.

Zong Xichuan calmed down his expression and said coldly: "It's nothing."

For some reason, Lawrence Lu felt a chill on his back. It seemed like there was no wind.

When everyone looked at Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan, there were two eyes that wanted to cut Meng Xia into pieces with a thousand knives.

"You are a slut at the same time, and you say you have nothing to do with Zong Xichuan." Lin Jin lowered his voice and gritted his teeth.

Now she felt more and more that Meng Xia was scheming.

She felt that the reason why Meng Xia had been refusing to admit her relationship with Zong Xichuan was to attract them to take action against her.

Then when the time comes, she will ask Zong Xichuan to avenge her.

What a deep thought.

She almost fell into Meng Xia's trap.

Fortunately, everything they did before was done in secret, leaving no evidence.

Otherwise, if Zong Xichuan finds out, they will be doomed.

Lin Jin suddenly remembered what Lu Xing had told her before about the Lu Group being targeted by the Zong Group.

At the beginning, they were still confused. The Zong Group had never had any enmity with the Lu Group, so how could it suddenly target the Lu Group?

Now that I think about it, there is a high probability that Meng Xia was responsible for this.

Lin Jin decided to tell Lu Xing about this after the show ended, since she now wanted to enter the Lu family.

Then the previous charges must be cleared.

She wanted the Lu family to know that Meng Xia was responsible for all this.

When the time comes, she doesn't believe that Father Lu will still sit back and ignore it.

It's best to deal with Meng Xia directly!
Lin Jin was still thinking about how to use the Lu family to deal with Meng Xia, but he had no idea that Mother Lu was already preparing to deal with her.

After seeing Meng Xia's paintings, he then looked at other people's paintings.

With Meng Xia's paintings in front, and most of the guests having never studied traditional Chinese painting, there were naturally no particularly outstanding works.

Finally, Lu Yuxi and Zong Xichuan each drew a painting.

After all, Zhao Yuxi and Zong Xichuan are the direct disciples of Dean Zhao, so their paintings are naturally impeccable.

Lu Yuxi painted a landscape painting, which is so vivid that it makes people feel as if they are actually there. Zong Xichuan painted a peony in bud.

Peonies are receiving the baptism of rain and are about to bloom into their most beautiful form.

Although they haven't bloomed yet, everyone seems to have seen what the peonies will look like after they are in full bloom.

A poem suddenly came to everyone's mind: Peonies are the only true national beauty, and they move the capital when they bloom.

Peony has been a symbol of nobility since ancient times.

Although there was only one peony painted by Zong Xichuan, everyone seemed to see thousands of peonies.

Everyone couldn't help but be impressed by Zong Xichuan's painting skills. He was truly a direct disciple of Dean Zhao.

While everyone was still admiring the painting, Lin Jin suddenly stepped forward and said to Zong Xichuan with a smile: "Young Master Zong, I wonder if I can beg for this painting on behalf of the child in my belly.

The first time he saw this painting, he kept kicking me in the stomach. Mr. Zong, can you give this painting to the child in my belly? "

Lin Jin knew that if he directly asked Zong Xichuan for this painting, Zong Xichuan would definitely not agree, so he used the child in his belly as an excuse.

Lin Jin was full of confidence and believed that Zong Xichuan would definitely give this painting to her in order not to be left out.

When the time comes, will she still be worried about not being able to enter the Lu family's house with the painting Zong Xichuan made by herself?
But Lin Jin didn't notice that everyone's expressions were indescribable after she said this.

Mainly because Lin Jin's excuse was too outrageous.

It's okay if you want to use your children as an excuse.

But the premise is that you can't be too outrageous.

Whose child will kick someone in one month?

Lin Jin really speaks without thinking.

But Lin Jin didn't care about this. As long as he could get Zong Xichuan's paintings, it didn't matter if he was a little shameless.

Although everyone knew that Lin Jin's excuse was outrageous, no one said anything.

If it had been before, Ou Ruoruo might have directly dismantled Lin Jin.

But now that Lin Jin is pregnant, if Lin Jin really joins the Lu family, it will be bad to cause trouble for her.

Everyone believed that doing more was better than doing less, and no one spoke up to expose Lin Jin.

Now it depends on Zong Xichuan's attitude.

If it were anyone else who was so morally kidnapped, they would definitely give the painting to Lin Jin even if they were unwilling.

But if this person is Zong Xichuan, that's not necessarily the case.

Even if Zong Xichuan is unwilling to give the painting to Lin Jin, no one will dare to say anything when the time comes.

Zong Xichuan picked up the painting.

Lin Jin curled her lips, feeling very happy. She knew that Zong Xichuan would definitely give the painting to her.

Lin Jin smiled and reached out to take it: "Thank you Zong..."

Before she could finish thanking him, Zong Xichuan handed the painting directly to Meng Xia.

Lin Jin's hand was just stuck in mid-air, and he could either withdraw it or not.

Everyone was also confused by this sudden change.

They thought that Zong Xichuan might not give the painting to Lin Jin, but they never thought that Zong Xichuan would pass over Lin Jin and give the painting directly to Meng Xia.

The person involved, Meng Xia, also looked confused.

Then he felt helpless. Did Zong Xichuan think she wasn't hateful enough?

Lin Jin originally had a strong opinion of her, but Zong Xichuan did this to the point where Lin Jin still hated her to death.

But even if this incident didn't happen, Lin Jin still had problems with him, and Meng Xia was used to it.

And she has never been a shy person.

She had picked up a lot of hot potatoes like this in her previous life, but she didn't pick them up well every time.

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