Chapter 148 Investigating the Truth
What is certain at present is that the mastermind behind the scenes is either Lin Jin or Ou Ruoruo.

It is easy to clarify this matter, but it is a bit difficult to find out the mastermind behind it.

And even if you knew it was one of them who did it, you couldn't do anything.

There are people behind these two people.

Especially Lin Jin, who is now pregnant with Lu Xing's child and is almost the soon-to-be young wife of the Lu family.

Although the director also wanted to teach Meng Xia a lesson to those who stirred up trouble behind his back, after all, this matter was ultimately because of himself.

Meng Xia was just involved.

But he and Meng Xia were just ordinary people, so how could they really fight against the wealthy.

The director looked at Meng Xia guiltily, "I am the one who has caused you trouble in this matter. I will ask people to clarify the matter on the Internet."

Meng Xia hummed.

Naturally, she would not blame the director for this matter. After all, the director was also a victim.

The director is also very angry now. He was already disgusted by the nonsense the female internet celebrity said after leaving the crew.

If it weren't for the free publicity, he wouldn't have left this matter alone.

Who knew that something like this would happen when I was about to clarify.

The director was a little annoyed at this time. If he hadn't been greedy for petty gains, Meng Xia would not have suffered this unreasonable disaster.

At this time, he hated the female internet celebrity even more.

However, he was somewhat glad that he had kicked the female internet celebrity out of the crew early, otherwise there might have been big trouble in the later stages.

Although the role of the female internet celebrity is just an insignificant supporting role, she is filmed within the crew after all.

His nemesis is also filming a military-themed drama recently. It would be terrible if the news leaked.

Thinking of this, the director immediately decided to wait until the matter was settled before signing a confidentiality contract with the crew, just in case something unexpected happened.

Just when the director was about to take someone to deal with the matter, Zong Xichuan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke,

"I'll handle this matter."

Meng Xia and the director both looked towards Zong Xichuan.

The director's face suddenly lit up with joy. After all, if Zong Xichuan had dealt with this matter, it would have been much easier to solve.

Maybe he could even warn the people behind the scenes.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still wanted to show off on the surface.

"Don't worry, Master Zong. I can handle this matter well and I will definitely be able to explain it clearly."

Although the director said that he would explain the matter clearly, he did not say how to deal with the people behind it.

In fact, the director's words are also testing the relationship between Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia.

Although he thought that Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia were already together, even if they were not together, at least their relationship would not be too bad.

After all, otherwise Zong Xichuan would not have taken Meng Xia to attend Mrs. Mu's birthday party.

However, Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia have hardly spoken since they joined the group. Even when they did talk, they discussed the contents of the script.

This made the director very confused.

The reason why he wanted to know about the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan was not because of any flattery, but simply out of curiosity.

How could the director know that Meng Xia had contacted Zong Xichuan in private after joining the group?

Zong Xichuan was deliberately asked to pretend to be unfamiliar with her in order to avoid these troubles.

When Zong Xichuan first appeared on the crew, many people did think of the relationship between Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia.

After all, the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan seems to be good in variety shows, and many people are speculating about the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan.

But seeing the alienation between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan, everyone naturally gradually no longer doubted their relationship.

I just thought that their previous performances in variety shows were purely scripts.

Zong Xichuan naturally knew that the director was deliberately testing him.

But he couldn't ignore this matter.

After all, this matter is ultimately because of myself.

And if I let the girl I like feel wronged in front of me, then what qualifications do I have to say I like her.

"I will investigate this matter clearly." Zong Xichuan said calmly.

The director didn't say anything else this time.

He could naturally understand the meaning of Zong Xichuan's words.

What Zong Xichuan said was to investigate clearly.

That means he will investigate everyone related to this matter.

And from Zong Xichuan's attitude, the director also determined that the relationship between Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan is definitely unusual.

But he certainly knows what can and cannot be said.

Since Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia have always kept a distance in the crew, it means that they don't want outsiders to know about their relationship.

I am the only one who knows about this now. If this matter is spread out by then, I will definitely be the first to be unlucky.

After receiving Zong Xichuan's approval, the director walked out directly, giving Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan some time alone.

