Chapter 120 Appearance
At this moment, Fu Yuze spoke again: "Master Lu, it seems inappropriate to just drive away someone else's car without saying a word, right?"

"Meng Xia, I'll take Xiao Jin to the hospital first. I'll definitely return the car to you when the time comes." After Lu Xing said that, he hugged Lin Jin and got into the car.

Meng Xia just looked at it and didn't stop her. She didn't speak until just before the car door was closed: "You'd better give it to me in cash. After all, I think this car is dirty."

Lu Xing scolded Meng Xia a hundred and eighty times in his heart, but in order to avoid Lin Jin having any problems, he could only grit his teeth and drive away.

Looking at the car driving away, Fu Yuze couldn't help but sigh: "Lu Xing really cares about Lin Jin. He believes such an obvious excuse."

Lu Xing didn't say anything else, but he was really okay with Lin Jin.

The staff of the program team ate such a large number of melons today, and they were really suffering from indigestion.

None of them had thought that there was so much inside story between Meng Xia and Lu Xing.

As expected of a wealthy family, the water is indeed deep.

Everyone's impression of Lu Xing also completely changed.

Although it was said before that Lu Xing was with Lin Jin after the Meng family went bankrupt, there were still many people supporting them at that time.

After all, everyone thought that the relationship between Lu Xing and Meng Xia was just a marriage contract made by their elders.

Who would have thought there were so many inside stories?

Meng Xia's previous post clarifying that the marriage contract between the two families was a matter initiated by the Lu family was already suppressed by the Lu family.

As a result, Lu Xing's actions today immediately reminded everyone of that post.

Many people have labeled Lu Xing as a white-eyed wolf in their hearts.

However, there are still many people who envy the relationship between Lu Xing and Lin Jin.

After all, Lu Xing was really kind to Lin Jin.

After Lu Xing and Lin Jin leave, others can leave as well.

Meng Xia took out her mobile phone and prepared to call her agent and ask her to pick him up.

Before she could make the call, Zhao Xiyu's car had already stopped in front of her.

Zhao Xiyu lowered the car window and stuck his head out: "Junior sister, get in the car. I'll give you a ride."

"No, I'll just ask my agent to pick me up." Meng Xia didn't intend to trouble others.

If it weren't for the fact that it was impossible to get a taxi here and it was not safe, she wouldn't even ask her agent to pick her up.

"Your agent is Sister Bai, she must be on a business trip these days."

"Huh?" Meng Xia was a little confused.

Why has her agent never told her about this? It stands to reason that even if she is filming a show, she should at least send her a message to inform her.

Mentioning the news, Meng Xia then remembered that he didn't seem to have opened the data yet.

When she handed over her phone, she turned off the data.

Meng Xia opened the data and saw the news.

Just yesterday, her agent suddenly sent her a message saying that she was going on a business trip and could not pick her up.

Ask her to find an assistant to pick her up.

But since the assistant was new, Meng Xia really didn't have the assistant's contact information.

Moreover, the agent probably forgot about this and did not send the assistant's contact information to Meng Xia.

Even if you call your agent at this time, she may not answer.

Zhao Xiyu noticed Meng Xia's little move of checking his phone and said with a smile: "I didn't lie to you.

This is what Mr. Fu told me. He asked me to give you a ride, so why are you waiting? Get in the car quickly. "

Meng Xia didn't shirk anymore this time, she opened the back seat door and planned to get in.

Before she could get into the car, Zhao Yuxi's slightly joking voice came again: "Junior sister, are you planning to treat me as a driver?" Meng Xia stopped getting into the car.

She searched the memory of the original owner.

It seems that there is indeed this etiquette when riding in a car.

If there is no one in the passenger seat while someone else is driving, and you sit in the back seat, you are indeed treating the other person as the driver.

Meng Xia closed the car door, walked to the other side and got into the passenger seat.

After getting in the car, Zhao Yuxi began to chat with Meng Xia nonchalantly: "Xiao Xia, after you finish filming this variety show, your schedule will only be the one we collaborate on, right?"

Meng Xia nodded.

She really didn't have any other plans, and she really didn't have much time.

After hearing that Meng Xia had no other schedule, Lawrence Lu expressed his request: "It's like this, I plan to shoot the MV for the album in the past few days, but the heroine has not been found yet.

So if you have no other arrangements, I would like to ask you to be the heroine of my MV. "

"Aren't you an actor?" Meng Xia asked sincerely in doubt.

"My main job is indeed an actor, but fans have always wanted me to be in business, so my manager asked me to release an album as a benefit to the fans." Zhao Yuxi was very helpless when he said this.

In fact, he doesn't understand this very much. He is just an actor. Even if he can sing well, he is not good enough to release an album.

But you know what his agent said?

'Since you have entered the entertainment industry, don't give up any opportunity to make money. '

Zhao Yuxi couldn't refute this, after all, who would think he had too much money.

After knowing the cause and effect, Meng Xia stopped asking any more questions.

She was naturally okay with helping Zhao Yuxi, and even though she was the one helping Zhao Yuxi.

In fact, it is more appropriate to say that Zhao Yuxi helped her. After all, being able to serve as the heroine of Zhao Yuxi's MV is something that many actresses would envy.

"Little junior sister, are you willing to do something like this?"

Meng Xia nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Yuxi sent Meng Xia back to the company.

As for why it wasn't delivered directly to your home, on the one hand it was because it was indeed a difficult journey.

Also, most of the paparazzi knew his car, so it would be understandable if he sent Meng Xia back to the company, but if he sent Meng Xia back directly, maybe the paparazzi would talk nonsense.

After Meng Xia returned to the company, she disguised herself and took a taxi home.

Lin Jin and Lu Xing on the other side had also gone to the hospital.

Originally, Lu Xing planned to send Lin Jin to the nearest hospital.

But how could Lin Jin agree? After all, if he went to another hospital, his fake pregnancy would be revealed.

In the end, Lu Xing took Lin Jin to the private hospital where he had checked before, despite Lin Jin's various excuses.

But what Lu Xing and Lin Jin didn't expect was that Mother Lu was actually here.

When she saw Lin Jin, Mother Lu snorted coldly: "It's just the right time. It saves me the trouble of looking for you."

An unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in Lin Jin's heart.

Lu Xing didn't know what was going on in Lin Jin's heart, so he looked for the doctor nervously: "Doctor! Where is the doctor?"

Many people came to this private hospital for check-ups, and their attention was quickly attracted by Lu Xing's voice.

"What are you shouting in a hurry? Isn't it embarrassing?" Mother Lu glared at Lu Xing.

At this time, Lu Xing couldn't care about that anymore and shouted impatiently to Mother Lu: "Mom, Xiaojin's stomach is not feeling well.

Where's the doctor? Let the doctor come and take a look quickly. "

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