Chapter 145 Director’s Hobbies

This incident became more and more popular on the Internet, and many people went to the official blog of the production team to ask for an explanation.

Naturally, the director also knew about this.

The director laughed out loud when he saw the video of the female internet celebrity.

This was really the first time he had seen such a shameless person. After being kicked out, he still had the nerve to show off to the Yin Yang crew.

What a big face!

As a veteran who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, how could the director not know what the female internet celebrity was up to.

It's just that he wants to use Internet public opinion to threaten himself, and then let himself invite her back to the crew.

For this little calculation of female Internet celebrities. The director just wanted to say: "What a beautiful idea!"

Who did she think she was, and she personally invited her back.

I would only do that if I had shit in my head.

Otherwise it is simply impossible!

Don't even think about it!

The public relations staff member in charge of the crew couldn't help but ask: "Director, do we need to come forward to clarify this matter now?"

"No, since they helped us promote it for free, we naturally can't waste this good opportunity." The director sneered.

Since that sister Haitang wants to make a big deal out of this matter, then I will help her!

Not only did the director not come forward to suppress this matter, he also deliberately bought hot searches to keep this matter on the hot search list.

There are more and more negative comments about the crew on the Internet, but the director has never come forward.

The female internet celebrity became even more embarrassed when she saw this. She felt that the director must regret ejecting her from the crew now.

Maybe I am just thinking about how to invite myself back to the crew now.

But she didn't plan to forgive the director so easily. After all, he kicked her out of the crew in front of so many people, which could be said to have completely humiliated her.

If she is to be cast in the film, she must be cast as the heroine.

Otherwise, she will ruin the director's reputation!
If the director knew what the female internet celebrity was thinking at this time, he might not be able to help but say: "She looks pretty even though she doesn't look that good."

And letting her be the heroine is really hilarious.

The director has allowed the comments on the Internet to continue to ferment.

Seeing that the director had no reaction, the female internet celebrity simply started the live broadcast.

She kept crying when the live broadcast started.

He said that he just wanted to play a small supporting role, but he was targeted and kicked out of the crew.

She knew that she had no background, so she could only endure all the grievances.

However, the female internet celebrity was cautious and did not directly say who bullied her.

Even if people in the live broadcast room asked her, she would not tell her, she would just cry and say that she had no power.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, netizens couldn't help but begin to speculate about what she had gone through on the set.

At this time, the director was also watching Sister Haitang's live broadcast.

Hearing what Sister Haitang said, he was immediately laughed out of anger.

I didn’t expect that this woman was not serious when she was on the set, but her acting skills were quite good at this time.

If he hadn't been the person involved, I'm afraid he would have believed her lies.

The director just kept watching with his cell phone. He wanted to see what else this Haitang sister would say.

He just wanted to know how much more blame this person wanted to take on himself!
When Meng Xia came in, he saw the director holding up his mobile phone and watching the live broadcast.

And from Meng Xia's angle, you can just see a little of the content on the phone, and it seems that she is still a woman.

"Damn it! Director, you secretly watched a beautiful woman's live broadcast!" A cry came from the door.

It was not Meng Xia who spoke, but Liu Mei behind Meng Xia.

People outside also heard what was going on inside. When Liu Mei said that the director was secretly watching the beauty's live broadcast, everyone's eyelids jumped. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, such an honest director would be like this in private.

The director's head was full of black lines, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

The director glared at Liu Mei.

Rebel! How dare you ruin my reputation!

Liu Mei ignored the director's murderous eyes and walked directly in with Meng Xia in her arms.

After listening to Meng Xia's words, Liu Mei completely woke up.

She realized that she didn't really have to be Fu Yuze, and it was just like Meng Xia said.

Why do we have to be obsessed with love? Isn’t it nice to concentrate on our career?

At this time, Fu Yuze still didn't know that his only peach blossom had been beheaded by Meng Xia.

After figuring it out, Liu Mei and Meng Xia became good friends.

She was one-sided.

But Meng Xia didn't dislike her contact either.

So Meng Xia had a little tail behind her.

Zong Xichuan wanted to talk to Meng Xia alone several times but was interrupted by Liu Mei.

As a result, Zong Xichuan had a big problem with Liu Mei. He suspected that Liu Mei was the one who came to snatch Meng Xia from him.

But I can't get it myself!

So angry.

Seeing that he couldn't make sense with Liu Mei, the director directly handed the phone to Liu Mei.

Liu Mei looked at the mobile phone in front of her and looked at the director with even more disgust.

"Director, what kind of vision do you have? He doesn't look very good." Liu Mei commented.

Director: What is it about having the urge to kill someone?

"But why does this person look familiar?" Liu Mei couldn't help but muttered while looking at the person on the phone.

At this time, Meng Xia said suddenly: "It's the female internet celebrity who was kicked out that day."

The director cast an appreciative look at Meng Xia, "Xiao Xia has good eyesight, unlike some people who always open their eyes and tell lies!"

Liu Mei, who was impressed by the connotation, said unconvinced: "I just didn't see it for a moment, and what I said is right. Aren't you watching the beauty live broadcast?"

The director was so angry that Liu Mei had nothing to say, and simply didn't want to talk to her anymore.

However, the director quickly thought of a question and looked at Meng Xia in confusion, "I remember that when she was driven away, you were still in the room discussing the plot with the editor. How did you recognize her?"

When the director said this, Liu Mei also reacted.

Yes, Meng Xia never saw the female internet celebrity being kicked out of the crew, so how did she recognize the female internet celebrity.

"When I first joined the crew, I took note of all the people, and she was the only one missing among the actresses." Meng Xia said lightly.

At this time, Liu Mei and the director looked at Meng Xia in shock.

Liu Mei tentatively spoke: "So you have memorized the faces of everyone on the crew?"

Meng Xia nodded.

Liu Mei still didn't believe it, "Then tell me what the two security guards at the door look like."

Meng Xia thought about it for a while and then started to describe it directly, "The one on the left is about 1.7 meters tall. He has a mole on the right side of his face and his hair is a little bald. His name is Li Sheng.

The one on the right is about 1.8 meters tall and looks to be a veteran. There is a scar on the back of his left hand and an obscure scar on his forehead. He should have gotten it when we were on a mission together. His name is Liu Hua. "

After Meng Xia finished speaking, Liu Mei and the director fell silent.

Liu Mei even went to confirm it.

Actually, what Meng Xia said was exactly the same!

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