Just now, he could tell that Meng Xia wanted to say something to Zong Xichuan when Zong Xichuan said he would handle this matter personally.

As a discerning person like him, he naturally wanted to give the two of them some time alone.

When they were leaving, the director specifically told them that Meng Xia and Zong Xichuan were discussing the plot and asked others not to disturb them.

Everyone was busy preparing for their own scenes, so naturally they didn't have time to pay too much attention to them.

When only Zong Xichuan and Meng Xia were left, Meng Xia said, "You don't have to take action in this matter yourself."

Meng Xia actually didn't care who was behind it, after all, such things would happen again in the future.

Of course, if you haven't done it yourself, you won't be afraid of being criticized.

Zong Xichuan looked at Meng Xia with deep eyes, "Do you want me to just watch you being bullied like this?

Then what qualifications do I have to say I like you. "

Meng Xia's face turned red.

Although she already knew that Zong Xichuan liked her, she was still a little embarrassed to hear Zong Xichuan say it so bluntly.

Although it was true that she had received overtures from other young masters from other aristocratic families in her previous life before she left the court, she didn't know why Zong Xichuan gave her a different feeling.

She always felt a little embarrassed when facing Zong Xichuan.

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Meng Xia calmed down and said seriously: "Actually, I don't care about this. Those who are clean will be clean themselves."

"But I don't want you to suffer this injustice." Zong Xichuan looked directly at Meng Xia, with deep affection in his eyes.

I just felt my heart skip a beat, and I didn't dare to look at Zong Xichuan.

"Whatever you want." He said and walked out directly.

Zong Xichuan noticed Meng Xia's slightly red ears and smiled helplessly.

He found that Meng Xia was actually a very shy person. Every time he spoke a little more straightforwardly, Meng Xia would always run away.

From Meng Xia's various behaviors, Zong Xichuan could see that Meng Xia actually didn't really have any feelings for him. So what he has to do now is to completely conquer Meng Xia's heart.

He really didn't want to deliberately keep a distance from Meng Xia.

On the first day she joined the crew, Meng Xia approached him privately and asked him to deliberately appear to have a normal relationship with her.

In fact, Zong Xichuan was still a little unhappy in his heart, but what identity did he have to stand by Meng Xia's side openly and honestly now.

If he showed that his relationship with Meng Xia was unusual at this time, it would only cause trouble to Meng Xia.

Just like this.

Thinking of this matter, Zong Xichuan's face suddenly turned cold.

He took out his cell phone and called his assistant.


The comments on the Internet intensified, and almost everyone was scolding Meng Xia.

[A certain person is really fed up, even if she goes in through the back door, she actually bullies others. I really don’t think she has such a high status. 】

[What do you know? She must have a background. I heard that she has an unusual relationship with the boss of Changhong Entertainment. 】

[Another person who sells his status, so shameless! 】

[Can such people get out of the entertainment industry? Don’t dirty the entertainment industry. 】

[I asked why someone’s resources are so good. Mr. Fu’s relationship is on the list. 】

[I originally thought she was quite talented when she was on a variety show, but I didn’t expect that she turned out to be this kind of person in private. 】

[You also believe what happened on the variety show. It is the script at first glance. If she was really that good, she would have become famous when she first debuted. 】


Lin Jin felt very comfortable looking at the comments on the Internet.

Didn't Meng Xia gain a lot of fans through her last variety show?
Then she will let all her fans vanish into thin air!
She would never allow Meng Xia to surpass herself.

So she had to strangle Meng Xia in the cradle when she first became angry.

But Lin Jin also knew that this matter would definitely be clarified.

After all, the female Internet celebrity has no evidence, and she was kicked out of the crew. The crew will definitely protect Meng Xia when the time comes.

But none of this matters anymore. No matter how the crew clarifies, there will definitely still be some netizens who will have opinions about Meng Xia.

After all, Meng Xia's role as the heroine has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

After the show is aired, Meng Xia's poor acting skills will still make people laugh.

Meng Xia may have learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting before the Meng family went bankrupt.

But when it comes to acting, Lin Jin can guarantee that Meng Xia has never learned it.

