Chapter 127 Female Companion
After finishing dessert, we started shooting again.

Zhao Yuxi is an actor, so there is no problem in filming a MV. In his previous life, Meng Xia often interacted with countless dignitaries, so his acting skills are naturally not bad.

The filming went very smoothly and ended early.

After it was over, Meng Xia planned to ask her assistant to take her home directly.

She would not really call Zong Xichuan.

But just because she doesn't call doesn't mean someone won't come.

When Meng Xia changed clothes and came out, Zong Xichuan was already sitting on the sofa at some point.

And her assistant has disappeared.

Zong Xichuan took a sip of tea and said to Meng Xia: "Your assistant has gone back beforehand. I will take you back. I just want to go back too."

Zong Xichuan said so, what else could Meng Xia say.

I can only get in the car.

As for whether the assistant is really in trouble, only she knows.

After the vehicle started, Zong Xichuan suddenly asked Meng Xia: "How was today's dessert? Is it still to your liking?"

"I did not eat."

Zong Xichuan was not angry and just asked: "Why? Is it not to your liking?"

Meng Xia shook his head, but expressed his concerns: "You will make others misunderstand our relationship."

Zong Xichuan was silent for a long time.

Just when Meng Xia thought he was angry.

"Do you really not want to have anything to do with me?" Zong Xichuan's voice was helpless.

Meng Xia didn't know what to say.

Again, Zong Xichuan is indeed very good.

But she really doesn't want to think about emotional matters now.

Seeing that Meng Xia was silent, Zong Xichuan probably knew what Meng Xia was thinking.

Also silent.

In the end, he could only say: "I will pay attention to it in the future, but you can't avoid me on purpose. At least give me a chance to pursue you."

Seeing that Zong Xichuan still refused to give up, Meng Xia felt an indescribable feeling.

"What do you like about me? Isn't it necessary for a family like yours to find a well-matched person?"

Facing Meng Xia's words, Zong Xichuan suddenly laughed: "Only those without ability need to rely on women to consolidate their status, and I don't need it."

What Zong Xichuan said was very arrogant.

But he does have the capital.

"But will your parents really allow you to marry a powerless person?" Meng Xia felt that Zong Xichuan's parents must want Zong Xichuan to find a well-matched lady.

No matter what era it is, marriage still pays attention to being well-matched. After all, different classes have different ideas.

Although there are ways to overcome all obstacles and get together, the process is very difficult.

Moreover, families with better family background place more emphasis on being well-matched.

Zong Xichuan did not answer Meng Xia's words immediately, but began to think seriously.

After a long time, he finally said: "My parents are very open-minded people and don't pay much attention to family background. What they care about is character.

And after I get married, I will have my own house and will not live with them. They will not interfere with our lives. "

Zong Xichuan's tone was serious, and Meng Xia could tell that he was not joking.

Meng Xia glanced at Zong Xichuan's profile.

It can be said that Zong Nishikawa is quite outstanding in every aspect. In any era, he would be the target of girls vying to marry.

Meng Xia might have been fascinated by Zong Xichuan in the past, but she had experienced too much.

I have also seen too many lovers without good results. There are many people who are really in love when they first get together, but gradually their edges are worn away by life.

The old vows of eternal love have become a joke.

She does not want to be bound by marriage.

Emotions are the hardest things to grasp. Who knows what will happen in the future.

So instead of being immersed in these love affairs, it is better to work hard to build a career of your own.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia's expression in the rearview mirror.

He found that Meng Xia's expression was still calm, without any twists and turns.

Zong Xichuan felt that Meng Xia had a calmness that was not among her peers, as if she had experienced a lot.

Zong Xichuan attributed all this to changes in his family.

After all, Meng Xia must have been a treasure protected by her family in the past. If her parents had not died suddenly, her life would have been smooth and smooth, and she would not have to worry about the trivial matters of life.

But now everything has to depend on her.

Zong Xichuan actually admired Meng Xia. After all, ordinary people might become depressed or even commit suicide after suffering such a big setback.

But Meng Xia persisted and even brought his younger brother who had gone astray back on track.

It can be said that Meng Xia is stronger than many men.

What Zong Xichuan likes is Meng Xia's perseverance.

When she was in the military, she was obviously scarred, but she never thought of backing down.

And even after experiencing such a big setback, Meng Xia's heart is still so kind.

Zong Xichuan remembered when he had just retired from the army. At that time, Meng Xia clearly didn't have much money and had to take care of Meng Sheng.

But he still offered to help him find a job.

She was nice to him not because she was greedy for anything, but because she wanted to help retired soldiers make a living.

Meng Xia felt as if someone was looking at her. She raised her head and glanced at Zong Xichuan, only to find that Zong Xichuan was driving the car intently.

I immediately felt that I must be delusional.

After arriving at Yushuiwan Villa, Meng Xia planned to go home directly, but was stopped by Zong Xichuan.

"There is a dinner party tomorrow night. Can you attend as my female companion?"

Meng Xia was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to agree or refuse.

After all, this was the first time Zong Xichuan asked her for help, and she indeed owed Zong Xichuan too many favors.

But if she is photographed by the media attending a dinner party with Zong Xichuan, someone may start spreading rumors again.

"Don't worry, this is a private banquet, there will be no media." Zong Xichuan seemed to know what Meng Xia was thinking, and spoke directly to relieve Meng Xia's concerns.

Now Meng Xia had nothing to worry about and agreed to Zong Xichuan's request.

But since we are attending a dinner party, there are certain things that we must ask first.

"I'll bring the dress myself. Can I pick it out again tomorrow?"

Meng Xia's previous dresses have been sold out by Meng Sheng. Although there are several dresses sent by brands now, Meng Xia is afraid of embarrassing Zong Xichuan.

After all, her female companion represents Zong Xichuan's face.

Since Zong Xichuan was attending the banquet, it should be of a relatively high grade.

So you still have to be careful about the dress.

"Wait, I'll have the stylist come over tomorrow." Zong Xichuan's words meant that Meng Xia didn't have to worry about the dress.

Meng Xia didn't say anything more and went straight back to his villa.

Since he was away from home for a long time, Meng Xia hired a nanny to clean the house.

By this time the nanny had already prepared dinner.

After Meng Xia had dinner, he studied the script for a while and then fell asleep.

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