Chapter 133 The slap in the face is in progress

"Meng Xia, what nonsense are you talking about! I think you just envy us!" Meng Ziyi's little follower glared at Meng Xia.

Meng Xia smiled lightly: "If you don't believe it, you can ask a professional to identify it and you will know."

For some reason, seeing Meng Xia's people like this, several people started to feel a little nervous.

Are all these things Meng Ziyi gave them fake?

Yes, the things Meng Xia pointed out were all given to her little follower by Meng Ziyi.

When Meng Ziyi saw Meng Xia say this, and now many people's eyes were looking this way, she suddenly felt that her face was dull.

"Who do you think you are? You can tell whether the jewelry is fake at a glance.

Meng Xia, I know you are jealous of my current life, but do you think we will believe your lies if you say this? "

Meng Ziyi deliberately played with the jade bracelet on her hand: "I spent 200,000 yuan on this bracelet, so I will give it to you because you are so pitiful.

Lest you don’t make people laugh at even one piece of jewelry. "

With that said, Meng Ziyi threw the bracelet in front of Meng Xia.

The bracelet dropped to the ground with a crisp sound.

Meng Ziyi pretended to be innocent and said: "Oh, I'm sorry that my hand slipped. But it's okay to pick it up and repair it. It's just right for someone like you."

As he spoke, several people laughed again.

Meng Xia just looked at these people coldly.

I cursed an idiot in my mind.

She also lost the only genuine item she had on her.

Meng Ziyi looked at Meng Xia's calm expression and felt very unhappy.

Why can Meng Xia still act so calm!

Suddenly she thought of a good idea and walked to sit on the other side of Meng Xia with a deliberate smile.

"Xiao Xia, I know you must be envious of my current life. Let's do this. I'll give you a chance. As long as you kowtow to me in public, I can consider asking dad to take you and your gambling brother back. "Meng Ziyi said as if giving alms.

Meng Xia didn't say anything, just picked up the drink on the side and threw it directly at Meng Ziyi's face.

Meng Ziyi didn't notice Meng Xia's movements, and when she reacted, the juice had already been splashed on her face.

"Ahhhh!!" Meng Ziyi screamed.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned this way.

"Meng Xia, you bitch!!" Meng Ziyi raised her hand and was about to slap Meng Xia in the face.

But as soon as her hand rose into the air, it was caught by Meng Xia's.

Meng Xia shook off Meng Ziyi's hand and looked at Meng Ziyi with cold eyes: "Have you forgotten how your family's wealth came from?"

Meng Ziyi started to feel a little guilty.

She naturally knew that her family was what it was today because of the seizure of the company after Meng Xia's parents passed away.

Looking at the crowd slowly walking towards this side, Meng Ziyi deliberately said loudly: "Sister, even if you don't want to go back with me, you don't have to hit me, right?"

The people who came to watch were stunned when they heard this.

They don't pay much attention to things in the entertainment industry, so they don't know about Meng Xia.

But they knew Meng Ziyi's identity and subconsciously thought that Meng Xia was the illegitimate daughter of Meng Ziyi's father. '

Everyone began to whisper.

A good-hearted man deliberately walked up to Meng Ziyi and asked, "When did Miss Meng get a younger sister?"

Meng Ziyi saw that everyone's eyes were attracted to her, and she deliberately said aggrievedly: "Xiao Xia is my uncle's daughter. I just suggested that she move back home today, but who knew she actually picked up the drink next to her and started drinking? Throw it in my face."

Everyone around heard Meng Ziyi's words and began to blame Meng Xia. "You really treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs. Miss Meng is so kind-hearted. Even if she doesn't appreciate it, she even throws paint at Miss Meng."

"Let me tell you, such poor relatives are not worthy of help. Such people are ungrateful people, just like the Shen family before."

Mentioning the Shen family, everyone also thought about it.

Some time ago, a big event happened in the Shen family, which is also a wealthy family. The boss of the Shen family took his brother's children back to live in his own home.

Originally, Mr. Shen thought that the child's parents were under too much pressure, so he brought one of the three children to his home to raise him.

She enjoys the same treatment as her biological daughter.

Unexpectedly, after graduating from college, the girl living at home in the Shen family suddenly fell in love with their biological daughter's fiancé.

And it was found on the bed at home.

The Shen family's daughter had a heart disease, and she was so angry that she was sent to the hospital and almost didn't come back without resuscitation.

But things have already happened, what else can be done now, of course the only choice is to cancel the engagement.

But the girl from the relative's family took advantage of this opportunity and directly stepped into the Shen family and married into a wealthy family.

After marrying into a wealthy family, she deliberately set her husband's family against the Shen family.

Because the girl said she wanted to intern before, the Shen family let her join the company as an intern.

Unexpectedly, at that time, the girl directly stole the Shen family's business secrets.

This directly caused the Shen family to lose a big deal and almost go bankrupt.

The eyes everyone looked at Meng Xia became even more meaningful.

Especially what he said after seeing Meng Xia's face was even more unpleasant.

"She's so good-looking. It seems like she's deliberately trying to seduce a man."

Someone saw the scene when Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan came in together, and deliberately said in a sinister manner: "Now that everyone has become attached to Young Master Zong, they naturally look down on the Meng family.

It's a pity that Ms. Meng's good intentions ended up being fed to the dog. "

"She doesn't really think that the Zong family will let a person from a small family like her come in. It's really ridiculous!"

Most of the people who spoke were young ladies. They were already jealous of Meng Xia being able to attend the dinner party with Zong Xichuan. Now that they had finally found the opportunity, they naturally wanted to add insult to injury.

At this time, someone suddenly remembered something.

"Miss Meng said she is your uncle's child?"

Meng Ziyi nodded: "Meng Xia is indeed my uncle's child, but he has never been close to my family."

Meng Ziyi's words made everyone feel that Meng Xia was ignorant.

But the person who just asked Meng Ziyi suddenly realized something.

Pointing at Meng Xia, he said, "You are Xia Zhiheng's daughter!"

"Who is Xia Zhiheng?" The ladies began to discuss in low voices.

But the fathers behind them widened their eyes.

"She is actually Xia Zhiheng's daughter!"

A young lady was really curious, so she took her father's hand and asked, "Well, who is this Xia Zhiheng? Why are you all so shocked?"

Her father looked at Meng Xia and said with a somewhat sad tone: "Xia Zhiheng was once the richest man in the capital. But there was a car accident later and he and his wife both passed away."

The people around him took a collective breath when they heard this. '

The richest man in Beijing!

You must know that there are so many rich people in the capital, but the only ones who can be called the richest people are the Zong family.

But since they say that Xia Zhiheng was the richest man in the past, it means that the Zong family's former wealth was not as good as his!

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