Chapter 118 Bringing humiliation to oneself
After Meng Xia finished speaking, everyone looked at Lu Xing.

Some people even started whispering.

"No, is this car really given to Lu Xing by Meng Xia's parents? If that's true, Lu Xing would be too shameless."

"Isn't that right? You bully someone else's daughter and you still have the nerve to drive a car that was given to you. How shameless."

"I didn't expect Lu Xing to be such a person."


Listening to everyone's whispers, Lu Xing's expression changed again and again.

He had even forgotten that this car was actually given to him by Meng Xia's parents.

It wasn't until Meng Xia suddenly mentioned it that he suddenly remembered.

"It's just a car. I kept it because of the friendship between the two families.

Since you said so, then this car will be returned to you. "

Lu Xing took out the car keys and threw them directly in front of Meng Xia.

Although I am very heartbroken, in front of so many people, if I don’t do this, I don’t know what these people will say.

Lin Jin felt very distressed when she saw Lu Xing's car keys thrown on the ground. She had been to Lu Xing's garage.

This is the most expensive car in Lu Xing's garage. Lu Xing always drives this car every time he picks her up, which can be said to have given her a lot of support.

Lin Jin didn't care how she got the car, she just regretted that she would lose one more opportunity to show off in the future.

But on the surface, Lin Jin still pretended not to care at all.

He also deliberately said angrily: "Xiaoxia, you are too stingy, it's just a car.

And you also said that this car was given to A Xing by your parents before they were alive. How could you have the nerve to take it back? "

There seems to be no problem with this.

But it seems that Meng Xia didn't ask Lu Xing to return the car, right?


"My parents said at the beginning that this car was for their son-in-law. Now that the engagement has been terminated, there shouldn't be any problem in returning the car.

Or..." Meng Xia didn't say the rest, but how could Lin Jin not know.

Since it was said that this car was given to the son-in-law of the Meng family, there was only one possibility for Lu Xing to refuse to return the car.

That is……

He also has some evil thoughts about Meng Xia!

Lin Jin's face suddenly darkened.

Although she knew that Lu Xing definitely didn't like Meng Xia, it didn't mean that she really didn't care at all.

After all, who wants their boyfriend to have unwanted thoughts about other women?

Before Lin Jin could speak, Lu Xing explained eagerly: "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even want a woman like you to give it to me for free."

It’s like Meng Xia is trash.

The air pressure around Zong Xichuan began to drop.

Everyone felt an inexplicable chill.

Lu Xing also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Although Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia have not made it public, almost everyone knows that Zong Xichuan is interested in Meng Xia from Zong Xichuan's attitude towards Meng Xia.

And Lu Xing's words were a direct slap in Zong Xichuan's face.

"Master Zong, that's not what I meant.

I mean Meng Xia is not good enough for you, and I definitely didn’t mean to say that your eyes are bad. " Lu Xing began to explain hurriedly.

It's okay if he doesn't explain. This explanation means that there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

When he explained this, Zong Xichuan's face became even more ugly.

"It's not your turn to tell me whether I am worthy or not. Mr. Lu should take care of his own family affairs first before meddling in other people's affairs.

I heard that your brother is about to get engaged, and the engagement partner is Lu's partner. Mr. Lu should pay more attention to his family background and stop meddling in other people's business. "A voice came from not far away.

Look in the direction of the sound.

The person coming was none other than Fu Yuze.

Fu Yuze always had a sharp tongue and had no intention of worrying about Lu Xing's face.

Although he spoke like Mr. Lu, there was no trace of respect at all. Instead, there was a sense of ridicule.

Lu Xing was furious.

He was about to scold the visitor angrily, but he held it back when he saw that the visitor was actually Fu Yuze.

He still couldn't afford to offend Fu Yuze, not to mention that Fu Yuze's own Changhong Entertainment was the leader in the entertainment industry.

Fu Yuze and Zong Xichuan are still cousins, and offending Fu Yuze is no different from offending Zong Xichuan.

Although Lu Xing had never been afraid of anyone due to his status in the Lu family, this was only if he had not met anyone from a truly wealthy family.

The Lu family looks very glamorous on the surface, but it cannot compare with those truly wealthy families.

In the ranking of Beijing's wealthy families, the Lu family is not even ranked in the top fifty.

The Zong family and the Fu family are both among the top ten families.

This ranking not only depends on financial resources, but also on status.

Although the Lu family has a little money, it is not a big family that has been around for hundreds of years.

The Lu family slowly began to rise until Lu's father's generation relied on the Meng family.

The top ten families are basically big families with hundreds of years of history, or families with people and money.

But no matter how they got to this ranking, the Lu family still couldn't afford to offend these people.

So even though Fu Yuze's words were unpleasant, Lu Xing could only grit his teeth and swallow them.

"Why are you here?" Zong Xichuan was also a little surprised by Fu Yuze's sudden appearance.

Fu Yuze showed a flattering smile to Zong Xichuan: "My old man asked me to invite you to my house for a meal."

After Fu Yu finished speaking, he stepped forward and hugged Zong Xichuan's arm, fearing that Zong Xichuan would refuse.

His old man had told him to take Zong Xichuan back no matter what.

Otherwise, just arrange a blind date for him directly

He still believed in what his old man said, if he couldn't successfully bring Zong Xichuan back.

Tomorrow his old man can directly drag him into the blind date bureau.

He is still young and really doesn't want to get married.

Thinking of this, Fu Yuze held Zong Xichuan's hand tighter.

Even if it means dragging him away today, he will drag Zong Xichuan back to him.

"Cousin, if you don't come back with me, your cousin and I will lose all my happiness for the rest of my life." Fu Yuze begged in Zong Xichuan's ear.

In fact, he wanted to add another sentence: "Are you willing to do it?"

But he thought about it, if he really asked that.

He felt that Zong Xichuan would reply to him without hesitation: "I'm willing to give it up."

So just don’t ask directly.

Zong Xichuan ripped Fu Yuze off his body.

Fu Yu, who was pulled off, looked at Zong Xichuan pitifully.

Zong Xichuan only felt that one head was as big as two.

He said nothing but glanced in the direction of Lu Xing and the others.

Fu Yuze immediately realized what Zong Xichuan meant.

Seeing that most of the cars were blocking the road, he said angrily: "Whoever parked the car must have bought this driver's license.

I can stop better with my feet than this. "

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