After all, Meng Xia joined Haitian Entertainment not long after dropping out of school.

Under her instruction, Haitian Entertainment did not give Meng Xia any professional lessons.

Even after arriving at Changhong Entertainment, Meng Xia studied again.

But what could she learn in just a few months?

Unless she is naturally gifted.

But if Meng Xia was really talented, how could he snatch Lu Xing away from her?

If Meng Xia really had any acting skills, he wouldn't be fooled around by others.

When he first joined Haitian Entertainment, Lin Jin also tested Meng Xia, but it was true that he had no acting skills.

She can't even cry during crying scenes. It's amazing that such a person can play the heroine well.

Lin Jin happily drank another bowl of soup when he thought about Meng Xia's fate of being betrayed by everyone.

Even if Zong Xichuan is there to protect her, an incompetent vase will not pose any threat to her at all.

Although Lin Jin has been raising her baby peacefully at home, she has always been very concerned about things on the Internet.

After she became pregnant, Ou Ruoruo didn't let her go, and directly asked Lu Xing to take away several of her endorsements.

Although she is pregnant now, there are other people in the company.

She can be regarded as seeking benefits for the people in the company.

And she is also warning those in the circle who are still waiting to see her show that she has already secured her position as the young mistress of the Lin Jin Lu family!
While Lin Jin was scrolling through Weibo, Lu Xing came back.

But the face doesn't look very good.

Lin Jin saw Lu Xing's ugly expression and thought he must have encountered something in the company.

Now that Lu Xing has joined the company, he has a lot to do every day, and sometimes he will inevitably feel irritable.

At this time, Lin Jin was ready to be a interpretive flower and caring about Lu Xing thoughtfully.

"Ah Xing, did something happen at the company? Why do you look so ugly?" Lin Jin stepped forward and asked with concern.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xing threw her away and said angrily: "It's not all because of you! Think about what you did behind my back!"

Lin Jin immediately knew that Zong Xichuan had discovered that he had asked the female internet celebrity to slander Meng Xia.

Lin Jin didn't expect Zong Xichuan to be able to find out the matter so quickly, and judging from Lu Xing's appearance, Zong Xichuan must have caused trouble for him.

But fortunately, she had already thought of a countermeasure.

Lin Jin held his stomach and kept crying, looking at Lu Xing with a heartbroken look on his face, "I'm still pregnant with your child, and you actually pushed me?"

With that said, he started to walk out the door.

Only then did Lu Xing come back to his senses.

He was so angry just now that he forgot that Lin Jin was still pregnant.

Now that I think about it, I feel scared. Fortunately, nothing happened to Lin Jin, otherwise I would regret it to death.

Seeing Lin Jin was about to run away from home, Lu Xing immediately stepped forward and hugged Lin Jin, "It's my fault for pushing you, but you shouldn't have done anything behind my back.

Because of what you did, one of the company's already acquired orders was snatched away by the Zong Group.

Moreover, the partners who had previously cooperated with the company also wanted to terminate their contracts. Because of this, I was scolded by my father all afternoon. "

Lu Xing still had resentment in his heart, but Lin Jin was pregnant at this time and had nowhere to vent his anger.

Lin Jin knew that if he didn't explain clearly, Lu Xing would definitely be alienated from him in the future.

So she wiped her tears and said with an aggrieved face: "I also want to avenge you. Who told Meng Xia to break off the engagement in public before and make you embarrassed?"

Lu Xing's face suddenly darkened when he mentioned the matter of being annulled.

The fact that Meng Xia broke off the engagement in public was a shame in his life!

There are still many people secretly laughing at him behind his back because of this incident.

He said that he was worthy of being an illegitimate son, and even his fiancée didn't like him, and the engagement was forcibly broken off.

Because of Meng Xia, he became a laughing stock in the circle.

This incident became a thorn in his heart.

But when Lin Jin mentioned this matter, Lu Xing immediately became even more resentful towards Lin Jin.

After all, Zong Xichuan targeted the Lu family because of Meng Xia.

If it weren't for Meng Xia, how could he be blamed by Father Lu?

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